A Spiritual Retreat with the Cosmic Hierarchy

Beloved El Morya

at Shamballa, Long Island

July 15, 1979

When the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-nine was born, the Cosmic Edict went forth that God’s Will should manifest for this Planet Earth! And I am here to day to tell you that The Bridge to Freedom has fulfilled its purpose, according to the Will of the Father-Mother God! And to you, dear Hearts of Light, we are so deeply grateful!

One of the first Activities which is taking place today is a very happy one for me - my Beloved Lady Miriam is succeeding me as CHOHAN OF THE FIRST RAY! [chelas stand]

What a magnificent Being of Light and Power, and Love she is! And dear ones I am not taking off to Mercury.... not yet. There is too much for me to do! From this day forward, I shall devote my time to World Government and the majority of time (your so-called time) I shall serve from the Complex over Washington, D.C.; of course, going from time to time to my lovely Lady Miriam and our home in Darjeeling.

This is a mighty undertaking, and I shall appreciate your prayers, I shall deeply appreciate your love and prayers, for as one Government closes its doors for the day, the Sun is shining - dawn is breaking - in another part of the World. So I shall be, as one would say, “in perpetual motion”. God’s Will shall manifest through the Governments - I so decree it, and I stand before you today that I have taken upon myself this responsibility! [chelas stand] God bless you, and be seated please.

Think, dear ones, what that means. We won’t go into the negative conditions in Governments at this time, but the rulers of various countries, the Nations of this World, are the leaders of the peoples.... or should be! They shall tread the Path of God and this Earth will benefit, in her full Perfection!

Many years ago, the Beloved Goddess of Truth said that the speaker (the individual through whom I am speaking) would have another lifestream to serve with her, hand in hand, and heart in heart in God’s Service. And today it is my grateful - my joyous-experience to tell you that my pupil, who has been under very rigorous training, is to also be an Oracle - as I wish them both called - the Beloved Peter Leach-Lewis! [chelas stand]. Kindly be seated.

I shall ask him now to come to the platform and you will hear the Words of the Beloved Serapis Bey through this lifestream.

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Beloved Serapis Bey speaks:

Good morning beloved candidates of the Ascension! Looking over this sea of faces, I still see those words emblazoned upon your chests.... most of you anyway! Oh, blessed chelas, today Gratitude fills my Heart. It fills my Being in unprecedented waves - waves of energy - and I know you feel this.

Today is a glorious day! As Beloved Saint Germain said yesterday, it is a glorious day in the annals of Spiritual History. Today, July 15th, 1979, will go down in history. Although the world is unaware of this history being made, each one of you precious ones are more privilege than you are aware.... of what you are witnessing this Holy Day. And I have been asked to come because there will be two Ascension Flame Activities, and also as Business Manager of The Bridge to Freedom I naturally am staying on.... and on.... and on, and as promised to you I shall stay on, serving this Planet until every lifestream is Free and Ascended in the Light! This is my Service to Life. This is the reason for whence I came to this magnificent Planet Earth! Oh, dear God, you - how I love you - and it is quite magnificent your accomplishments.

O yes there are a lot of "Excellents" and "Goods" and "Fairs" and a few "Maybes", but we’ll change all that won’t we - through DISCIPLINE! And you are going to hear those words for the many, many days, months and years to come. DISCIPLINE - that external pressure discipline that allows you to grow from within - with Spiritual Discipline within! Without discipline you will never grow, and just like being a perpetual student in a University, so too will you be perpetually candidates for the Ascension, never really making it - but knowing that you are in school and you’re still learning - when all of your friends and fellow students will have Ascended in the Light.

You who foreswear Discipline for the sake of so-called human free will, you will be left behind, in succeeding embodiments, one after the other.... and another - while your friends, who have disciplined themselves, rose on that mighty Ascension Flame into the Heavens. Serving with the Great White Brotherhood in the Etheric Realms, They will be looking down on you and wondering where you went wrong!

So today, NOW, resolve to turn over a new leaf for those of you who shy away from discipline! I do not need to tell you the Love that I have for you.... there I did, didn’t I.... because sometimes in this Obedience and Discipline, people think that it is punishment, because usually we term disciplinary measures as being corrective measures after you have misused your human free will; like getting a rap across the knuckles with a cane at school. Not so! Discipline is Order: Discipline is Balance: DISCIPLINE IS YOUR ONLY WAY HOME! Because without Discipline, Obedience is meaningless and you must have Obedience. You have to follow the Directives of the Spiritual Hierarchy, for that is why we have stayed behind.... to serve you, to give you what you need when the Truth was lost so many years ago. Today, the Oracles in their fullness, and their natural birthright, have been reborn on this Planet!

