The Ascended Master Jesus

Denver, Colorado

September 18, 1979

Good evening my friends! I come to you this evening because your hearts called me. It was not planned that I speak to you tonight. However, after seeing the tremendous receptivity of each one of you to the simple instruction that you have had this evening, I felt it very necessary that I come and bathe you in the Radiation of my humble self... so that you may really come to know that this Activity is REAL! That we are real; that you are real; and that today - in essence - if you follow The Path that we wish you to follow, you will find that today is truly the first day of the rest of your life! I ask you, blessed ones, to be seated, be comfortable and above all. . . be relaxed.

How often in the Holy Land did I stand talking with my Disciples, or many of the multitudes. And now you are privileged to hear these words that I speak, for the very first time. Right now you are standing in the Presence of Divinity, yet I am just one of your brothers. In fact, I am a member of the Angelic Kingdom and I took embodiment in the form that you know as - Jesus. They all call me "Christ"; and they all call me "The son of God? Neither are true!

The "son of God" is, in essence, that intermediary that was given to you by the Godhead, through me, to act as a guide, as it were, a son or an offspring of your mighty "I AM" Presence. . . the Presence of God that you should be ONE with. . . but that unfortunately, you are not! And many eons ago you lost the way in that you "fell" in vibration as you have been told tonight. And I came to bring the Christ - the WAYSHOWER - to you, to show you The Way back home to your true God Presence.

You were also told tonight how the Holy Christ Self is no longer needed once you become ONE with the Father - the Father, the “I AM” Presence - your true Presence; your true Individuality. And until such time as you could be reunited with your Father and mine, that Presence of God that is everywhere, and yet that beats your heart, it was necessary that your father send a son. . . in essence S-U-N. . . a sun, a Ray of Light from his Heart into yours so that you would have a Wayshower to take you back home. I came and manifested the Christ and I tried to infiltrate into the consciousness of humankind, what was happening.

As you know, I was yet unascended, and I have to admit that I somewhat misjudged those in the Holy Land and I thought that they would get the true message - the full portent - of that which I  was trying to teach them. So I hope you understand a little better now. Each one of you are Gods or Goddesses in embryo.... just as I am, and we all move on in evolution. You each are destined to live for eternity.

There is no end to your life! And until such time as you complete your schooling in this phase of your existence, you will have to take embodiment after embodiment after embodiment until such times as you learn the Twelve Aspects of Deity. Those twelve Aspects are all of the attributes of the Godhead, which you are familiar with. . . such as Love, Compassion, Victory, Spiritual Accomplishment, Loyalty, Discernment: All of these beautiful attributes of the Godhead which you will not truly know until such times as you experience them. Some people may spend an entire embodiment of seventy or eighty years learning how to BE "Understanding".

Others might take as many as five or six different lifetimes just to learn "Tolerance"! So you can imagine the process of learning is long. However, it is as short as you want to make it and you make it shorter through application.

You have been given some God-given Truths tonight. Now I know that; and the young man who gave them to you knows that; and there are one or two others in this room that also know that they are Truths. And how do they know? Because they have applied them.

When that knowledge was first given to them they did not realize, in actual fact, that they were Truths. But they accepted that into their being to examine it; to feel it; to come to know it; to be one with it; and to say, in essence, "It looks good and so I’ll try it". And they try the Law in their Life and it works! Thus through experience they gain understanding.

Last night, the beloved mighty Helios said virtually the same thing, and we will be repeating this over and over and over again - just as I did in Judaea with many of my teachings. We shall be repeating these Truths over and over again until you realize the full meaning of ACCEPTANCE. We do not ask you to agree with everything that has been said tonight. lf you just agree with it, then it just becomes a “belief". And like a pretty picture that hangs on the wall, all you do is admire it and show it to your friends; and say how nice it is; and how you got it; and who gave it to you. And just like a pretty picture hanging on the wall. . . that’s all it does! You never truly place it in your hands and examine it, and apply the lesson contained within it to your own individual lives. Until such time as you do, it will not become true understanding, neither will you gain Illumination, and neither will you gain Wisdom. And because you will not gain Illumination from this and come to KNOW it to be what it is, it’s just a belief and it never really becomes a Truth in your life. .

I cannot give you Truth. Nobody can give you Truth. First, you each have to trust that those that are giving you the Law and imparting of their energy and their lives (and the knowledge that is within their minds) are doing it with the sincerity of purpose and the willingness of assisting us in restoring this blessed Planet Earth to its former perfection. Those that are here tonight, that have called you here into this little room, each have a desire to help us.

We ask you to trust them. We ask nothing from you. . . nothing at all. Nobody in embodiment here, connected with this Activity, asks that you pay them homage, or put them on a pedestal, or give them aggrandizement of their human personality. All these blessed lifestreams ask is that you trust that what they know is TRUE. And they give this knowledge to you in the hope that it will assist you in changing your life.

