"Shamballa" - Still THE True Source


Beloved Sanat Kumara

October 29, 1979

Beloved friends of Light; friends of Freedom; servants of the Most High: I rejoice in your exceedingly rapid acceptance of the New Age vibration. Extraordinary measures have had to be employed by the Great White Brotherhood to pierce the steely shells of your outer consciousness, and like an arrow - straight and true - we have struck at the very heart core of your Inner mind... thus saturating your true being with the Truths which we wish you to carry forth into the New Age.

You have been told, on several occasions, how these latter months of 1979 are being used to prepare each one of you for the events that are to come. It is a strengthening process, as one would temper steel through the purifying vibration of the Fire element.

Steel is not steel until it has been through the fire several times! Up until then it is only cast iron, forged into the mold that its creator desires, but lacking the strength needed to withstand all pressures and tests of endurance. So it is with you, and it has been seen recently how vulnerable some of you are. The majority of you have passed the tests with "flying colors" and I commend you for your endurance. It has not been easy for some of you to accept the new Radiation, for in its heightened vibration some of you have been temporarily "grounded" by the still lingering human personality, instead of allowing yourself to soar naturally upwards into the greater Light. This is where Faith plays a most important part in your life, for this is ACCEPTANCE without UNDERSTANDING.

Acceptance of new ideas, new conditions and circumstances - a complete acceptance - based on a firm trust that the SOURCE is still unimpeachable and that Truth still flows on like a mighty river from the one source - the Great White Brotherhood for this Planet!

We have permitted many to be about their affairs in their own way, even though we could see a definite trend that veered towards the psychic and the astral. Not content with just what we provide in the way of instructional Discourses, many lifestreams (not necessarily connected with this Activity) have started experimenting in "contact" with the other side of the veil. In extremely limited cases we have "come through" so to speak and spoken with the purer channels that have embodiment... but I emphasize that these are rare. There always has been only ONE Source, just as a mighty river starts high in the mountains where the pure spring water flows down from the heights. A "channel" (as opposed to a Contact) is like a tributary flowing into the main stream of the larger river, blending with the waters but never polluting them... a blending of the Truth with the ONE Source, and never a contradiction. Truth never contradicts itself, and you will notice that since we re-established contact with Earth’s children (through Beloved Madame Blavatsky, in 1851) not one word has contradicted that which went before it. Only those outside our chosen circle of embodied friends have provided the contradiction!

This negative force has of course been present since the laggards came to Earth, and how well do I know their nefarious ways. Many a sincere lifestream has become enmeshed in the subtle web of intrigue spun by the sinister entities (and those discarnates who are under their spell) that dwell in the psychic and astral realms. It is our desire that each and every one of you be sensitive to the Higher Ćthers so that you may "hear” the Voice of your Guru within. As some lifestreams grow in sensitivity, they are not content with that which comes from Headquarters, here at Shamballa, but instead reach out and think they can "contact" Us directly. Not so! It takes centuries and centuries of rigid training to be a pure channel, and even more so to be an Oracle; many is the lifestream that has become trapped into thinking that they are a true channel, when in fact all that they are doing is assisting the sinister force in bringing forth distraction and sedition that confuse the sincere seekers after Truth. Untrained and immature, these lifestreams are unable to recognize the true Radiation of an Ascended Being, and thus they are duped into believing any voice that whispers lovingly the so-called "words of God". Masquerading in the guise of Divinity, many an entity has driven away a potential chela by implanting a thought that is a direct contradiction to the Truth. Thus are the seeds of rebellion and sedition sown: Confusion results, unless there has been developed that essential requirement of every student - the Divine GIFT of Discernment.

This is why we have urged you, time and time again, NOT to mix vibrations; for until you have the training to recognize what is real and what is facade you will be led astray. As of now there are several recognized channels serving in conjunction with the Oracles.

They fill a much needed vacuum in their respective localities, especially in so-called foreign lands where English is not spoken. They provide a corroboration of that which comes forth from Shamballa, and thus they expand the flow of the River so that others may feel confident to launch their individual craft upon the waters, without fear of capsizing. We have stressed, over and over again, that there is only ONE TRUE SOURCE, just as there is only one original source for the river Nile.

