Musical Notes 

"For the purpose of this instruction, I want to elaborate upon the natural emanation of musical sound which forms the music of the spheres. Every lifestream which belongs to this Universe, who has attained the Victory of the Ascension, and every Cosmic Being and Master Presence, is a contributing factor to this sea of music, which, like Light itself, forms the atmosphere of the Octaves of Light. The Beloved "I AM" Presence of every unascended being also pours forth its particular musical keynote into the realm in which it functions, prior to the Ascension of the outer self.

"It is from this sea of Light that the Masters draw the exquisite melodies which they focus through Music Temples under the direction of Angelic Beings, who amplify it by their own Life and direct it toward certain composers on Earth who are worthy of more than ordinary inspiration and assistance. They also direct it towards artists who have developed (through centuries of dedication to the Spirit of Music) sensitivity to the spiritual currents which may flow through specific musical activities (operas etc.)

These people are usually fortunate enough to be permitted entrance into some of these Music Temples in their finer bodies at night, while their physical bodies sleep. The glorious melodies from the higher realms, so 'stepped down' by such good men and women, are the results of this endeavor in which I, myself, am extremely active....

"When a composer (for instance, Wagner) picks up the melodies from a Music Temple, usually one of the Masters there directs his personal Ray into the mind of a composer, endeavoring to allow that composer to build a suitable story around the music. You see, the state of development of the inner body which receives the impression of the story. . . and the development of the emotional body which is the recipient of the feeling and theme of the music, will contribute greatly to the ultimate results. Some composers did marvelous things with the musical interpretations, but were unable to receive clear mental directions concerning the 'story’ of the opera and the resultant 'story’ was not truly representative of the music of the theme."

Beloved Serapis Bey

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The Fountain of Wisdom


"I am happy to say that there is a certain instruction which I have been permitted to release to you. It, of course, concerns your Divine Service and also how that service may be fulfilled without the slightest obstacle, and, of course, this concerns the human.

"My beloved ones, do you realize that the human is as sensitive on its own level as the Holy Christ Self is on its level, and whenever there is any outer vibration occurring in your thoughts and feelings which might in any way make you want to drop out of this great Activity, there is ONLY one thing to do: IGNORE IT! Do you realize that the only thing the human is sensitive to is anything vibrating on or below its own level. The only time that you may depend on it to guide you, in the proper direction, is when it is Holy and Free of all human qualities.

"I want you to remember that you are not expected, because of society or any other outer activity, to accept anything into your world which is human. Take your stand, and assert your dominion!

The outer consciousness is pure and holy, composed of life energy, the same life energy that pours directly to your own “I AM” Presence, your Holy Christ Self and the Flame within your heart, and then it goes from you in the way you desire to direct and qualify it. There is nothing imperfect at all about the outer consciousness except that which you allow to be imposed upon it to unbalance your thought, feeling and action.

"The solution for balancing the human does not lie in raising your thoughts, feelings or actions, but rather in raising your point of attention. This is the solution, beloved ones, to raise your consciousness above all imperfect thought, feeling and action directly to your own God Presence [within the Heart]. How else can your Ascension be made unless you raise everything? Even your body is eventually absorbed into the Great Central Sun to be purified and sent forth again.

"So, beloved ones, you can save yourself a great deal of time and unnecessary effort, and take advantage of the Flame within your heart and use it as a Great Central Sun to purify and balance everything within your being and definitely see that your outer consciousness vibrates in accordance with your Holy Christ Self on Its own Level. ”

Beloved LaMorae




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