"What is My Role in the Bridge."

Beloved Pallas Athena 

March 22, 1979

Beloved Seeker of Truth, recently, a young chela asked the question "What is my Role in THE BRIDGE?" This has been (and is) a question asked by many, and it is expedient that the answer to this question be given to all.

Through the downfall, of humanity, he has sunk to such a lower vibratory nature of consciousness that he is no longer able to tune in to the Higher Spheres as is his natural Divine Nature so to do. Slowly, but surely, it reached a point that not one on Earth was functioning the way that their Father-Mother God intended and even those who came close were unable to influence to any great degree those around them.

And so it was decided by the Spiritual Hierarchy... almost a century ago... to make a supreme effort to pierce through the steely shell of Earth's shroud and bring forth the Truth once again to those that clamored for a way out of the morass of the human. And thus the Theosophical Society came into being, succeeded by the "I AM" Activities of Saint Germain. We met with a certain amount of success in both these endeavors, and out of the latter The Bridge to Freedom came into being as the vehicle of expression, into the world of form, of the Great White Brotherhood and the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Planet Earth.

A twenty year Grant was given to those ordained to represent us to the masses, and we prayed for success; for we knew that this was the final opportunity to redeem the Earth and bring her home into the Light. As before, somewhat artificial means were used to infiltrate the consciousness of humankind for we are giving you extraordinary assistance from our Octave, whereas it is Cosmic Law that the Light of Earth come from within rather than without.

We can only do so much, and we are held in check by that immutable Cosmic Law which prevents us from exceeding our allotted "quota" unless a similar amount of Energy, effort and Light comes from humanity. It should be an equal amount, but various Grants have been given which allow us to give you more assistance than usual. We require energy to set this world right, and because of the Law of FREE WILL, we are unable to act unless asked to do so! THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER. Everything you need for your existence on Earth was given to you at the time of your creation. You are a God Being in embryo and are here on Earth to learn to experience your God Powers.

You have heard that you are created in the Image and Likeness of God and that Statement is TRUTH. You have been brought forth to be like him and it is your destiny that you grow and become a God as he is... but first you have to learn how! Everything that you need for your sustenance on Earth has been provided for you, and your Divine Blueprint is locked up within you awaiting to burst forth as a tulip in Spring-time. We will show you how, and we will assist you in returning to that State of Consciousness that you had "in the beginning before the World was."

We are just your brothers and sisters that have "graduated" ahead of you, and in most instances we have trod the same paths that you have trod. We are not special, and we do not wish to be worshipped... even though we might appear to be Godlike to you at this moment. But the Powers I wield are the same Powers you can have if you just apply yourself in your schooling. The Bridge to Freedom is the "University" and the Earth-plane is your "schoolroom" of experience.

You cannot escape from Cosmic Law, nor can you ignore the TRUTH about your life any more. Humanity has reached the point where they must come to the FULL REALIZATION of their TRUE Being and Divinity. No more will we allow you to revel in the delights of the human. We require a responsible example to be demonstrated by those who are sufficiently evolved to do so. TO KNOW THE TRUTH about Cosmic Law, and not manifest it, is denying to God the beauty of his Creation. We can only assist you in as much as you are willing to be assisted. You still have free will, even though this is fast becoming an outmoded excuse to ignore the TRUTH.

I repeat... you cannot escape! Since you are going to live forever, you might as well do it right... STARTING NOW!!! Now is the time to turn your life around 180°(degrees) and head back to God. Give back to him the beauty of his Creation and keep your thoughts constantly on him.

No other existence is as satisfying or as rewarding. It is the ultimate in BEING! Just as we are assisting you now, so did many of you feel this urge to help your brothers and sisters of Earth so many lifetimes ago. Through Love, you came down and took embodiment on this Planet and thus made the world a little brighter with your Presence. There are many of you from other Stars in The Bridge to Freedom, but you too were contaminated by the human consciousness of humankind of Earth. Slowly you too have lowered your sights and joined the masses in their pursuits of human pleasures.

We are calling you Home from out of the morass and we require that you assist those around you while you yet have embodiment. Each chosen member of The Bridge to Freedom has the privilege of being a candidate for the Ascension... in other words this can be your final embodiment on Earth.... to come Home and "go out no more".

We need you, where you are now, as our representatives in the world of form. We need your requests for us to be permitted to go into Action and assist you and your locality. This is accomplished through your decrees. Not only is a decree a strong prayer but when said with FEELING, it provides us with a small balance of Positive Energy with which we can work. It is the same with your songs. By giving us pure Harmonious Energy we can then return to you a balanced equivalent to flood humankind with the Blessings of Heaven. When you realize your TRUE Divine Nature you will be able to INSTANTLY tune into the Higher Spheres, and draw the Light of God through your being and out into the physical world in which you live. THIS IS YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL and until then... as I said before... we must resort to somewhat artificial means to assist you in experiencing your true Self and your Divinity... (just as a doctor suggests to a patient who is recovering from a broken limb that he use a crutch to assist him in walking).

For over a quarter of a century now, the chelas of The Bridge have performed this service for you and for all humanity. We are dedicated to saving this Planet so that it can move ahead into its rightful orbit when the Cosmic Change comes... and that day is NOT FAR OFF! You owe it to those before you to continue in their magnificent tradition of Service.

Not only was the twenty year mandate renewed, but their love of Service gained a further dispensation of The Bridge to Freedom to be our permanent representative here on Earth! Through their dedication, they held the Focus of Light and provided a Fount to which you could come and drink of the Truth of the Universe. You are here NOW! Drink deeply, beloved one, and absorb deep, into the inner recesses of your being the Truth of your TRUE BEING, and then go out and give a drink to your fellow traveler... the great and the so-called small.

Join a local group in your area... if there is one. If not, then get a group started so that we may redeem humanity. This group will be a training ground for others to gravitate to and in teaching others what you have found, you will find yourself growing in stature back toward your God.

We have provided reams and reams of Instruction through the years, and it is yours for the asking. So-called time is short, and I thank God that you found us before it was too late.

Go into action NOW, beloved one, and know that you have a sister here that is a heartbeat's call away from you. "I AM" here to help you. Just call and I will answer.

God bless you in your search after Truth, for in that Truth is your ultimate FREEDOM!

IN TRUTH "I AM" .....Pallas Athena






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