Our Cosmic Library

The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain

Beloved ones, it is always a privilege to enter into the midst of friends who have been interested in Your endeavor through the centuries that have been, and who have chosen voluntarily to come into embodiment to anchor in that permanent Golden Age, which We anticipate from Our side of the veil so much, and which you in turn are anticipating too, for yourselves and for your fellowmen!

You are dear friends of Freedom, What a great responsibility there lies in giving freedom to some part of lifeuntil that life has been harmonizeduntil the discordant qualities are removed from it, Sometimes that life can best be served through the power of transmutation of impurity before full freedom is given, For instance, you take a caged lion or tiger and were you in a burst of sympathy or compassion for its imprisonment to loose it without transmuting its nature, you would have done for your fellowmen more harm than good. It is also true in the case of the great Nature Kingdom, If the mighty Directors of the Elements were to give full freedom to the seas, to the wind, to the elementals of the Earth (which not yet fully harmonized) before purification took place, they would run rampant and cause great distress and cataclysmic action.

So in using The Flame of Freedom and in the giving of freedom, there must be a great sense of discrimination. That is why the Freedom Flame is known also as the transmuting and purifying activity, because when that activity of purification and transmutation of the lower nature has taken place, then life in whatever form it functions, maybe freed with safety to all concerned, and a great sense of liberation and God-joy to that life which was imprisoned may be accomplished.

Representing Freedom to this planet Earth, it is My desire to, as quickly as possible, make it safe for all imprisoned life to know that freedom. Within life is an innate desire for freedom. All life wants freedom, but not all of life is yet ready to allow full freedom to act.

We are now in this period of preparation for the acceptance of the responsibility that comes with full freedom. Just as a certain amount of purification goes on in your own world before you can accept the freedom of your Ascension, so this process is taking place on a world-wide scale.

Beloved ones, as this Violet Fire which I represent, continues in Its action throughout the entire planet, I am eternally grateful for all that you have done in your decrees and in your visualizations, and in your enjoyment of the use of that Violet Fire. Every time We come to you, We bring a stronger and stronger FEELING of the reality of the virtues or quality that We have chosen to represent, and qualify to magnetize into a particular sphere. I qualified to magnetize the Violet Fire in the Ascended Master Realm and thus became finally the Chohan of the Seventh Ray. I qualified to direct that Violet Fire in the physical world through you who are unascended, through your acceptance of It, your realization of Its potency and Its power and your experimentation with Its use. Beloved ones, one day when you have a conscious use of this Violet Fire and in, through and around yourself or any part of life in distress you can see Its action and the instant and complete release and relief from that distress, it will have been worth all of your endeavors, all of your study, all of your application.

Every time you use that word "Violet Fire" or "Mercy's Flame", and every time you think, and every time you feel with intense feeling the buoyancy within that purification, you draw a greater and greater momentum of Its efficacy into your four lower bodies. As you are part of the consciousness of all humankind, you draw that also into the consciousness of the emotional world, the mental world, the etheric and the physical worlds of the entire nine billion souls belonging to this evolution, even though some of them of course are not presently embodied.

We are grateful in the extreme that the Violet Fire Temples provided for those who have passed through so-called death are becoming more and more popular and the individuals, particularly those with an orthodox consciousness, enter them now joyously without any sense of hesitancy or fear due to teachings of "hell fire", "purgatory" and "damnation". Unfortunately, this magnificent Violet Fire has been confused with the fire of hell and the fires of purgatory, where great suffering was assumed to be part of the soul's lot earned by misdeeds. As these people find that this Violet Fire is not painful and is not a punishment but is rather a joyful purification that changes the entire consciousness of the orthodox peoples when they have passed through the change called death and they joyously welcome the use of that Violet Fire through the assistance of the Angels of the Violet Fire and through the Violet Fire Temples provided at inner levels gradually, even in the physical world, you will see less and less of the doctrine of damnation stressed from the pulpits and the leaders of the various religions will turn their instruction toward immortality and toward a merciful God.

Our endeavor, of course, is comparatively new. There is not such a long line of consecutive energy charged and qualified with the realization of the Ascended Masters' activities and the capacity of the Ascended Masters to talk to unascended beings and unascended beings cooperating with the Divine Ones while yet in physical form. This is a relatively new activity insofar as the mass mind is concerned.

As the knowledge and cognizance of the Ascended Masters of Light and the Angelic Host and other Great Beings becomes more widespread, it will not be as difficult to draw forth the activities of the Sacred Fire for there will be more receptivity. Individuals who have passed from the body, who have witnessed the Violet Fire, who have benefitted by It, who have sat at the feet of the Masters in one of the Temples of Light and then who are born again, will come into embodiment much more pliable and much more receptive to Our instruction and to Our teaching.

