New Year's Eve

Beloved Sanat Kumara

December 31, 1980

I, Sanat Kumara, bow to the Light within each of you... Kindly be seated please.

I hope that none of you will be disappointed that I am taking the place this evening of the Lord of the World, Gautama. The reason for this is that the ceremony is still going on at the Tetons and I volunteered, having participated in that special ceremony for many, many years, to come and speak to you. Do not be disappointed; our Beloved Lord of the World will speak before the closing of the Training Center Seminar... are all happy now? (chelas respond)

Well I am happy too because I am here with children I have watched over through the ages... some of you will remember that I placed a Star in each of your hearts and I am like a pleased father who sees that Star growing in size in such beauty that I can scarcely tell you of my love and those of you who are new to this activity I wish to assure you that you are all included because we discriminate not.

Everyone on this dear planet is of equal value, because you are forming the great tapestry of life — that great picture that has been presented from On High from the mighty Alpha and Omega and held in the Heart of the glorious Immaculata... so remember the phrase: "keep on, keeping on."

I believe that some of you will be interested in what is taking place at this yearly ceremonial. I am standing quite removed from our Lord of the World. I have stepped back so that I may view everything that is taking place, to help you tune in, and within your hearts remember the responsibility which is yours.

Will you please see the members of the great Karmic Board seated on throne chairs high above the Altar at the Tetons. These Beings are magnificent in the extreme... the chairs upon which they are seated are made of carved ivory upholstered in gold and green... the colors so long associated with the Tetons. As I look upon these Beings I think "Oh my God, the evolution which can take place of an individual being... and none of you know to what estate you may rise... in a couple of years...  oh perhaps quite a number of years... Let us say that you are trying and that is encouraging to us.

Please see now that glorious Being Lord Gautama seated upon the Lotus Throne... he is so magnificent! Before him there are three chairs for the Sponsors of Nineteen Hundred and Eighty... and behind those three beautiful chairs are the Sponsors for the year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-one. Now see an Angel come and remove from the shoulders of beloved Helios and his Lady Vesta and the mighty Xeroastra the cape associated with the authority of the year.

As this is done each of the outgoing Sponsors kneels before the Lord of the World in deep, deep, gratitude for the privilege which has been theirs... and with the music of their own Beings blending so beautifully they move from those chairs and stand behind the incoming Sponsors. Now to the glorious tones blending their Beings, we see our Lord and King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, in all his royal demeanor. Remember he is a gentleman of great courtesy and he stands aside so that the beautiful Lady Mary may precede him, and the Lady Mercedes... and as the three go before the Lord of the World, they kneel and pledge the service, the Light of their Beings to carry out their mission for the incoming year.

Following the blessing of the Lord of the World, they stand and then the Angels enrobe them and they are now recognized by all the Hierarchy... and as the Thought Form has been lowered we are able to see that glorious, scintillating Diamond Heart with the Three-fold Flame of Divinity in the center giving forth the most glorious radiance of pink of Divine Love, and as we all concentrated upon the Thought Form and are now continuing to do so, our Lord of the World Gautama is scarcely visible...

He has blended his entire Being in oneness with that Immortal Three-fold Flame... and all the Beings from the various Stars who are in attendance, in the silence of their Beings, absorb the meaning of that Thought Form. I wish you for just a moment to see that Thought Form in your consciousness... keep it foremost all during this year because it is your responsibility through being aware of the meaning of the Thought Form to do everything that your expansion of consciousness will allow, and as the form of Lord Gautama again becomes visible - you know you have Light Bodies and they are used at particular ceremonies.

One of the high points of this evening's festivities is one which is now taking place as Beloved Lady Portia descends the steps and bows to the Light of the Holy Mother Mary and with the singing of the Ave Maria, our Lady takes her place as one of the members of the Karmic Board... the Lady of the compassionate Heart who has held the Immaculate Concept for each of you and all on this planet... will do so much to have certain petitions granted by the other members of the Karmic Board, so that the meaning of this year of Unity...