The Source, in this case, is the Home of the Spiritual A Hierarchy - still called “Shamballa” in memory of my city of Light that once stood on an island in the Gobi sea. We disseminate the Truth through every available channel we can, but ONLY utilizing those sensitive lifestreams that have the Purity and Sincerity of purpose to remain TRUE to the ideals we set forth. I re-iterate that these are very few indeed. Most of these precious ones know of this outer world organization - now called The New Age Church of the Christ and would never ever fail to blend any new Truth with that which had already come forth through one of Our specially trained Contacts. So be on your guard! Accept nothing into your worlds that is of doubtful origin and I warn you that, in these latter days, there is much to divert your attention!

That Blessed Lady, Pallas Athena, has said that" ...there are many ‘flowers’ in God’s garden1, but that the developing students should learn to recognize one variety until such time as they have gained that gift of discernment, to determine what is real and what is not? The sinister force inject much of the Truth into their messages that gives validity to the falsehood, and without this discernment you will be unable to tell right from wrong. One way is to look at what you already know. If you know it to be the Truth, then it has already been brought forth by us through an Oracle. If it is new information, coming to you from elsewhere, then do not accept it until it has been corroborated by the central Source here at Shamballa. We know what you should be apprised of, and when the time is right you are always made aware of new Truths, new explanations of the Truth, and sometimes of coming events. You are ALWAYS the first to know; for since The New Age Church of the Christ is our physical brotherhood on Earth, it only stands to reason that we favor you above all others. No other organization is given any information before this one, for I repeat that this is the TRUE and ONLY Source: All the rest are merely "tributaries"... not all of which are still flowing today. Some have dried up completely, and other channels have not been kept clear of silt and debris, thus reducing the flow to a mere trickle. May I suggest then, that you stay with the rose as your "flower" of choice. The varieties are many, and more than sufficient to please every taste... and what is more, the Heavenly "Scent" remains constant!

We, of The Spiritual Hierarchy, are now instituting severe measures to clean up the many thousands of mediums, psychics and so-called channels whose utterings are merely confusing the minds of man. Many a sincere seeker after Truth has been dissuaded from continuing the search. In some cases the Holy Christ Self of the individual removes the lifestream from the Path until such time as he or she can resume their studies without contamination of the Truth. The sinister force have a natural aversion to bathing in the cleansing waters of this mighty river of Truth, but instead constantly prowl the banks, throwing in pollutants that make it more difficult for those further downstream to quench their thirst in purity. The closer to the Source you get, the higher you go and the purer is the flow! This is an analogy which I do not wish you to ever forget, as you proceed with your studies.

Few it is that have seen THE Source for themselves, and tasted of the waters thereof, for it is only the sincere seekers after Truth that are willing to subject themselves to the sometimes arduous and lonely journey "upstream". Most, it seems, are content to float downstream with everyone else. Soon they are in congregation with the many that are gathered on the banks of the lower regions; and it is not long before they become mired in one humanly created distraction after another. You have been told that you are "the select of the elect”, so why is it then that having drunk of the pure waters from the Source, some of you persist in trying to quench your Spiritual thirst from streams that flow not from the Supreme Source of all Life. When you are faced with literature that derives from other "sources" than that which we give you, ask yourself how far downstream you are and make the effort to go "upstream" to compare what you have with what is already flowing from the highlands.

The flow of Truth, through our representatives here at Shamballa, has been increased so that we may effectively flush out all contaminants that have gathered over the years. We did not place them there. They were accumulated through your own human misunderstanding, mis-creation, and misappropriation of the pure energy from God. All is being purified now, for it is our fervent desire that this mighty "River of Truth" flow completely free of impurities, so that the masses “downstream” may come to know what you know, confidently drinking of the waters, no matter where, and receiving true sustenance for the first time in this embodiment.

In these latter days, all facets of your Spiritual life (as you have known it) are being stirred up, and through the greater intensity of the Light much imperfection is being brought to the fore. You were told that this would be, and were requested to use the Violet Fire (whenever necessary) to remove the impurities as they surfaced. This “sediment” has been building up slowly over a long period of time, settling unseen within your cup and robbing you of your full capacity. As we stir up these unwanted particles, the dregs of human creation, take advantage of this special time to cleanse your vessels, thereby increasing the capacity within the cup of your consciousness.

