Easter Class

Archangel Gabriel

Shamballa, long Island, New York

Easter Sunday

April 3, 1983

Rarely have we in the Angelic Kingdom felt such a resurrecting, ascending current of Light in which we could enter to co-serve with our brothers and sisters in the human kingdom! Would you kindly be seated...

Oh Joy! How shall I sing thy praises this day! Feel dear ones, a great Trumpeter Angel above your right shoulder sending forth a Cosmic Tone from the Golden Horn of Gabriel .  . . the WORD PULSATING THROUGH the ATMOSPHERE of the EARTH that "All is well". All IS well in the emotional fabric of this planet. All IS well in the emotional fabric of this Activity of Light.

And all IS well in the emotional bodies of these dear souls gathered here in such selfless service. Feel the golden radiation of the WORD going forth. And as you do, you are attuning to the assimilation of the electronic pattern for the opening of our retreat of the Resurrection, the Retreat of the Angels, watched over by Lord Raphael, my humble self and others who currently work with the Angel of Restoration. When else could such a service be done for the emotional body of this planet, than when Angels and men work hand in hand.

Oh the Truths that have been given you through the ages, even in this last short generation of time, that part of the fundamental aspect of the Era of Spiritual Freedom would be the working together of Angels and men. And this has occurred today. And the permanence of the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom of our beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain rests on this fact.... for, every other golden age brought forth since the fall of humanity, rested in great souls who were able to hold in abeyance the forces of karma until the golden age could flourish to its height.

But when these souls were removed because of the need of the Cosmic Law to unleash the karma, barely a golden age remained. And so you can see the gift that was given this planet through this Easter weekend. Great forces of karmic energy held in abeyance have been removed (by Angels and men working together) and shall not be allowed to interfere with the Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom upon this planet. I, Gabriel, the Heralding Angel, announce that that energy has BEEN REMOVED! and a great JOY is felt in the emotional elementals of this planet.

Oh the scars of death go back far, far, far into the history of this planet. And it was part of the Divine Plan of the Master Jesus to show the overcoming of fear, the overcoming of death — through the Divine Love of Christ-made-flesh, and that is what you have accomplished this morning... the Resurrection of a certain aspect of the feeling nature of this planet from separateness and fear into love and peace.... the abiding presence of love and peace in the emotional element of this planet.

Witness! You called forth the undines and the undines came (rain). There was good reason. We always protect the heart center of this planet with great purity when forces of karma are being dealt with so that never could a blow be struck at the heart center. And all was accomplished in such divine Union of Angels and men this morning (and through these Easter classes).

Oh and the joy in the hearts of the Angels! Let us pause for a moment, for you deserve the gift of FEELING the ANGEL of RESTORATION, who has entered into the aura of this holy sanctuary with me. A singular Angel of Restoration is descending now into the aura of each and every one of you and all gathered here in their etheric bodies or by the ties of Light. And through the pressure of my Archangelic consciousness, "I AM" charging, and charging, and CHARGING the feeling of the Presence of the Shining Ones into your heightened emotional element.

And we shall resurrect the abiding presence of Love and Peace, until the ONENESS of ALL LIFE AS LIGHT is experienced in your vehicles. That is our gift from the Resurrection Focus this Holy Easter morning. And radiating through the sapphire blue Star of Unity is our beloved Micah; for his activity is blending at One with the Starburst of White Light, the portal to the Great Central Sun and beyond; the Light of the Angel of Restoration playing through our Focus of the Angels.

For in your service this day have you healed one of the greater scars of separateness. And Beloved Micah is smiling serenely within his star, radiating forth his gift, his edict, of reaching out and claiming the inner life on this planet and drawing all into the experience of Oneness in consciousness.

Feel the cohesiveness in the emotional fabric of this planet. Feel the unity in the emotional body of this Ascended Master Activity of pure Light. And feel the Arisen Christ resurrected and unified with your outer self, each one individually. Oh dear ones, around this planet are sighs of such relief and such joy by the Devic Lords and if I could whisk you around the Earth several times and show you the actual effects of your work in the Nature Kingdom, in the Angelic Kingdom, in the inner worlds of humanity, you would rejoice!

But you are yet restricted in limited consciousness, so I pray that the Father-God of us all will reveal to you in your feeling world the great service that has been rendered through these Easter classes and shall do so until the end of this sacred conference.

And there is someone tugging on my robes... Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Beloved Mother Mary...

Archangel Gabriel


Beloved Mother Mary

Ah sweet children I could not pass up the opportunity of taking each one of you into the embrace of my arms as I held the body of my son two thousand years ago; helped place him in the tomb... knowing full well without a question of a doubt the complete Resurrection and Life of his perfected physical form, his etheric, mental and emotional bodies... Would you kindly be seated....

I shall not be long with you, but oh I would have you understand the Forces of Healing that have gone forth. And we have spoken before of the need for changes on this planet, and this..... THIS dear hearts are those changes. At this stage of your evolution, you do not need confirmation in the physical realm, of great changes. You need only to open your worlds to the feeling of the Angels, and the perfect God qualities available to this planet.

And, if anything, I want to say to you this morning that because of what has happened, and is God Victorious this day, that those Angelic God qualities are more available now, to your feeling worlds.

My holy son Jesus, during his ministry, bathed in the glory of the Angelic Host day after day. He was supported and sustained by the Angelic Host. His Service was not done purely out of his own willpower, nor do we expect your service done purely of willpower.

It is in surrendering to the higher God qualities, energies and forces that are available! The Angels from the Resurrection Temple this month long to draw close to you, and Lord Raphael and myself are so active this month. And if I may "put in a plug", if you could think of my lifestream this month it would do great service to my Sacred Heart Focus when it opens in May for the incoming children for the next twelve month period. They shall come into a healed emotional planet. If you could hear the song that this planet is now giving off; its tone has lifted; its fragrance more pure.

And the patience of Lady Virgo! Try dear ones to perceive the change in tone, the change in fragrance of the planet Earth. I simply want you to participate in all of the goodness of God. For in Saint Germain's dawning Golden Age there is no service out of duty, there is only service out of deep commitment and an even deeper understanding and joy... a co-service with the Angels,

Elementals and Ascended Ones. You are such shining examples of this co-service through these classes. Oh, does the Father-Mother God love you this morning! And I, as the Mother of all the children on this planet, thank you from the depth of my heart for the service of release that has been given this day and the healing done for this planet.

In the name of Gabriel, in the name of Raphael, in the name of all the Angels assigned to this planet Earth from all the Seven Spheres, "I AM the Resurrection and the Life" of your eternal Victory in the Light of God that never fails! Good Morning!

Mother Mary





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