Unity of each man, woman and child with the Christ... and through that unity we pray that there will be great evidence of Family Life as one unit, very evident on this earth. Now we see the Enfolding Spirit of the year, mighty Archangel Jophiel, bend the knee to our great Micah, Angel of Unity, who will replace him as the Enfolding Spirit of the year.

Will you please stand, and in the very recesses of your beings feel the Light blaze forth from the Heart of Beloved Micah... that great exemplar who came to Earth to give the example to humanity... Please be seated.

It has been said in the printed word that often the chelas read quickly and pass on to something else... you know the mental body gets a little greedy - give me more, give me more - but I wish to emphasize the fact that unless you are dealing with somebody in the outer world, that you refer to him as Micah, the Angel of Unity... and in so doing you will raise your consciousness greatly, the vibratory action of your being will be such a blessing to all life.

I hope that I have been a worthy replacement for Lord Gautama. (chelas stand) Thank you and would you please remain standing for just a moment I shall now bow in deference to the Light of the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus who wishes to bless you.


Beloved Holy Æolus

My dear aspiring Disciples of the Holy Spirit, kindly be seated.

I chose to remain at Shamballa this evening... you know in expanded Consciousness I was at the Tetons for the ceremonies but I thought that perhaps knowing that the Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit is right above in the ethers... above the complex where Lord Gautama and other Beings dwell? that I might give you a stronger feeling of being a Disciple of the Holy Spirit.

Now that term has been used very loosely through the years... way back two thousand years the word disciple was not really understood, so many thought of the flesh form and some of our chelas have thought, oh we are referred to as Disciples of the Holy Spirit... all right but I hope I can give you a little illumination on that subject... you will become a Disciple of the Holy Spirit while walking the Earth when you know that the Christ Flame within has so expanded that you do not let your consciousness fall below that level even though you wear a flesh garment... and you have an opportune time this coming year because all of us in Heaven's Realms are expending every effort so that you may become the Christ in action, and under the guidance of the Brothers of the Golden Robe... you all know who they are... our great Buddha Divino... some like to call him Maitreya... that is perfectly fine because that name, that designation carries a tremendous momentum of Love Divine. So those of you who think you are pretty close to being the Christ in action... I must tell you if you think so, you are not... that is the human consciousness...

It is the radiation which proves that you are the CHRIST... you do not have to tell anybody that, that is the puny illusion of the human speaking. I can tell you with all the certainty of my Being that those who establish themselves firmly in Christhood will advance quickly to the Consciousness of the Buddha. Do not try to skip any school grade..... that won't help a bit.... there again the human is acting.

There are some in this room who know me well. I was their guru for many, many years and they know that the Cosmic Holy Spirit can be very down-to-earth. It is my responsibility to remind you of the pitfalls and some there are in this room who have had some very strong suggestions from my humble Being... So if you have thought of the Holy Spirit as 'floating' around in the atmosphere just dispensing Light you are not in any way associating yourself with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is represented at Shamballa most of the time by my beloved son Paul, through whom it is my privilege to send the Breath to Earth... and that prana which goes into your lungs and keeps you alive is so precious!

Now... there is no reason for anybody to assume "a holier-than-thou" attitude. The middle way of balance is what counts, but I must add a word of counsel... be careful of your choice of words - words and thoughts are things, and if you send out condemnation of another, you know about the boomerang and since you have advanced thus far, I'm going to warn you its not just going to be a tap - you will feel it! Just be natural.

Children of God, each a glorious cell in the Heart of the Almighty, you and I through thought transference have the privilege of talking to those much higher on the Ladder of Evolution and again I counsel you to respect the Breath and then you will be on your way to becoming a true Disciple of the Holy Spirit.

I thank you dear ones for your attention, and I assure you I am not as strict as I may sound... I LOVE YOU!

 Holy Æolus



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