There have been some chelas who, when seeing their own human creation rising to the surface, have come to the erroneous conclusion that it came from further "upstream” and have accused our authorized representatives at the Source for tainting the "waters"! Discernment on your part will show you that the Source still remains pure... and always will! For it is only discernment which allows you to filter out the pollutants so that you may drink of the pure waters. Would it not be easier to remain in the Highlands, from now onwards, ever sure of the Source of your Spiritual sustenance... always knowing that your grail will be filled to the brim with the purest "thirst quencher" of all?

And so, we will do our part to dissuade or remove all those that are the unwitting pawns of the sinister force. Contact with all channels outside of this Activity will now cease. There is no competition in God’s Kingdom, and we do not desire to foster any schism within our fraternity on Earth. We are requiring absolute Unity as never before, and those in this Activity can thus be assured that there will be nothing brought forth elsewhere that they need to place their attention upon. Any information brought forth through other channels that contradicts the Truth flowing forth from the Home of The Spiritual Hierarchy, here at Shamballa, is a lie and of course should be disregarded in its entirety.

Rest therefore, secure in the knowledge that you are on the right Path. Go forth with your studies knowing that there is nothing that you should know that you have not been told, or that we will not inform you of when the need arises. There are many changes that you will be apprised of shortly, and I wish to announce that I have personally taken it upon myself to be the Enfolding Spirit of The New Age Church of the Christ. As you well know, I have my own quarters here at Shamballa, as Regent of this Earth. I shall be permanently in residence here from now onwards, until the Earth is FREE in her Ascension into a higher orbit. Beloved Saint Germain and the Beloved Micah are requiring much assistance, at this time in the Earth’s evolution, and as such are unable to devote too much personal attention to the individual needs of the chelas.

This is now my Activity as much as it is theirs! I came over four and a half million years ago to save this Planet, and should the present momentum of rapidly accelerating Light be slowed, it could well mean that all I lived for would be lost overnight; and I will not permit that to happen. This Activity is now under my care as it was under Beloved Morya’s not too long ago. Call to me, just as you used to call to him and I am urging each one of you to give of your utmost to strengthening the foundations of The New Age Church to prepare for the influx of new Life in 1980.

I am yours, and you are all mine! Put God to work in your lives, and remember the brotherhood here at Shamballa that just awaits the opportunity to serve. Call to us, for we can do nothing without the request from humanity! Remember all the gifts that we have bequeathed to you through the years and use them as "weapons" of Light to conquer those that would bring more darkness to this dear, dear Planet. You are our army of embodied volunteers, and it is upon you we ultimately depend. The forces of darkness are on the run, and you helped us do it! Embodied chelas, on the Earth plane, give to us the additional power required to overcome the forces of evil. Maintain your strength, your protection and above all your determination to do nothing but the Will of God throughout this final rampage. We need every one of you to stand firm and resolute for the Light against the attacks of the sinister force. Just know that they cannot win, and that the Light of God never fails!

Stand within the Victorious Light that comes from Shamballa, and you will come to know true invincibility. Strengthen your stand during this crucial hour in Earth’s history, and don’t fail me now!

I feel the love of Lady Venus and myself flood forth to you in your homes, families, business worlds, and environs as I bless you with the Love of my Being. We will be meeting with each other often, for there is much to do.

In Love, “I AM” Sanat Kumara

Regent for the Planet Earth


1 “God’s Garden has... many varieties of flowers. Some lifestreams have a decided preference for the rose, some for the lily, some the violet, and so on. Each has their own definite fragrance and your choice is guided by the momentum you have gained. BUT, listen attentively. You will remember that the Beloved El Morya counseled the chelas of The Bridge to Freedom to make their own free will decision as to which Avenue of Truth they wished to follow, and in so doing remain true to that vibration. This advice is just as essential now as it was then, and always shall be!

“Before concluding, I most lovingly and humbly remind you that God’s Garden on Earth is not yet free of “weeds" so be ever on you guard that the brambles of the insidious forces do not entangle you and impede your progress on the Path of Victorious Accomplishment in the Light.

"I, Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, most emphatically send forth the Edict TRUTH SHALL PREVAIL!

The Bridge Journal— May, 1968 ( p. 11)





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