Then, of course, We have to watch because some students say immediately, "Well that's fine; it is not in our time", and there is the desire to put down one's oars waiting for the next twenty years until some little children are raised who can take up the load. But that, of course, is not the case! We have to have a continuity of consciousness. That is a continuity of contact between Our Realm and the realm where humanity abides over which We can give as much direction as the Law will permit and as unascended beings will utilize by making Our directions practical in the world of form.

When that bridge is broken, even temporarily, and the directions from the Ascended Host do not get through to the consciousness of the chelas, it is a break in the continuity of Our endeavor. Yet We have endeavored since the days of Helen Blavatsky with some small results to reach a few of the people, and then the activities of Mrs. Bailey and Baird Spaulding and others carried to the Western mind more and more of a realization of the Ascended Masters' consciousness.

Now We are endeavoring again to hold a bridge open between Our Realm and yours, and you, in turn, begin to open the consciousness of those that you can contact until We have a true communion between the sainted Realm and the realm of unascended beings.


There is an expression much used in prose and poetry called "affinity”.

An affinity means a sympathetic vibration passing between two lifestreams which brings a sense of harmony and contentment to both parties. Then we have the word "sympathy" which, in the human parlance, means a condolence with the appearance of imperfection. When the Ascended Masters use the word "sympathy" we mean a vibration of a similar or complementary keynote which by nature blends harmoniously with other vibrations, but on a higher scale and produces a feeling of well-being and general harmonious accomplishment.

As you can see, there is a subtle difference in the use of affinity and sympathy. These affinities between lifestreams are physical, etheric, mental and emotional. They have caused violent attractions and, when they are absent, violent repulsions are often felt between the unperfected manifestations of the ONE Life.

When there is an affinity between the soul and lower bodies of two or more people, it gives the Masters of love and Wisdom a tremendous natural instrument for service; because, to find two or more people anywhere on the globe who can, under stress and strain, remain harmonious and sensitive to the Presence--and each other--has been a difficult and almost impossible task.

Now, to bring you a homely illustrationthe vibratory action between some of you, say, who have little pet animals in your homes, and those little creatures, is harmoniousand because of that, the vibratory action of love passing through your lifestreams enriches your own worlds and expands the love flame in your hearts.

In like manner, the contentment of the little ones in question does much to raise the nature of their development, so the affinity even between an individual and a member of the four-footed kingdom breeds good.

The more developed the spiritual harmony and affinities among a greater number of people, the greater results in good through their radiation, emanation and individual evolution, as well as the more powerful the focus¾which is dependable, during time of strain, to remain a harmonious whole.

Such a brotherhood of people has been Our hearts' desire through the centuries, but the constant breaking of those affinities by human thought and feeling, is one of the greatest hindrances to the unfoldment of Our Plan. I shall appreciate, therefore, dear children, your every endeavor to establish and sustain a feeling of well-being between yourselves and the lifestreams you are connected with in Our Service.

So, children of My heart, dwellers for the moment in the world of form and strife, I set you to the difficult task of walking in harmony. When the sharpened tool of criticism appears in your thoughts, dissolve it at once with the Light before it is brought into the world in words on the Breath of Life. At various times you have been given instructions on the possibilities to be found within the Light and of the power to transmute all appearances into Its great Radiance.

Light is the emanation or forcefield of Energy. It is an Effect but not a Cause. It is a Product but not the Producer. It is a Solvent but not the Solver. It is Omega but not Alpha. Understanding this, you will realize that the Light you draw to change conditions, to become supply, to bring Peace, must be generated by some self-conscious individualization. All self-conscious Life, from the Godhead to the individual, may through action, generate and expand Light.

The Cosmic and Perfected Beings, in addition to Their Cosmic Service, are a continual outpouring of Light which enters the Cosmic storehouse for this System, and may be drawn by lesser individuals to hasten their liberation from shadow.

Thus you, beloved ones, who have learned what Light can do, must not use Light as though it were a natural product, for it is rather a Gift, released through the energy of other Parts of God. This mighty Storehouse of Light anchored around the physical Sun is what you refer to as the Cosmic Light -- meaning Universal--and when you wish specific assistance, if you reach into this Cosmic Light you receive a greater outpouring than if you tuned into the Light of your own heart, or of just one Master.

When you realize that every Perfected Being is a Fountain and Outpouring of Light, and you consciously draw that Light through your own lifestream, it looses the action of the Three-Fold Flame in your heart and you begin to emit more Light.

Perhaps this will show you, not only the way, but the joy that will be yours in helping hold spiritual harmony and affinity among each other during the coming twelve months, in interpreting the Heart of the Master, the song of the wind, the wagging of a puppy's tail, the fragrance of a flower, and trying to make the interest behind that manifestation of Life your own. Oh, not for duty's sake, but for LOVE'S sake, like you daily share and enjoy a particular interest of one part of Life that you perhaps have found akin to yourself.