The Law of Life

Beloved and blessed ones who seek to have the Law of Love manifest in your individual and collective worlds "I AM" come to give you an understanding of what that Divine Love really is, in feeling and in practical service to God, the Angelic Host, all humanity, the elemental Kingdom and every living thing.

Love is usually considered ephemeral. It is thought of as something of a sentimental nature. Love (so-called) is limited by the average human being, to certain lifestreams with whom, through karma, the individual is surrounded temporarily and for whom they have developed a passing attraction.

Now, the Divine Love that governs this Universe, that holds this very planet in its position in space, that forms the matrix in the heart of Pelleur's Kingdom, forming the magnetic pull for the elements of earth, water, air and sunshine in and around the planet, is so far above and beyond the human concept of Love that it can scarcely be spoken of in the same treatise or instruction.

You have been told that Divine Love is the cohesive power of the Universe; that it is the power which holds in form every created thing which is to be of benefit to humankind, the Universe or to the galaxy. Love is also the natural radiation which should expand from the matrix or heart-center of every created thing and form and aura of protection around such a creation.

Divine Love is dual in its aspect; it is the power of cohesion (centripetal force) and the power of radiation (centrifugal force). It contains within itself the power of magnetizing God's Virtues and the power of directing the qualified God-energy for a specific purpose to fulfill the Will of God through Helios and Vesta, the Silent Watcher of your planet Earth or any Divine Being, including your own "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Self.

Through God's Almighty Love, desiring to share himself by creating individual Spirit Sparks in his own image and likeness, he endowed these Spirit-Sparks with free will to use Light - as much of that pure Electronic Light and Love as each individualized Spirit-Spark requires. The Love of Almighty God gave free will to these created individualized "I AM" Presences to pass through the Seven Spheres of Perfection without even an admonition on his part as Creator as to what they should do, where they should stay, what lessons they should learn and what their particular obligation to him would be. Is there any unascended human parent who gives that freedom? Maybe they do in the outer sense, but in the feelings and in the mind?

There is no unascended human parent who gives the freedom that Almighty God has given you and which he gave to me - to take of his Light, become co-creator with him, and then go forth into the great Universe and use that Light according to the dictates of our own free will, loving us enough so that, when we were finished with all of the experiences which created the chaos and confusion (the maya which you, blessed students, are consuming) he always says, "You are forgiven! Here is the Violet Fire! Use it for yourselves! Set your worlds in order! Complete what service you are to render in this world of form... then come HOME, my children, for I LOVE YOU".

No condemnation; no judgment; only the everlasting arms of God waiting, hoping and praying for the ultimate redemption of every lifestream belonging to this evolution, unascended, every imprisoned Angel, every bit of elemental life, the substance of the earth, the water, and the air to be redeemed to their pure estate.

The Father of you and the Father of me, the Father of all of us who belong to this evolution who have offered to serve in its progress has never interfered with our free will. It is only when humanity comes to the end of the experiences of Earth, and finds that the fruit on the various paths in his pursuit of happiness is bitter, that he begins to ask what is the Father's business!

Then the spiritual partnership begins, for the Father is very courteous and awaits the invitation of each soul which has free will. Many great Beings, enjoying that free will, feeling the pulsation of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame within their hearts, as the individualized White Fire Being was created, chose to remain in the aura of the Father‘s Court and go no further. These Celestial Ones add to the beauty of that Cosmic Court, the Electronic Belt around the Sun, and that was their choice of free will.

Many others chose to direct the individualized "I AM" Presences from the white Fire Beings creating the activity of the Twin Flames, each dwelling for a time in the First Realm, still close to the Father's Heart. Then because they had free will, the Twin Flames did not always choose to experiment in the same Sphere. Some went further afield into the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Spheres, while one remained in the First Sphere. There was a diversity then in the creation of Light in the Causal Bodies of even the Twin Rays... why? Because whatever Sphere you dwelt in for the longest time before you took embodiment formed the greatest band of Light in your Causal Body.

If one Twin Ray remained in the First Sphere and drew the Blue Ray of power and Faith, and the other Twin Ray enjoyed the ministration of peace and healing in the Sixth Sphere, the Causal Body of one would have a large band of the First Sphere and the other Twin Ray would have the large band of the Ruby Ray of the Sixth Sphere. Now, that would make a difference in the very beginning before embodiment on this planet Earth took place.

All of you came here long ago. . . So many ages ago that I cannot record it in years of time! You went through the Seven Spheres some place; not necessarily those connected with the planet Earth. You came from other planetary systems; other stars; other suns, but some place you developed a Causal Body. When the Godhead who created you (whether it was Alpha and Omega, Helios and Vesta, or others directing Primal Life Essence into electronic light, and creating an Immortal Three-fold Flame, endowed with self-conscious intelligence), he at the same time directed electronic light, which is Intelligence, to obey that Flame.


Class Prayer

First Thing Upon Awakening In The Morning

"Beloved Mighty Presence of God “I AM”, abiding within the Three-fold Flame of Truth / within my physical heart and beating that heart for me, / I sincerely thank you for that Presence and gift of your own Life within me. / You see to it that I use it this day and always, / only for the expansion of your blessings of good to all the life upon my way. / Make and keep every person, place, condition and thing I contact this day / permanently happier and more free because I passed this way. I consciously accept this done right now with full power!

(Repeat 3 times with feeling of deep sincerity and your call will be answered.)

Last Thing Before Retiring At Night.

"Beloved mighty Presence of God "I AM” abiding within the Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth within my physical heart, / I humbly and gratefully thank you for the use today of your most precious gift, my life. / I ask my own Holy Christ Self to join me in this call on the Law of Forgiveness / for any and all mistakes I may have made / as well as any and all omissions of service which I might have rendered life, / had I been more alert and harmonious. / I now call my Holy Christ Self into immediate and sustained action, / asking it to reach out its great loving hands of Light; / and seize all the energy I used today; bring it back into my world; purify it; / charge it with its power and feeling of Cosmic Christ love and Peace / and fulfillment of the Divine Plan. / Anchor it back in my being and world for use tomorrow, / helping me to prevent the recurrence of the same mistakes. / I thank my Holy Christ Self for this assistance, / for in such loving co-operation with me it enables me to move forward steadily, / making things right day by day, / gathering a momentum of ever-increasing good. / When this momentum is great enough, it becomes my passport to Eternal Freedom - the Ascension.”