Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

February 1983


Near the Island of Suva in the Fiji Chain in the South Pacific

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A radiant Rainbow of Pink, Gold and Blue Light emanating out of Surya's Holy Focus; projecting a tangible yet all-pervasive aura of Peace to wherever it is directed... the veritable Golden Treasure (of Peace) at the end of the rainbow.

Beloved Lord Surya:

Oh thou combined momentum of Love embodied on this planet, thou gracious chelas of the Ascended Host of Light, the developing Group Avatar... welcome in the opulent consciousness of God's Harmony and Peace.

I AM he who is charged with the maintenance of the principle vibration of Peace in the atmosphere of the Earth. I work with the great Elohim of Peace (Tranquility and Pacifica) and many other great Beings who serve on the Ray of Peace, including the Silent Watcher of this area of the Pacific known to some as Lady Aloha.

The Pacific Ocean represents symbolically, but quite specifically, the emotional body of the planet. The development of the Continent of Lemuria was principally of an emotional nature with the greater number of Light Centers being feminine in energy and south of the equator. Atlantis on the other hand was of a more mental development with the greater number of Light Centers being masculine in energy and north of the equator.

As you have been told, the Third and Fourth Root Races first entered the Earth Plane on a Ray from the Central Sun anchored at the location of our retreat, then a high plateau on a virgin continent, just as the First Root Race entered on a Light Ray from the Sun in the area now known as The Tetons. As you also know, I have volunteered to remain in the Earth's atmosphere until the Fourth Root Race is entirely free... until the Third and Fourth Root Races can have both gone "home" upon the same Ray which they entered. When the Fourth Root Race is entirely home the Earth's Victory will be assured and the Permanent Vibration of Peace will have been established on this Sweet Star.

I may then depart for higher planes of service, but until such time my entire Being and the Brotherhood who serve with me are focused on the PEACEFUL POWER of God's Love manifesting on this planet. It is this Ray of Cosmic Peace from the Sun that is anchored here at our Island Sanctuary.

You have been told by many great Teachers that fear is the greatest enemy and only through Love can fear be fully conquered.

We exist here to remain a tangible proof of that Law. After all, we are primarily a Focus of Love. At present, the fear of great, great transition is rising within the developing souls of men. We live but to promote the Peace of overcoming such fear through a loving Oneness with God, as we did when Lemuria first sank and shall remain until such fear is gone from this planet. The sinking of that great continent is one of the greatest etheric scars yet interfering with the spiritual progress of humanity, especially prominent at this current time of transition. And as then, our peace offered from Suva is not a "dreamy Peace," but rather the power within the calm victorious application of great forces of God Energy - the Sacred Fire.

This is the training we offer to help you through your PERSONAL TRANSITION, so you can be a Focus of Peace in your own locality at a time when the clouds of despair again hang heavy over great areas of the planet. From our Garden of Peace in the gleaming South Pacific we offer a magnetized power to conscious chelas, to direct into all areas that require the balance of Cosmic Grace. Feel yourself a part of our Brotherhood (in training) projecting forth this flaming Rainbow Ray from our focus into any and all conditions you become aware of. As well, feel yourself at your point in the Universe as the anchorage of this Rainbow from our Focus into your vehicles, your homes, sanctuaries, cities, localities and governments.

Having graduated from the Teton training of beloved Dwjal Khul into a more confident connection with the Ascended Host, we offer this month an immediate opportunity to apply that training.

Listen for your Sponsor, an ascended brother or sister from our Focus, who shall attempt to anchor into your consciousness this month a tremendous momentum of Peace. This could well become tangibly evident to those within your sphere of influence. Work with the continual awareness of the Thought Form and Theme of 1983 until the Rainbow of Peace encircles this luminous globe and permeates the peoples of all nations as the Human Family.

Perhaps a further description of our Focus may increase the reality of our Peace and the ancientness of our momentum on this planet. Ours has been described as a crystal palace that far outshines the most memorable description in mythology. For what is mythology or fairy tales but recollections of the reality of Lemuria, Atlantis and other ancient times.

At the height of Lemuria when the Third Root Race was near victorious completion and the Fourth Root race was just entering, the Etheric Realm was almost tangible to the physical plane and "on a clear day" could be seen with the physical sight of many of the race. Heaven literally interpenetrated the Earth's sphere with colors, fragrance, music, celestial Beings, and the crystal dwellings of the Gods.

Major Temples were evident at certain locations etherically around the great continent. Rainbow Rays connected these Temples to each other and to the Earth's physical surface, acting as step-down transformers. Our Focus was the principal one of these Light Centers as we anchored the major Ray from the Central Sun. At one point our focus was allowed to be transferred to the landed surface from the Etheric Planes, on a high mountain plateau.

This remained a victorious arrangement for centuries until the sinking of the continent became evident. Our choice then was to etherialize the Focus, which we knew would draw it further from man's "separating consciousness" or, protected in a special atmosphere, leave it on the physical surface. We applied to the Lord of The World and the God-Parents for the latter choice and it was granted unto us.

Since then our Focus has resided on a hidden island that itself is slightly below sea level. Around this area great ocean currents meet and pile upon on each other in huge waves. In the very center of this vortex (like unto the eye of a hurricane) is a body of still, shimmering blue-green water which surrounds our Island Retreat. Pure white clouds and rainbows fill the azure blue sky above. White beaches, gleaming in the radiance of Helios, border the entire island.

In a cave of tremendous proportions hidden from the rare sailor who finds our island, is the actual Crystal Temple, yet accessible by boat.

The waters within the cave close to the actual Temple are so charged with Cosmic Energy that they appear alive and almost fiery in their scintillating colors.

It is the great Devas of the water element and the undines themselves, in response to our sustained Aura of Peace that create this "Shangri-la" that would other wise seem geographically impossible. Never has a storm penetrated the Aura of sustained Peace.

It is here that lost aviators and sailors in the south Pacific have sometimes found their way, not to be seen again in their regular world. Upon reaching the island, often through Divine intervention, they find "the natives" friendly and quite peaceful (actually they are brothers and sisters of our retreat). Living with these peaceful people, the strangers eventually ask the secret of their peace. Thus they open the door to the Higher Law and, if accepted, become initiates of Peace themselves, preparing for a time to re-emerge on to the screen of Life with their newly developed gifts of consciousness to bless the Race so requiring peace.

As to our Rainbow Ray of Peace, which is the expansion of our sustained Aura, what have all the ancient teachings about rainbows included?...A golden treasure at its end! This is an outer allegory of the inner Truth of the opulent consciousness that comes from truly discovering Peace. The ecstasy profound that awaits you in the Ascended Realms is really this all-pervading Peace. It's only through the development of Peace that a steady and limitless supply will be given unto your keeping where the One Universal Source knows that it will only be used constructively in accordance with Divine Plan.

Supply translated into your terms includes finances. It is our training here this month to allow you to experiment with this Law tangibly. In the aura of our Flame of Peace we shall temporarily set aside your human and allow the full experience of "The Christ grown to full stature." Focused through you then, as a Christ Presence, is a powerful Rainbow of Peace which literally deposits tangible treasures of finances at your very feet! We do this to help prove the Law of Supply to you. Become the Peace of Christ embodied and all of Heaven's treasures are laid before you.

Assimilate deeply and then expand the Rainbow of Cosmic Christ Peace and prove the Law of God's Eternal Opulence this very month. Be a Peace Commanding Presence in your world and for all the world. Peace be unto you, through mastery.


Hierarch, of the Temple of Cosmic Peace




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