Easter Class

Master Jesus

Shamballa - Long Island

March 26,1978

"I AM" The Resurrection and The Life - "I AM" The Resurrection and The Life - "I AM" The Resurrection and The Life for you, each dear one into the Cosmic Consciousness, and for all humanity.

A Holy and a Blessed Resurrection and The Life of The Christ within each of you, dear friends.

I bring to you today the full gathered momentum of The Resurrection and The Life which has been built since My Ministry. I speak not of My individual accomplishment, I speak of The Resurrection and The Life of the Cosmic Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ! Oh lovely ones, come - come into My Heart and experience the ecstasy of dwelling within that glorious Consciousness . . . and you shall . . . for today is a day of Cosmic Import.

You will remember, some of you, that Holy Æolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit, asked for a Dispensation and He was not sure when He would get it from the Karmic Board... but dear children, it was granted and as of today there shall remain the Holy Chalice of the Holy Spirit the Golden Chalice of God Illumination, upon this Altar...(chelas stand)

This is a special privilege given because this is the Focus of the Cosmic Holy Spirit and when one day in the not too distant future, the Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit which is pulsating in the Ethers above, shall be lowered. And as you honor, love and protect this Sacred Grail, it shall form an anchorage of the Cosmic Currents of the Holy Spirit into this Sanctuary. Are you not privileged, My dear ones!

Today you are going to receive Holy Communion blessed by Holy Æolus, the magnificent Cosmic Holy Spirit, Who loves you and Whose glorious Dove does pulsate over this Island and holds all life in its glorious embrace think of that, My dear ones.

Today you shall receive the First Communion of the New Age -- and later when Holy Æolus thinks you are ready, you shall come here for Confirmation! Feel the blessing of the Holy Spirit, that great Essence which sustains you through the Sacred Breath. Make a vow within you today that you shall use that Breath as It courses through your being in a manner which will bless all life!

I know you will say "yes I will I shall do that" but remember you are in the Cosmic Radiation of the Spiritual Hierarchy this day. You have said "The Lord's Prayer" which shall endure for all Eternity, and as you say it daily, you say "Thy Will be done" "Thy Will be done". It is the Will of God for all the children of Earth that they go forth in His Name.

It is not too far distant, My beloved children...prepare ye well for the individual Second Coming of the Christ. Unravel the winding cloths of the human and let The Christ stretch forth Its arms and make you Free in the Light!

We need emissaries all over the Planet, in every occupation, and that does not mean that you have to go around looking like a saint, if you could....you know I like to take the pressure away from you . . . be your natural God-selves! Do not express any fanaticism... you don't know that the man, woman or child whom you pass by -- he or she may have far greater Light that he may have learned the lesson of Humility... humility is required to be a true Disciple of the Holy Spirit. And oh I long for the day when you can be confirmed and receive this sacred honor of being a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. You know The Disciples of the Holy Spirit that is the Inner Name of The Bridge to Freedom. It is not yet time that We use it in the outer world.

We wish you to go around like simple, ordinary people, as I did I found it was no great task, for through God's Holy Grace and the enfolding of My Mother Mary, I was holding the Immaculate Concept which She placed in My Consciousness, and nourished and She is the Mother of you, too.... and holds that Concept of each of you.

The ethers are filled today -- yea I say crowded if it could be possible, with the Angelic Host! Tier upon tier of the Legions of Light are above this Sanctuary, and as We complete this Service today the Thought Form for this Class which is a Holy Grail with the Dove of the Holy Spirit above, shall be inverted and that Sacred Essence will be carried around the Earth as a Benediction and Blessing to all humankind.

Children of Light I am privileged to be in your presence and I honor The Christ within you We shall now proceed with the Holy Communion Service.





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