I, too, have come; and I ask you to feel my Radiation and Love. Just feel what my Disciples felt. FEEL what those men and women in Judaea felt, as I walked amongst them. . . no better than you. An ordinary man that, in Truth, just had his "Act" together.

And I trained, and trained, and trained at the feet of many, many learned men, in the Temples. If you remember, there was a time mentioned in the Bible where I was actually found in the Temple. I was learning at the feet of those who could teach me! And I applied the Laws. In fact I traveled throughout India, and Arabia. I even had the fortunate opportunity of visiting Tibet. It was within a cave in Arabia that I actually attained the Christ. It was quite a beautiful experience. . . just like a warm cloak. It just enfolded my whole Being, and I became ONE with my mighty "I AM" Presence. I became one with my Presence! In fact, this young man through whom I speak now, your Oracle, has had the same experience.

He knows full well what it’s like. . . and I became, in essence, the Christ. And that is why my name was Jesus Christ, because my Disciples could see that I was one with my Presence.

And that is really all I have to tell you tonight. I came to bring you comfort. I came to bring you the realization of the Ascended Host, and I wanted you to feel the Radiation of a Divine Being in your midst. I am with you right now! I want you to feel it, and I want you to promise me that you will do everything within your power to start your studies as soon as possible - and apply these teachings to your daily lives.

Sometimes my Heart literally "bleeds" when I see so many of the children of Earth little better than when I last left them. Some of you - in fact the majority of you - do not even say that prayer that I taught my Disciples so long ago. The least you can do is that. That is one thing which was really written down almost verbatim, except (unfortunately) it has been misunderstood, misquoted and mistranslated. And now together with me, please, I’d like it very much if you would say the Lord’s Prayer with me.

Our Father, which art in Heaven.

Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come!

Thy will be done on Earth

as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those that trespass against us.

Thou leadest not into temptation,

but deliverest from evil!

For Thine is the Kingdom,

and the Power and the Glory!

Forever and forever!


It’s so simple. And if you notice, there’s a slight change in there. Why is it that the humankind asks their God, “lead us NOT into temptation."? Now think for a moment. How many times have you said that and just accepted it, because it was written in the Bible?

"Lead us not into temptation"? Tell me, would any of you say that to your father or mother? Would you say to your father or mother, "Do not lead me astray"? It’s almost too ridiculous to consider, isn’t it? The very thought of your mother and father leading you astray, and leading you into the clutches of evil is not even to be considered. And yet, you ask your God NOT to lead you into temptation. Why should he? WHY?

"Thou leadest not into temptation." You are stating that you are on the side of good. . . on the side of God-Good; and that you stand on that side and that you are one with the Godhead. "Thou leadest NOT into temptation"; and you are saying, "I KNOW you do not!. . . no-one leads me into temptation except what is known as the devil. THOU leadest not into temptation"! And what does God do? HE DELIVERS ME FROM EVIL! And you are, in that statement, making a very, very positive stand FOR the Light. . . for God-Good; and for the Light, which is opposite to darkness, and of course you know all about the forces of darkness! So remember that change. That’s how I said it, and it just got mistranslated.

It is beautiful to be with you; very, very beautiful indeed. And it is nice that I can give you this simple instruction. Shortly, Classes will be inaugurated here; and later on when a Sanctuary is found here in Denver, of an appropriate size, then you will be able to meet there. But I ask that the leaders choose a particular night (or a time in the week) when you can meet on a regular basis - where you can gather here, each one of you.

Discuss the Law: have Meditation: study the words of the Divine Beings through the Activity of The New Age Church, and absorb these Teachings into your consciousness. Put them into practice and make them REAL in your life. . . because, in essence, THIS IS REALITY. Remember that. What you are witnessing now is reality....

And the life that you are leading, I ask that you put it behind you. Raise your sights; raise your consciousness; raise your entire being to one end, and that is to return to your TRUE Source, and come Home into the arms of the Godhead - victorious and absolutely free in the Light of Accomplishment! You can do it in one embodiment. If you absorb the Teachings that you are given through this Activity, you can be FREE at the end of this earth life. . . I promise you! Even though you might not have completed your schooling - and I know that some of you are close to the golden years of this embodiment - and even though you think there might not be time to actually finish your studies, I give you my solemn word that once you pass through transition. . . IF you stay a part of this Activity. . . you will be given the dispensation of not having to return; and you can complete your studies on the other side prior to your Ascension. Know this; and I ask you to do more than “believe" it. Know it to be real, and accept it and EXPERIENCE all that you have been told tonight. . . and experience me and my manifestation through this young man as Reality and absolute Truth!

I raise my hands in blessing, and I pour forth the Light from my Presence to bless each one of you individually. . . and I charge into your consciousness all that you need to start your long journey home. . . God bless you each one, and thank you for inviting me in your midst. Good Night.

The Ascended Master Jesus

Micah -The Angel of Unity