Our Cosmic Library

Beloved Paul, the Venetian

(Now the Maha Chohan)



Activities at the Chateau de Liberté

Come with me to the Chateau de Liberte, beloved friends of Light, the Focus of the Liberty Flame and the home of all those who desire to be their "brother's keeper". Walk with me up the marble steps into the front hall and feel the Liberty Flame as it pulsates beneath the mosaic floor.... Just for a moment feel that Flame! Oh, many of you who have done great service in patriotic fields during the Revolutionary War and the Civil War have been benefitted by proximity to that Flame, and all of you in this embodiment at one time or another in your inner bodies have felt that pulsation of the Liberty Flame which it is our honor to protect and to guard.

The Lady Sponsors for the month are all Ascended Beings. They are directed primarily to assist you in developing the FEELING of Divine Love! I ask you as your project, if there should be someone with whom you do not feel absolutely in accord, will you take as your project a development of the feeling of Divine Love towards such an one. Now, of course, there may not be any such person in your world; you may have an absolute harmony with all life but if there isn't such an one within this thirty-day period, I think I shall provide one for you! Because there is no challenge, dear hearts, in loving life that doesn't bother you.

There is no challenge in 'mouthing' the words of Divine Love while everyone is out of your way that is discordant in any manner, but the challenge comes when energy in man, beast or elemental, perhaps, treads on your toes, so to speak. So during this thirty-day period we shall provide the Lady Sponsors to assist us and assist you in the activity of manifesting this pure Divine Love. If you will be so kind now to remember daily to speak to that Lady Sponsor.

The Lady Sponsors from the Chateau de Liberte are all golden haired and blue of eye. A great many of them have come from the planet Venus. They are all very slender; of the same Seraphic type as those provided you by the God and  Goddess Meru. Their beauty and delicacy may set you off guard as to the firmness of their nature. They are extremely positive and you will feel the pressure of Their energy every time the opportunity comes for you to love some part of life into harmony.

Now we have in the Chateau, as you know, all of the beautiful and magnificent paintings, writings, sculptures of the great, not only of this civilization but of civilizations that have been - that have come as well as those that have gone.

We have as our guests from time to time musicians, painters, artists, sculptors, not only those who are developed but those who are just beginning, whose motive and desire is to benefit humanity. We work not only on the Third Ray, beloved ones, but we work with the Chohan of every One of the Seven Rays. Whenever any One of the Chohans signifies that there is a chela who is ready to do something unselfishly for the benefit of the masses, we immediately open the doors of our Retreat to such a one and immediately draw the power of the Liberty Flame into the lifestream of such an one to give them assistance.

Thus many good men in your field of inventions, medical activities and ministration through orthodox channels, as well as the great educators and political leaders are at inner levels at night our guests and the Flame within their hearts is bathed in substance that substance is provided by a group of Beings belonging to our brotherhood. The individual, if he is not cognizant (as you are) of the Chateau de Liberte, is brought in his sleep and is usually unconscious when carried by the Angels into the Retreat.

So we have provided for them these lovely couches covered with pink velvet; they are done in the French design with the raised framework scroll at either end. Then these individuals are placed on the couches. Their physical bodies are asleep and the ANGELS and the ministering Beings from our Retreat then direct the Pink Flame into those bodies, into the Flame in their hearts. You can see the Immortal Three-fold Flame in their hearts beginning to expand this activity.

It has to be done very carefully and slowly because we have to return that etheric body into a flesh form that has not made application, you understand, and knows nothing of the use of the Violet Fire. If we expand this Flame too much and try to get it back into the atomic structure (physical body) there would be tremendous strain on the physical vehicle. We have to very slowly accelerate that Flame and we call the Illumination Flame through the mind of such an one.

Meantime, so intricate and so kindly is the service of the Law that while the Beings are working on the etheric consciousness and expanding the Flame in the heart of the soul who is within the Liberty Chateau, at the same time there are two Beings guarding the physical form of that individual. As there is no time or space and they have an activity which you would call telepathy, they can also see the individuals who are guarding the etheric consciousness and they also begin to expand the light in the physical form trying to keep it tuned up as much as the inner body is being tuned up in our Retreat.

It is a wonderful service and then when the inner body is returned to its 'case' in the morning the atomic structure has been prepared to receive it. If the etheric and inner consciousness is too accelerated and nobody took care of accelerating the vibratory action of the flesh structure, when the soul came back it would just really burst the atomic structure asunder. It would be very, very painful physically and very distressing to the mind itself. That happens to you too, only in your case you don't come in on couches; you come in, so to speak, 'under your own steam' . You are very alert and aware of our presence and tell us, as most everybody does, about what you are doing in the world and sometimes you listen to us for a minute or two and then you dash back home and are so grateful you have been to the Chateau de Liberte.

Someday I am going to get a group of students - I have your physical bodies here tonight - but I am going to get a group of students' minds together for three minutes! Now that seems strange doesn't it! You would be amazed at where your minds have been tonight in this last hour, bless your hearts! Your bodies are here; your intent is good but the outer mind flitters and comes back as some point of interest interests you and then off it goes again. We have the same activity at night when we have the Addresses at the Chateau but gradually you will listen!

Beloved Mother Mary is going to help. She promised Saint Germain to assist you to keep the activity of concentration of your mind. She is going to give us assistance in keeping the groups concentrated. Then your home affairs, the weather, clothes, your families and everything else can just be put aside for a few minutes and you can enter wholeheartedly into the activity of the moment and return renewed to pick up the karma which has been yours.

Now we are going to prepare for the breathing. The great Archangels and the beloved Archaii with the Builders of Form have created over Europe a Pink Cathedral and the same activity is taking place as always - everybody from the sleepers realm, those released from the former compound and the disembodied are gathered there. In the Chateau itself we have had as guests, Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya (the new Buddha), Lord Maha Chohan; the six Chohans beside myself have been in attendance since the fifteenth and have graciously remained for this evening's ceremony.

Of course the large number of students who are cognizant of this activity makes it impossible for us all to be within the Flame Room itself so many of the students have graciously offered to sit out on the lawns. You know we have Italian Gardens behind the Chateau and there are adorned pillars covered with roses and they are very, very beautiful. There are chairs provided out there. So the Ascended Host are within the Flame Room itself. the Goddess of Liberty is acting as the pulse beat of the Liberty Flame. That Liberty Flame is expanding now as your attention goes upon it, it will begin its travel eastward and then come to you and continue in a circular path around the Earth.

Thank you for listening -(and let me assure you that you need not be afraid of the days ahead but just be wise in preparing for them).





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