Our Cosmic Library

Beloved Lady Master Meta



Beloved friends, I come bearing the Love of My Father, Sanat Kumara, the love of My Mother, Beloved Venus, and the love of the peoples of Venus to the peoples of Earth, to all those who are guardian spirits from other Stars and other Planets and who are serving in this tremendous activity of straightening the axis of the Earth.

In the consideration of the nature of the new Lord of the World, the beloved Gautama, have you thought that the primal doctrine of His whole life, His whole teaching and His whole way of living is that of balance, representative, beloved ones, of the Middle Way the balance of all of the energy within His Own inner vehicles and His flesh form when He walked the Earth, the balance between fanaticism and lethargy, the balance He set forth in His doctrine for those who choose to follow Him.

Therefore you can see how, naturally, upon His assumption of the Office of the Lord of the World, balance for the very planet Earth would be an essential fruit from the harvest of His Presence and it is that physical balance which is causing the straightening of the axis of the Earth so that the planet Itself will have that perfect balance that We know on Venus and that the peoples who embody upon the Earth, as well as all living things that use It for a schoolroom, will increase in balance also.

There is much within one word, beloved ones, which can convey to an alert individual a whole message that could be elaborated upon in chapter after chapter of a book. One of those words is "God-balance", exemplified by Lord Gautama and given by Him now to the very Earth which is your present Hostess and to the peoples who are dwelling hereon and those who are to come in the future. In regard to your individual worlds also as more and more of Lord Gautama's radiation and His essence of feeling enters your world, you will find that greater balance in the four lower vehicles through which you function.

All of these four lower vehicles are not equally balanced at the present time. In the case of any unascended being who is not fully master of all of the energy of his world, one vehicle is larger, one vehicle is more mature, one vehicle is more receptive than the other and, therefore, in the life experience of the individual who is seeking mastery, there comes a time when that balance individually must be developed and the vehicles that have been neglected through lack of use for centuries of time are given opportunity to expand.

That is why some times in the experiences in which you are engaged in what you call "daily living" but which is really living in the aura of your Master, you are tried on certain points of your own nature that require development and expansion of one of the vehicles that you have neglected in the past.

The perfect man unascended is equally developed in emotional stability, mental alertness, etheric purity and physical vitality! You can measure your own vehicles and you can know that when stress or strain appear apparent on the screen of life temporarily, it is because your own Guru, your Ascended Master Friend of Light is endeavoring to stimulate some lethargic sheath or vehicle and cause it to expand, (either the physical vehicle, the etheric vehicle, the mental vehicle, or the emotional, whatever vehicle it is that is out of balance). Visualize these vehicles around yourselves in the form of an ovoid. They should fit perfectly one within the other and the distension of one vehicle and the contraction of another vehicle causes an instability particularly under times of stress.

So you are blessed beyond words to have as your new Lord of the World at this time an Individual Whose whole lifestream and Whose whole teaching has been the development of balance that balance which will hold you in good stead.

You know in the outer world how uncomfortable you feel when you temporarily seem to lose your balance physically, yet when the greater changes come and the greater numbers of people are coming to you for assistance, you shall require that God-balance which Lord Gautama Himself, in love, will give you. Then you become a poised, balanced lifestream and the energy flowing through you passes out in a balanced manner so that you are a credit to your Ascended Master Friends of Light and a credit to your fellow associates upon the spiritual path and a credit to the human race of which you are temporarily a part by the reason of your own choice many ages ago.

We are thinking a lot about Shamballa of course during this glorious and holy season and I thought back, today, to the time when the Earth's balance was almost gone and when My beloved Father, the blessed Sanat Kumara, returned from the conference and told My Mother of the possible dissolution of the planet Earth and how His heart glowed with that wonderful feeling of love for life until My beloved Mother picked up that radiation and that feeling and told Him He was free to go to the Earth and assist It if the Cosmic Law would allow Him and remain as long as He desired.

She offered at that time, you know, to be the Father and the Mother to the planet Venus and all Its evolutions and His sacrifice was great and Hers, too, was very great in that self-chosen experience by which the planet Earth was sustained and which has expanded now to greater and greater perfection during the time now when beloved Father entered the heart of the Court of Shamballa.

On Venus, beloved ones, there is perfect balance in all the activities of our life. There is balance in our joyous expression; there is balance in our home life; there is balance in our religious service and the most magnificent balance in our music and that balance makes it comparatively easy for an individual who belongs to the Venusian scheme to achieve the necessary victory of their own Ascension. There is nothing upon Our planet that can throw a lifestream off balance for a moment. For this, of course, We are extremely grateful.

That balancing power held within Venus was within My Mother's Own Heart and She had to hold that when the Beloved Sanat Kumara came Earthward for the Priests and the Priestesses of Venus and the masses of the people. Her position has been, only for millions of years, very similar to that of Holy Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Who held the balance for the disciples and apostles for the years after the Ascension of the Master Jesus.

Think you of the responsibility and obligation of one lifestream to hold that balance for an entire Star! That is why with the coming of the developed radiation of the great Lord Gautama, we were so grateful to have returned to Us for even a short time the beloved Sanat Kumara, that We might have the stimulus of that balance which is within His Lifestream as well.

As you know, He has come back and forth to the Earth time and time since, but He no longer has the full obligation of the Earth's balance, that obligation now is Lord Gautama's and those of you who choose to call with your hearts to hold the perfect balance for the planet Earth, for the elemental kingdom, for the peoples of Earth for their minds, their souls and their bodies and to sustain that balance in the water element and in the substance of the Earth and in Air.

Every great Being, every Director of the Forces of the Elements, is a Being Who controls balance. Take Neptune, beloved ones, how well He balances the rise and fall of the tides. Take the beloved Maha Chohan, Whom you love so well, how he balances the sowing, the nourishment and then the harvest.

Take the beloved Aires, what great balance there is which keeps the element of air as purified as it is so that humankind may breathe it and continue to live in physical bodies. Think of the balance of Virgo, beloved ones, all of the shocks that have entered into the substance of Earth, which is Her body -- think of that wonderful balance that She holds, the very Earth beneath your homes and your places of occupation, your continent, in that wonderful balance, shock-resistant really, and all these Beings await only the direction of Cosmic Law to make a change.

Now in the rising of the subterranean Atlantean cities, balance again will be such a primal factor as some of the landed surface rises and some of the waters are displaced, think of the balance that will be required upon all these Intelligences to see that all this is done with the greatest amount of peace and the least outer disturbance.

Two great Beings Who are most magnificent in the activity of balance with regard to the planet Earth are the great Polaris and Magnus Who are the positive and negative poles for your Earth -- and are moving that axis slowly, keeping the balance so that literally the people are not thrown off the Earth Itself.

That motion is so gradual that it is hardly discernible to any except the individuals who have been told of this transition period.





Dear Lord GAUTAMA, guide us on Light's Pathway

That we Thy Love and Grace may manifest;

As Thou through ages preparation made

To take the place of Dear Sanat Kumara

Whose Love and Honor held Earth's balance true,

And Light's great Power did then all hearts pervade.

Thus, one by one, we now attain our Goal.





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