Visit to Uxmal, Mexico

Beloved LaMorae

June 2, 1982

Sweet harmonious cells in the body of the Creator, welcome into the heart of Light Eternal from the Sun. Would you kindly be seated.

It is my privilege this morning to greet you in the name of our beloved Hierarch, the mighty Kenich Ahan, and with us this morning the mighty Luzar, our representative from Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca of the Meru Gods, and representatives of my humble Focus at Madagascar and of Hawaii, for it is my privilege to seal the Victory of this sojourn at Uxmal in the Cosmic Light of Eternal Harmony. Precious ones, this trip is more important than your outer minds yet conceive. The Light shall increase until humanity feels it in their feeling world, but you know as well as I that if we increase the Light without a Cosmic balance of harmony, not always is there an eternal gift to all humankind.

You are all here today because you can hold both the Light — increased intensity of the Light — as well as holding the harmony. During this sojourn we will give you much of what the Light is that comes through Uxmal. We will transmit through the oracles that which is to be given to the entire Church body, and to the others of you here in this room we ask you to stay in tune and to transmit for your own purposes, your own personal growth and that of your own Sanctuaries and areas in which you are, of which you are in charge, whatever God Illumination, illumined Truth, harmony and all of the guidance, radiation, Light and Love which shall come through on this trip.

Beloved Kenich Ahan has set aside the majority of his schedule and will sojourn with you while you are in his Radiation.

The Radiation from this Retreat goes out in three tiers. The broadest tier of Light includes the entire Caribbean, including Luzar's Retreat, Maracaibo, Caracas, Santa Domingo, the Florida mainland, well through Mexico — the entire Caribbean area. The second tier is approximately 3O to 40 miles in the circumference around this Temple, And then, of course, there is the immediate powerful radiation around the very Mount Uxmal itself. You shall be bathed in that even while you sleep.

Practice whatever disciplines of rest and exercise, diet or breath that you require for we shall be anchoring an increasing Light into your very Christ Selves as well as increasing the original Light that make up your four lower vehicles. It has been felt that the Christ Self is an unchanging Being, yet it is a Being in its own right who longs to stand before the Throne of Beloved Kenich Ahan and increase its own Light a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold, so it can touch the hearts of humanity through the vehicles in which it currently dwells. As this Light increases, whatever effects it has on your physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, call to me to balance, to harmonize.

That is really all. Our purpose is to increase the Light in your beings as leaders of this Church and to anchor such a Light into the worldwide growing Group Avatar that this year, 1982, will come to a Victorious Accomplishment bringing Illumination and Truth worldwide, to the inner vehicles of all humankind.

There are many of the Spiritual Hierarchy who will be with us on this sojourn and they will wish to draw close to you in the embrace of this harmony and unity, and they shall speak with you. Keep the Flame of Eternal Light blazing through your brain structures so that you might hear them, so that you might feel their Reality in this increased Light, for certainly, part of increasing your Light and increasing the Light of this Church is to draw you closer to our natural Realms of existence allowing you to commune with us on a more consistent basis.

You are the wayshowers to the rest of humanity as to increasing the Light which allows one into the Realms of God. Be that this week. Listen carefully in your hearts for inner prompting. Consider this week a sojourn within the various Ascended Master Retreats, where you will take each project as a jewel of wisdom or illumination, for you can believe what you feel prompted here for we are increasing the Light of your Christ Self and your personality will melt this week, melt into the Eternal Sea of Light which bathes this Focus.

You see, we have invited your Christ Selves into this Focus. Your four lower vehicles are along, shall we say, by the Grace of God, which is always what happens when the Ascended Masters draw humankind into their Presence.

Now, I anoint each of you in your heart centers with the Cosmic Ray of Divine Harmony as it manifests on the Altar over Waikiki, Hawaii. It is a spiraling force of the Three-fold Flame.

Feel it ringing through your vehicles which is your safety in this expanded Light. "I AM" with you at an instant’s notice to increase this Light, increase this harmony, as you partake of the expansion of the Light here at Uxmal. Good morning!





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