The Ascended Master Jesus

Evansville, Indiana Sanctuary

September 25, 1979 

Welcome, children of Light. You have all been drawn here into this beautiful little room, in Evansville Indiana, for a reason and I welcome you into my Heart this evening as we talk somewhat informally about the New Age. Please be seated, and I thank you for standing in honor to my Presence in your midst.

And I am here in your midst, today and tomorrow are very special days for Evansville, and especially for this Focus ["I AM" Activity Sanctuary] that your blessed Spiritual Leader has nurtured in her heart, and brought to fruition this day.

Today is the first day of the New Age for this Sanctuary, and I bow in honor and reverence to the service of each one of you, and the Light that you project forth as each of you become Gods and Goddesses in embryo.

The New Age is here! Like it or not... it is here; and I welcome this day. I welcome it! It has been a long time coming, and it is the time when all religions, all churches, all spiritual activities, all organizations, associations, all connected with the Source and the search for the Source for Spiritual Truth MUST come together.

The New Age Church of the Christ has also been nurtured within the hearts of those we elected (twenty seven years ago) to be, in essence, the founding fathers of this Activity... merely a continuation of that magnificent Activity of the "I AM”, started by that Blessed Master Saint Germain and dear Godfré! And I ask you to stand, in reverence and honor to Beloved Godfré’s Presence. Dear God... what a man! God of Obedience; and you will be feeling his pressure, and his Power, and his assistance more than ever before. Thank you blessed ones for honoring his lifestream. Please be seated.

And before that, there was Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society that was brought forth with the assistance of my spiritual brothers... the Three Wise Men that knelt at my cradle in a little inn in Bethlehem - Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, and the Master El Morya. [see The Bridge Journal 2/78 p. 17]

I remember, oh, I remember so well, those days. Those three men searching for the Star in the heavens, that Star that has been returned to the Heavens just a short while ago [9/74]. Maybe, if you request it, this visiting representative will show you my Star in the Heavens; for there it still pulsates, heralding the New Age... the Star of (literally) my Christ Self, that radiates forth the Light of my Causal Body, that was placed in the Heavens on the same day when it was announced that my birthday is September the 8th. [See The Bridge Journal of 1/75 p. 9 and also 1/78 p. 20]

What a night this is! I rejoice to be with you... spiritual seekers after Truth! The New Age Church is a continuation of that Truth that we came to give you, to put you on the right Path back “Home” when you had lost the map. And, through Madame Blavatsky, we came and channeled to Earth the simpler forms of Teachings about the unseen world around you. And then came Saint Germain and his Activity, and from Illumination and Wisdom we went into an activity of Power. And forth it went, and Power it remained until the Ascension of that beautiful, beautiful God of Obedience - our dear Godfré, yours and mine.

From the Heart of the "I AM" Activity came hundreds of beautiful lifestreams, such as yourselves, and with the assistance of that mighty El Morya, who volunteered to form another Activity, another Spiritual core - he volunteered to help Saint Germain save the nucleus of his former Activity... and save it he did! And thus The Bridge to Freedom came into being, formed by that Beloved El Morya and his Divine Complement (then unascended), who has now passed from Earth’s sight. She was the first contact; the Beloved Lady Miriam, now Chohan of the First Ray. And now it is 1979, and that Activity, unlike ALL others, has never been burst asunder from within.

Through twenty-seven years the Activity of The Bridge to Freedom has been held within the embrace of our Hearts, the embrace of the Spiritual Hierarchy, even though there was many a moment when we literally ‘cringed’ at was going on around the Activity.

We knew that the faithful would hold on to that which was Truth; and NOW we have The New Age Church of the Christ! I was asked by Beloved Saint Germain whether I would like the opportunity of gathering my flock - many flocks, in essence - that are scattered all over the world in many different denominations of churches that are all professing to be so-called ‘Christian’. They are scattered far and wide, and it was not the original intention that this should be so. I told that mighty Master that it would be a unique privilege and I said, "Yes, dear St. Germain, I will come and serve again!" And it is extremely fitting that you have my humble likeness, to my right, alongside that of the Master Saint Germain.

He and I shall be serving and serving with you, to bring humanity home to their ultimate destiny... a destiny which is so ultimate that all those who are not on this Path now MUST one day realize the fact, and place their feet on the Path, like it or not.

We are not here to persuade. We are not here to cajole. We are not here to ask anyone to join yet another Activity; for each of you are on the Inner already members of The New Age Church... my New Age Church; Beloved Saint Germain’s New Age Church. As he has told you, in a previous address, it is a church of no churches: A religion of no religion. It is a turning inwards; a realization of your God-identity and a realization of who you actually are. That is all I came to tell humanity, almost two thousand years ago. Unfortunately they missed the point, and those that had the Truth - the full realization of my Teachings - have hidden them from the eyes of Humanity. They have hidden them in the archives: Those blessed Truths that I brought forth, that were designed to show humankind the way Home... and instead they subverted those Teachings - those simple, beautiful Teachings; the Words that came forth from my mouth on the hills of Judea, by the side of Lake Galilee, and walking along the dusty roads in the Holy Land, all of these were subverted and, unfortunately, they replaced them with their own interpretation of what they felt would give them personal self-aggrandizement and human power.

