A Spiritual Retreat with the Cosmic Hierarchy

Beloved Hilarion

Shamballa, Long Island

July 12, 1979

Good Morning. I come into your presence with all the enthusiasm of Cosmic Truth, the enthusiasm which an Evangelist has as he propounds what he believes to be the Truth. I KNOW what I say is the Truth!

I have no intention of frightening you out of your skin, we need you! But I must be POSITIVE, so to settle you I ask you to feel the glorious loving Essence of that mighty Goddess of Truth, Pallas Athena.

Through the years you have been summoned into her Presence. Many, many times you have turned on your heels and walked away. . .you could not face Truth at that time. You are now at that point in your evolution when you can face Truth! Praise God for your advancement. Do you feel better now?

Before we go too far, I must say there are not too many visitors to the special complex we have of Truth. You remember I told you a while back that you could come and stand before the doors of your particular choice of any of the Rays, and the Love and Light of your heart would open that door? And as you crossed over the threshold somebody would be there to assist you in whatever way you required? That Hall of Science, as it were, is still there. We didn’t disintegrate or etherealize it because only one or two showed up, now and again! And as they say “if the shoe fits you, wear it"!

And resolve this day to embrace TRUTH in all its mighty aspects - for God is Truth! Oh love the Truth within you, the Flaming Presence of the Almighty. You know there are many, many stages of advancement. Remember our Beloved Gautama, how he told you he pierced through the veil and came to one level and saw exquisite Perfection there, and said "No, I must go further? On and on and on he soared into Divine Consciousness, into the very Heart of Eternity - the Father-Mother God!

I am happy to tell you, each one, that you are doing well, very well but you know, I believe that you are not Perfect yet: Far from it! Perfection is God, in action! Spasmodically yes, but the Cosmic Law requires you to BE Perfection in action. BE THOU PERFECT.

Accept the fact, and you can be this very hour! You can tell that fellow who has been ruling you through the centuries, your human consciousness - "I am throwing off that cloak for Eternity!" "I enter into the Christ within there to stay. I am here on Earth to help my fellow traveler, and with all the resolve of my being, THAT I SHALL DO!"

And from the love in your hearts and your dedication, I think from this moment forward you will feel very much better, as I am DETERMINED to fire you with the resolve of being the Christ at all times!

The Door is open! Opportunity is knocking - come thou into the Inner recesses of your being and remain there, not just while you are listening to my words but for all time! Oh, you will feel so much better - you will understand the enthusiasm which I have. Well I guess that is enough of a sermon!

I would like to speak directly on Healing! You know there are only two sides of the coin - the perfect and the imperfect! Let us put PERFECT on both sides!

You know through your television and through your papers and magazines that mighty strides are being made in the Healing activity all over this Planet. And the great men of science, our beloved doctors, are realizing that they only can get their patients to realize the truth that must come from the Divine Mind of each one, they must not listen to the murmurings of the human saying "oh I will never get well." Oh that is true - each one of you have done this at one time or another.

If you see your fellow traveler in distress, you have the "tools" to help him - the Sacred Fire! When your toe hurts or your head aches, or you have some disability, it is not so easy to have the conviction to make the call, and you are required as you go along in the Light to give assistance to your fellows. No one knows when YOU may be in the same position. But we believe, through the dedication of your blessed hearts and the using of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, that all that is less than Christ Perfection will be swept from your etheric garment, and Perfection will manifest!

Now realize not every individual is supposed to be the same - the Violet doesn’t try to be the sunflower. They are both expressing the perfection which has been brought forth by the elementals. Now you each have a Body Elemental who certainly does not want to carry the heavy weight of imperfection any longer, who would be most happy to have you say "Yes, I believe in the Perfection which is my True Identity.” And you know the various substances which are used in the medical world, where do they come from, they are part of the healing unction, you know that: Something that has been created by the Almighty.

So we do not wish anybody to be fanatical! If you require a certain substance prescribed for you that you know will not be injurious to you, in the Name of God Almighty TAKE IT! Because, when you are healed and relieved of a certain infirmity, you can go on in a better manner to help your fellow traveler. No excesses in anything! If you find that certain things do not help you, forget it and ask God’s help and you’ll get it!

Never, never, as it has been said so many times during these Classes, look down upon the other fellow! He may be the Violet, you may be the Sunflower. You are both, we hope, and pray, following the Divine Plan! God created a vast garden and put every substance in that Garden that was necessary to round out the Plan - remember that!

And I ask you to pray, and assist the medical profession who are trying, most of them, not all - to help humanity, to give them the Divine Illumination required. There is a human mind, human comprehension, the human consciousness and a Divine - the Christ Consciousness! Remember our Beloved Jesus said "Be thou perfect” and he also said Heal thyself? It was not Jesus, the man, who healed - it was the God Power within, as he repeatedly stated, who did the healing! I use the word "healing" frequently because healing means changing from imperfection into GOD PERFECTION. Am I right? I certainly am, or I wouldn’t make the statement!

And I want you to remember, the Holy Mother Mary serves on our Ray - the Ray of Consecration, of Healing, of Science.

Everything in this world, everywhere, is scientific. Look at the Activity you had yesterday! Did we not have to pool our Consciousness and consider the most efficacious way of accomplishing what was so magnificently done! And thanks to you blessed chelas, for your part in it! You see, I can give commendation for I am a Being of Love! I have such a desire - I would almost like to go and shake everybody and say "YOU ARE TRUTH" for "I AM" the Holy Presence of the Almighty who dwells within your flash garment!

Oh use, and use and use any Flame or Ray which you believe you have an affinity to: All Rays are healing Rays. Faith transmutes unbelief. . .all along the line, but I wish you to know with all the conviction of my Being, TRUTH IS COMING TO THE FORE! It is Perfection, and each man, woman and child upon this Planet must face our magnificent Goddess of Truth!

Thank you.





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