A Spiritual Retreat with The Cosmic Hierarchy

Lady Nada

Shamballa, Long Island

July 10, 1979

Oh, my lovely ones, my Heart is overflowing with Love, you have embraced me with the most glorious feeling, that I will have to express to you through Radiation how much I appreciate your presence here.

Dear ones, as a member of the Karmic Board, it is required of me to give certain Directives to you which may not appeal to those who speak the English tongue. A mighty Lesson is being presented to you today, think through the years how the blessed students have come from other lands, understanding perhaps one or two words of the English language and have been willing to sit at our feet, grateful to just receive the embrace, the Radiation of the Being of the day, they are like unto the Master Jesus who was willing to sit at the Feet of his Guru observing what he gave forth through Radiation and waiting patiently for one word or sentence of direction.

With all the Love I can command, I say to all of you who have ever come from another country to these United States - "Well done thou good and faithful servants of the Light!"

Now, I hope I shall not step on anybody’s toes, but it is kind of the way of the people in these United States, remember I love you all, but some of you think you know it all! There is no room in this Spiritual Activity for a superior attitude - Love is the Way! Tolerance must be part of your beings, no one should have the audacity to think "I know more than you." May I say that we in the Spiritual Hierarchy know more than you! Accept it! But I tell you, lovely ones, this is a glorious day in the annals of Spiritual History, because we are blending all the countries in the South American Region with these United States.

I would like to give you a picture, and I hope you will understand it. You know when you look from an airplane and you see many roads connecting one with the other, all guiding the planes from one focal point for a safe landing. We are this day blending the South American countries with Shamballa. Now we know that there is a mighty passage of Light from Washington, D.C. into South America. We want you to see that Line of Force, very, very powerful, because our Beloved Ascended Master El Morya is very interested in Government, as am I, and much shall be done to bring everything in South America into Divine Order!

Now Santo Domingo already has a Pathway of Light from Shamballa and there is another line of Force that goes to all the countries that are in that region from the Focus of our Lady of the Island, like a great fan of Light from this particular point a Ray of Light goes to your country and connects with all your Spiritual Focuses. Now you, particularly in the South American continent, are filled with the AMBITION to GET THINGS DONE, and that is well! Now the same applies to Santo Domingo but their Radiation is entirely different - it is a Radiation of Love Divine, guarded by our Beloved Lady Mercedes; and in your country South America you know there is a tremendous Bridge of Light from her Heart to Lord Saithrhu.

Now, can you in a way see many spokes of Light all going round and round, and I guess I neglected to say there is a Powerful Ray from Washington into Shamballa! Now we are all joined as ONE. What one does affects all of us! You already know that the records from the Himalayas have been transferred to Mount Meru, into the keeping of the Great Brotherhood there. God bless her great God and Goddess Meru.

Now, since early this morning the Angels of the Violet Fire have been releasing - I would say "torrents” almost of the Violet Fire, preparing all the peoples to receive God Illumination. Turn again to Mount Meru and see the Flame of God Illumination and Wisdom going forth from that mountain like a mighty geyser - like volcanic action - so that as the peoples are purified God Illumination can come forth! Now much depends upon all of you, in all countries, to USE and USE the Violet Fire, because we are desirous of shortly releasing the glorious Truths which are on those records in the safe-keeping of God and Goddess Meru. Is there anyone here who would have the slightest intention of holding that Truth back? I believe not!

To march forward with us, all must humbly dedicate themselves to serving the Light and bringing quickly the full expression of the New Age of Perfection! We of the Spiritual Hierarchy have promised our Beloved Saint Germain that we will go forward WITH or WITHOUT YOU! That is a Cosmic Fiat!

Now lovely ones, please understand that everything I say and have said, is filled with Love Divine, and oh how my Heart welled with Joy when I came into this room and felt the Radiation from the Countries I love so well! I know your blessed hearts, I know your sincerity of purpose to walk hand in hand, heart in heart, with us! I am almost overwhelmed, filled with Joy, and I hope that my fellow-members of the Karmic Council don’t chide me when I join them later for being so soft-hearted! I love you, my brothers and sisters, and I want you, as do I, to LOVE ALL LIFE! The Blessing of my Heart flows to you and to all life. Thank you for your attention.

Lady Nada

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A Spiritual Retreat with the Cosmic Hierarchy

Beloved Holy Æolus

Shamballa, Long Island

July 11, 1979

My dear children, how I love you - oh how I love you! I cannot express in your words the FEELING that I have for you, each one.

You remind me, dear children, of the time quite a long time ago when as fledglings you left the Home nest to try your wings, taking you all over this dear Planet. And how happy I am this day that you have come Home to the Reservoir of Peace and Love and Comfort of the Holy Spirit, which I have the great privilege of representing to this dear Earth and all the Planets under the great and mighty Helios and Vesta.

My dear ones, a transcendent activity is taking place this day and since we shall have an Inbreath Activity, I have deferred my time to the mighty Helios, that great Sun God who has released, in advance of this Class, a tremendous message.

I ask you, each one, to go deeply into the recesses of your being and silence everything of the outer and, through the ears of the Holy Christ Self, list thou well to what the great God Helios has to say.

And now, enfolding you, as I always do, with great intensity I wish you to feel the Love and the Peace and the deep Gratitude of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you.




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