The Sacred Heart Temple

In the ethers over Innsbruck, the capitol of Tirol (Tyrol) an Alpine province of West Austria has pulsated the glorious Focus of the Sacred Heart for centuries.

What does the sacred Heart mean... it is that center in which lives the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame of Divinity that pulsation of electronic Light which composes the 'Body' of the Almighty. When the Spirit Spark was developed to a point where it has the privilege of coming to Earth to assist in the great Plan of Evolution, that ever-expanding Electronic Light of the Universe, it came to the Temple of the Sacred Heart for further preparation.

In order to take embodiment at any time, newly born from God's Heart or another embodiment, it is essential that the etheric garment learn certain principles of be-ing... and after many lessons in the Etheric Temples, each had to appear in groups of three, before the Karmic Board for permission... and in the Wisdom of that Council, of which I have the privilege of being a member this year... one is chosen whom it is felt can best carry out his part in the Divine Plan of Creation.

It is important to note that the Central Temple, which is magnificent in the extreme, is composed of an opalescent substance, not unlike that of the permanent Ascension Temple over Long Island. Let me explain the reason for this...

Every individual must first pass certain tests at the Temple of the Sacred Heart before he or she can come to Earth... and after a series of embodiments where that lifestream has so purified his four lower garments, the outer garments which that Christus is required to wear; having ascended the ladder of evolution to a point where it is felt he has completed his service on the Earth plane, he must pass through the Flame of the Ascension to be completely FREE of the human.

This is a difficult process for some, since a planet composed mostly of the water element, the neophyte must pass strenuous tests at the time he approaches the process of the Ascension... sometimes when his service has been meritorious, and it is felt that lifestream can receive further preparation in the Ascension Temples provided at Inner Levels and so purify himself to step into the Ascension Flame over Long Island, without further embodiment... into his complete FREEDOM in the Light.

Now to the Sacred Heart Temple itself in which I have served, and will continue to serve.

At this point I would like to tell you that before I volunteered for this special privilege, the glorious Lady Isis performed this service.

The Temple is circular in outer design... it is a tremendous complex in which there are lesser Temples of preparation, each representing the process one must take to round out his choice, mind you, of that portion he has vowed to give in the great Plan of the Universal Electronic Body of God.

The altar is made of a diamond heart shaped substance, within which one can see the pulsating Three­fold Flame, or Christus... and the Radiation is one of expanding shades of glorious pink of Love Divine, the ever-pulsating Heart of the Almighty. Viewed from any distance it appears as a Pink Flame or Cloud with crystalline white radiance... the Heart being held in the Immaculate Concept. It is in this Temple that all about to embody, or re-embody, come for the final Blessing, kneeling before the Sacred Heart.

I am privileged to send them forth with a Blessing, enfolding them in the Flame of the Immaculate Concept, which I vowed to do for each one until they are Free in the Light.

The walls in the Temple are of alabaster, veined in ephemeral manner in Pink, Gold and Blue... of an exquisite cloud-like substance enfolding all.

Now to the Temples surrounding this Main Temple, let me explain they are all within one complex, where the lifestreams progress according to their advancement, appear at the Central Temple, which I shall call "Heart" before coming to Earth. The lifestream ascends three steps, kneels in abject humility before the externalization of the Heart of God, and then proceeds with my Blessing to the womb of the mother at the time of conception.

I would impress you to remember that while the Sacred Heart Temple is open, and all through the year that you make calls for the parents and incoming children who will be chosen by the Karmic Council in May of this year.

Mother Mary




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