Angel Room ~ Ascension Focus
Beloved Micah, Angel of Unity

December 24, 1980

Greetings brothers and sisters on the physical plane. This is a night of such joy for us, for aren't we lucky, so to speak, that as the masses celebrate the supposed birth date of my embodiment as the Master Jesus, their concept, the Christian Concept of Angels, is alive and well.

As I descended into the holy atmosphere of the Ascension Focus and this beautiful Angel Room, I was grateful to the Elohim Claire for the purification of Long Island. The snowfall of this evening blends with the crystalline substance of the Ascension Focus itself. I have brought an Angel for each of you present here and for those who will read these words and tune in... and this Angel of the Legions of Unity is to be with you for the entire year of Unity.

I would like to describe these Angels so you might have a more personal relationship with this precious angel — they are of the color close to what the outer world calls "Mother Mary Blue" but it is of a scintillating quality almost like a sparkler. For the most part it is only their faces that are visible through this sparkling aura, and as their aura trails behind it has the formation of wings and yet often when they are stationery in your own auras where they will serve, they are simply just sparkling Beings of Light. Please acknowledge them often in this year dedicated to the Quality of Unity that it is my privilege to embody.

I feel this evening somewhat as I did as the Master Jesus when I returned to the Disciples after my Ascension. I said I would return, and I did. And I am saying to you this evening that I AM RETURNING AGAIN with the embryonic seed of Unity, being born this evening in the hearts and minds of all who can receive it. The Second Coming has to have the fertile ground of the acceptance of Unity of Consciousness of all life.

It requires the end to the consciousness of separateness held so dear to the hearts of the human race. This evening as the Angels traverse the Earth in spiral formation. They will anoint every man, woman and child — elemental and angel, in embodiment with the re-awakening or rebirth of the seed of the Unity of Consciousness that is present wherever life is present. There cannot be life without the seed of the unity of that life with all other life.

And it is that seed of Unity of Consciousness that needs to be born again in the hearts and minds of all life everywhere on this Planet. Then you shall see then you shall see that the so-called miracles of the second coming that the masses are awaiting will be much easier and much more meaningful...  and by that time the Victory will have already been won.

Please feel for a moment in your consciousness let it expand — and travel with the Angels as they go around the Earth this night; some places enjoying the purity of the Winter season, others the Sumner season - some hot, some cold, the various aspects of the Christmas Season being celebrated round the Planet this day. Be with them for a minute... be with these Angels; be with your brothers and sisters on the physical plane in embodiment — that is the gift of your consciousness.

Speak to the hearts of your brothers and sisters in embodiment speak to that embryonic rebirthing of the Consciousness of Unity. Speak to it often in the hearts and minds of those you come across this year draw it out of them, for again where life is present, the seeds of Unity of Consciousness with all life are already there.

I wish that each of you could feel the tremendous joy that the Angels experience on this Holy Eve. Open up the doors and windows of your consciousness and feel the tremendous joy — a joy that will be their present for you any moment for the entire coming year. As you call upon this precious Angel of Unity that is now in your consciousness it will hold this joy for you the entire year.

And so, we will be on our way as we traverse this Earth on Christmas Eve - the eve of the Feast of the Angels. And for the next thirty-six hours until late on Christmas Day, shall I and all the Legions of all the Seven Rays be actively blazing the Light of our Beings into the hearts of all life everywhere.

I love you dear chelas so very, very much and the more you will tune into my Being, the more will the Seeds of Unity of Consciousness be there for you in their complete rebirth and the more you will understand the true nature of the Second Coming.

Good Evening.

Micah, Angel of Unity



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