The Meaning of the Ascension Flame

Serapis Bey

October 7, 1979 

Welcome to the Focus of the Ascension Flame for the Planet Earth. Do you remotely realize what this invitation means? You are being given the privilege of coming in your Etheric garment to the Temple of the highest vibratory action one can experience while still wearing a garment of flesh. It is imperative - I emphasize that word - that those who profess to be our chela learn the true meaning of the Ascension Flame. You have a limited understanding, but it shall be my purpose and all the members of the Ascension brotherhood, to impregnate your consciousness with the real meaning of the Ascension Flame.

It is not just an Activity which enables an individual to receive their Freedom in the Light, following a chain of embodiments on the Earth. The Ascension Activity should be a daily service of raising the vibratory action of ALL Life. Embodied in this Activity is the process of Resurrection and Restoration. To "Resurrect” means, of course, to bring to the surface something that has been dormant or hidden - be it positive or negative. And then the latter, the glorious Activity of the Restoration to Perfection can take place.

Speaking of Restoration, do you avail yourself of the mighty Power which the magnificent Angel of Restoration is so desirous of using for the Transformation of negativity on this Earth? When we bring to your attention certain members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who have volunteered to assist us in the gigantic task of reclaiming this Planet, surely you realize that it is not to fill your mental body with accretion of knowledge. Far from it! It is to give you every assistance in your Service.

Frankly, I find it necessary to tell you that the Activity of the glorious Angel of Restoration has been relegated to a small niche in your consciousness, to be brought to the fore when perhaps you think of it. It is a wonder that he has not folded his "cloak" about him and returned to the great great Silence. But no, he is a Being of such Love that he overlooks the fact that most of you do not accept his Presence as real, otherwise you would daily call to him for assistance.

Children of the Light, I am not scolding you. I am merely stating facts that are so evident to us. We tell you repeatedly that the Earth and all her evolutions must be returned to perfection, and that statement is pregnant with meaning. The Cosmic Law demands that we receive more energy from you. We can no longer continue in the leniency of the Law with which you have been privileged these many years. I remember so well, before the sinking of Atlantis, the warnings given to the people who heeded them not. The Ascension Flame has again been brought to that portion of Atlantis (Long Island) which did not sink into the water element for purification, and surely the wise chela understands that we are again in the days when the warning sounds of the Cosmic Fiats are going forth.

So I appeal to you, with all the Love of my Being, to listen to what we have to say and consecrate your energies with a Heart vow. Yes, "pledge the Three-fold Flame a vow", that you will no longer tarry but will give your all in the Cosmic Project at hand - the Restoration of this Earth and all her evolutions.

Come, oh come, with open consciousness to the Ascension Focus and find out what love of Service really means. I shall delegate some of our Legions to be with you on a daily rotating basis that ere this monthly cycle has passed you will be able to say, "Thank you Beloved Ascension Flame, for the acceleration of the vibratory action of my Being," ...the result of ACCEPTING and using the Ascension Flame!






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