You are seeing these two Oracles here on this platform, and this young man through whom I speak, your new Oracle, will be ready to serve you.... and serve you (just as I do), for many many decades to come! So learn to love him and accept him for he, just as is your present Oracle who has been with you for many, many years - you know her so well - both of them are members of our brotherhood. They are our representatives and have volunteered to stay, even to the extent, both of them, of forswearing their Ascension in a former time. They have volunteered to stay, and serve humanity. So respect them, love them, and guard them.... and let not your Oracles be destroyed as was in days gone by. What you are witnessing today is not the matter of a moment. Thousands of years of training are standing before you now.... centuries of embodiments! These two blessed lifestreams served together in the Temples in Greece under the beloved mighty Vesta and beloved Pallas Athena, both receiving their training as Oracles then, and we called them forth even though they wanted to go Home.

We called them forth because there are so few willing to serve, and so few that have the training to do what has to be done; where we can reach down our Consciousness, and they can reach up with their Consciousness, and we can CONTACT one another. And thus through this young man’s Consciousness, through his brain structure, through his lips and his tongue you hear my voice, using his vocal chords.

Now blessed ones, in order to prepare for the next Activity it is most necessary for me to raise each one of you through the Power of the Ascension Flame, and that is why I am here today. And I ask now for my blessed Seraphim that have accompanied me, from the brotherhood "across the street" really what you might call a short commuting distance! .... but they are here and I ask them to come in to the Sanctuary now. [chelas stand]

And, my blessed Seraphim, I want you to station yourselves, each one - behind each one of the chelas! Thank you for acknowledging their Presence in this room, and would you please be seated.

And, blessed Seraphim, would you please place your hands upon the shoulders of these blessed chelas, and I want each one of you blessed ones to experience this tremendous blessing. Experience the hands of these mighty Angelic Beings, my Seraphic Legions.

Experience these hands on your shoulders, loving you and caressing you. And if you cannot quite feel their hands, then reach up with your consciousness and ask them to make their pressure felt a little bit stronger.... And now through the Power and Pressure of the Ascension Flame, each one of them are going to blaze the Ascension Flame through your four lower vehicles, raising you and preparing you for the New Age. You will leave this room not as you came in. Never before has there been such an unprecedented Activity of the Ascension Flame! Would you please start the music, [Organ—"Komm Susser Tod": Bach-2nd. movement Westminster Gold WGS-8145].

Now I want you to feel this Ascension Flame blazing up through your entire physical vehicle. Feel it coursing through, wiping away all not of God with the Purity of the Crystalline Substance of my Ascension Flame, that Flame that will take you Home. Feel this Ascension Flame raising you into the New Age! That magnificent Ascension Flame which has freed so many precious lifestreams - feel it course through your being as the Blessed Seraphim draw this Flame through you. FEEL IT and KNOW that it is REAL!

LET GO and LET GOD! Let go of all that binds you, and use this Activity now - Oh use it, I beg of you, LET Go and use this Activity to cleanse and purify yourself as never before!

Cosmic Moments strike and then they are gone. This is such a Moment. Use it well! And resolve now to discipline yourself and be obedient to the Edicts that come forth from the Great White Brotherhood - the Godhead for this Planet!

And holding you in my embrace, you now understand the reason how Beloved El Morya could be freed to serve Divine Government. Please be seated.

And now you also know the reason for my letter which each one of you had. There was so much I wanted to say to you. I know you feel my Love and Gratitude. It is intense this day! If I could just hug and embrace each one of you, I would. I am almost speechless with the Love and the Gratitude that I feel for each one of you that contributed towards my Focus of the Ascension Flame across the street. And so, in order to show my intense gratitude, I have asked to be prepared a Special Gift to be given to each one of you that contributed to the Ascension Focus.

The weekend that the Focus was finally paid off - even though we knew it in the Etheric Realms, and it has not yet manifest in the outer world, that weekend, the birds and the animals of the Focus knew it, and they sang as never before. And an alert chela heard this and recorded it, and it is now on little Cassette Tapes; and that is why each one of you precious ones that contributed, have little silver dots on your envelopes. You see, there is order in Heaven’s Realms, as you well know. And as you leave, We’ll do a trade shall we?

You hand in your envelope and I will hand you, through my representatives at the door, a magnificent gift of a cassette tape charged with the Ascension Flame; and I ask you to treasure it, and as those birds sing, and sing, and sing you will feel this birdsong going through your very being, and every electron will be charged in your body with the Ascension Flame. It will truly be a magnificent gift, and it is my way of showing my gratitude to you.

And I thank you, and I hold you in my embrace; and I bless you. Holding you in my embrace, I now hand this Activity over to the Master Jesus who has come again to reclaim his church! Please rise for the Master Jesus.






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