Beloved Lady Nada

Kenilworth, England

May 6, 1983

From the pulse beat of my heart, to the pulse beat of your heart, feel our hearts beat as one. I would like you to begin to understand why we are bringing forth and emphasizing at this time the Feminine Principle of Life. Does it not take the glorious mother aspect to bring manifestation into form. I want you to realize, each one, that within the very center of your being, your true identity, abides the Christ. The Christ principle which we have studied through the centuries in one form or another, and most recently in the Christian Dispensation.

And now we have thought of one Christ for too long. And so, through the principle of ‘motherhood', or the feminine aspect, we shall all unite as one great Light containing both aspects of Divinity. It is necessary for us at time to make statements which may be seemingly contrary, for BOTH aspects of Divinity must merge into the ONE to be whole.

Let us think for a moment about a rose. Most of you realize that when I serve as a messenger to the God and Goddess Meru from that focus of God Illumination, I AM represented many times as a rose, a pink rose. . .that is my symbol. Now during this month of May we are dwelling on a rose of a different color. Why is this necessary? Because all activities of the Light have a specific purpose, it is a raising process, raising you to the pink rose of Divine Love which encompasses all. And in this beautiful country where the rose is so revered that it blooms in such magnificent profusion and splendor, blessed indeed are you, for over the centuries this has truly been a "Garden of the Gods".

And why? Because here there is a cooperation between the various Kingdoms.... the Kingdom of Nature, the activities of the elements, and the service of humanity. Now surely you realize that each of you is striving and making great progress in becoming a whole being, but you must always recognize and consider the tiny wayside flower — how it holds and attains its full pattern, year after year after year, to bring forth the perfection ordained for it.

The same happens with humankind. The tiny flower performs this service and unfolds its petals and then goes into what is thought to be a period of dormancy. This is what happens to humanity, lifetime after lifetime, until from the various experiences and lessons learned during that span, he comes to a point of progress and appears before the Karmic Board, that mighty Council of Beings of which I have the honored privilege of being a member. I speak of the One Great Council comprised of those who give forth certain edicts and permissions as they see that the humankind of Earth are opening their consciousness to the acceptance of TRUTH.

Now I will speak of manifestation ¾ how to obtain or attain a certain manifestation; and certain tools are required. Let us think of the medical profession. Does not a surgeon require the assistance of certain instruments so that he may remove the growth or some obstacle in the body which is impeding the health of the individual?

And so it is with the Sacred Fire. You NEED all the powers of the Sacred Fire to become pure.... pure vehicles in which the Christ, the Mother Principle, your True Reality, may abide. You feel that, do you not? Feel the pulse beat of Divinity which motivates you and realize, too, that every lesson we present to you has a specific reason at a particular time.

During the previous months of this year we have striven with great dedication for the Unity of the Human Family. And we are hoping, pleading, and trusting in YOU, our dedicated co-workers, to not consider only (individually) the lower vehicles on the sepulcher, encasing Divinity, for perfection will come through recognizing the Unity of All Life. You need the mineral kingdom, the nature kingdom, all the elements and the elemental kingdom, for there is not one particle in this Great Universe that is not a part of you. So it is not just "The Human Family", it is "The Family of the Great Universal Whole".

Those who would attain their Freedom in the Light; those who are about to step over the threshold into the full mastery of their vehicles, must realize how important — how VERY IMPORTANT is the reverence and respect for every part of life. No one can exist singly — every part of life is one great beautiful, beautiful sparkling light in the Great Cosmos, and Oh, how eager we are to join our hands and our hearts with each particle of life. Many of you remember the Master Kuthumi - - how he used to look into the heart of a little flower and spend many hours in meditation, for he could see the process of life, the process through which the particular flower evolved and how that tiny little flower unceasingly used the light to perform its assigned service. Think of that for a moment . . .

And in this beautiful month of May, the time of hope - and hope is buoyancy - it is the happiness in hope which springs eternal and gives you, faithful chela, a definite manner in which to proceed in your progress in the Light. Hope in your hearts sends you forth on your assigned mission... each one following a different path, for there is no monotony in the Kingdom of Heaven, where all is LIGHT. There is Light of all kinds. Feel that Light enfolding you as the Great Universal whole draws you closer and closer and you feel "Oh yes, I am ONE tiny star in the Great Family of Life throughout the Universe."

So saying, my dear Light Bearers, it has been a great privilege for me, one tiny Star of Light, to join with you in the Holy Reverence of your Beings, and know that we are going to reach our goal this year. It has far exceeded what the Cosmic Law had hoped for, and the hearts of men are awakening, and those of you who follow the path with us are now opening the petals of your being, and sending from that reservoir of Light, great assistance to your fellow travelers.

Let your brother and sister drink freely from your most beautiful blooms. It is with deep, deep reverence for your Light, and the Light of the entire Universe, that I thank you for your attention.

Lady Nada

Messenger of the Meru Gods





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