Blessed ones, we come again; Beloved Saint Germain and I, to attempt once more to give you the absolute Truth behind the simplicity of my Teachings. My Teachings that live on to this day, and that shall live on through the New Age... simple truths. And you have noticed a decidedly refreshing change in the Truth being brought forth through our Oracles of The New Age Church; a straight-forwardness, with no flowery language, designed to strike at the very heart of your Spirituality. There is absolutely no room for misunderstanding. Like it or not, you will have to come to the full realization - that full knowing - of the Truth of your own life.

Some of you are absolutely committed to going forward on this Path; and there are others that still dilly dally with all manners of useless pursuits. There is only one Path, and all of Truth leads to that one Path. Beware! For there is truth in many, many different activities. Many different organizations have one or two semblances of the truth, around which has been woven a web of human mis-concepts.

The New Age Church is designed to give to you that pure Fountain of Truth, like pure drinking water, with no impurities, given to you with Love, to partake of and drink of the substance contained within the Holy Grail that we offer you... for your very spiritual sustenance. Think you not that we love you? It is because of Love that we, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, have stayed... foreswearing Nirvana; joining the Order of the Lotus and staying behind to help each one of you to gain your ultimate goal of your Ascension.

And let me tell you something to spur you on. A Dispensation was granted many years ago, by Master Serapis Bey, that all those who were part of this Activity and gave of the substance of their physical and Spiritual worlds - both in effort, energy and Spiritual Light - would automatically be granted the title of “Candidate for the Ascension.” To this very day and on, everyone of you that joined the core of this New Age Church shall have written across your breasts “Candidates for the Ascension!” This is one of the many gifts that you have as being a member. This means that upon passing through the change of so-called death, that you will be given the opportunity to complete your training, to complete what you could not, in this earthly life, within the Ascension Temple.

When that day comes, you will be given your Ascension in the Light without the need for returning for another earthly cycle and yet another embodiment. For we know and understand the trials and the tribulations you go through from being within that physical vehicle. I have done it too, and I know how difficult it is.

It is much easier for you today than it has ever been before. You have more help from the Cosmic Hierarchy than ever before. More Dispensations have been granted and besides this, to spread the Word that I wish you to spread - the Words of my brothers and sisters that come forth through our two Oracles - you have the assistance of the media. There are mass communications in this world the like of which I never knew.

It took days and days just to get one message from a little town to the city, or the group that resided in another village several miles away. It was extremely difficult. And this is why communication between the various Apostles became almost nonexistent. Those that went off to the east and into the Byzantine Empire, and those that went off into the Roman Empire never communicated with one another; and so, right from the very start, the church that I brought to you was split in two.

Some of my friends, and especially my dear brother James, stayed behind in Jerusalem to hold the anchorage for this new Church. Many of my Disciples were murdered, and it was hundreds of years before "The Word" got out about my mission, to the rest of  the world. This will not happen with The New Age Church! Mark my words. It will stay together. It will stay as one - a solid core of lifestreams dedicated to one purpose - to be what they should become... to do what you were sent to do; and that is to be a God or a Goddess in embryo.

Each one of you are in training, and have been in training for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. And yet, even today, some of you still. think that there is to be a tomorrow. You know not what will happen tomorrow... so do it TODAY!

Procrastination has been the fall of humanity. If you are to develop spiritually, you are going to have to summon all of the Obedience, all of the Discipline and all of the courage and strength of your Spiritual and physical might, to hold on to that which you know to be the absolute Truth.

For each one of you are destined to be New Age Teachers; New Age Spiritual Leaders, to go forth and spread the Word in your neighborhoods; in your towns and cities; and so it will be across the nation and throughout the world. All over the world there are groups such as this meeting (not necessarily tonight) on a regular basis, just as you do. Groups not much larger than you, but loyal and dedicated lifestreams that we can count on in a moment.

And there are certain recognition symbols, that I shall ask to have described to you, that show to us and the members of the Angelic Host, and those that work from the Inner Realms (the Etheric Realms) who you are... who your God-identity is, and we can look upon you and know that there is a servant of the LIGHT; a transformer through which we can work at any given moment - be it in a hospital, or a factory, or in an office, or even driving along the freeway, where you can bless your fellowman as you pass by.

Things are really starting to happen, and I want you to listen well to what is to be taught you this evening. Just know that every word is the Truth. It is given to you in Love. You must realize what the Truth means for you. The Master Saint Germain and myself will be with you for the remainder of this day and night, and all of tomorrow. You will feel our Presence around... personally.

We will be staying in the city of Evansville, being with you, and you will feel the comforting Presence of our Radiation, for we wish to impress upon you these New Age Teachings as never before; to raise you to that new plateau; that new vibration of consciousness which you must realize before you can move forward upon this New Age Spiritual Path.

I raise my hands in Blessings, and I flood you with the Light of the Christ. Feel this Essence permeate your beings, and know you are one with your Christ Presence: One with your "I AM" Presence: One with me; and One with all of my brothers and sisters of the Cosmic Hierarchy, that are here to serve you while you have embodiment. God bless you, my precious friends, and I urge you to move onwards and upwards to Higher things. I love each one of you, and I bid you Goodnight.

The Ascended Master Jesus

Micah, the Angel of Unity