Thanksgiving Class

Beloved Sanat Kumara

November 27, 1975

Children of Light, how very grateful I am to be in your midst this day, truly it is a day of Thanksgiving for me.

You know I feel like a father to all of you, for through the centuries you were my children expanding the Light on this dear Planet, assisting me with every radiation of Happiness and Perfection which went forth from your dear beings to bring more Light to this shadow Planet, and you are closely aligned with my lifestream for your dedication to this service. I thank you for your Love, and I shall remember you, each dear one, for all Eternity.

I shall now give you the ThoughtForm for this Class. It is very similar to the thoughtform for the year... see our Master Jesus, the Angel of Unity, standing above the Planet Earth within a Great Star, with an Aura of Pink Light of Pure Divine Love emanating from his Being... I ask you to think of this ThoughtForm all during this Class, for every time you send forth harmonious energy you will come closer to union with your own Christ Self. And that it is the responsibility of the Beloved Jesus, the Christ, to unify the lower consciousness with the Divine, so that the Christ will express through all humankind.

Now you know that we in the Ascended and Cosmic Realms can look upon the Divine Blueprint for this Universe, and I shall ask you to see a great mirror of Light before you, as I reveal an event which will take place, this concerns our Master of the First Ray, the Beloved and Mighty El Morya.

You will remember that he took embodiment as Sir Thomas More, and that during the early sixteenth century he wrote the book 'Utopia'. Many people have thought this just a Visionary tale, but... even at that time El Morya could pierce through to the Heavens and see what was to take place... Utopia, a Land of Perfection.

When the Cosmic Inbreaths are complete, and beloved Mercury goes into the Aura of the Sun, and the Earth into the Orbit of Uranus, Beloved El Morya will go on to Higher Levels. O, no, he will never leave you, any more than did the Maha Chohan when he became the Cosmic Holy Spirit Ĉolus. Beloved El Morya will still be guiding you while on this Planet, and even in the Upper Realms he will watch over you, for he has a mighty determination for the Will of God to express on this Earth, of a magnitude which I could not describe in words...

Then we will have a new Chohan. As the Feminine Ray is coming into prominence on this Planet, and I know that those of you who knew her well will be happy to learn that the Lady Miriam will be the next Chohan of the First Ray. Our gracious Lady is in special training at Darjeeling, and what a magnificent hostess she is. You who knew her personally when she was in physical embodiment knew that she had a great expansion of consciousness, and some of you knew that she is my cosmic daughter. It brings great joy to my Being to see this tremendous evolution of her Consciousness take place.

Let us just pause a moment and send our Love and our Gratitude to both El Morya and the Lady Miriam...

I know that this is a very important announcement, and I do not wish to speak at length, but it is my privilege to tell you, dear ones, of this Cosmic Appointment which will take place in the not too distant future.

Now, humility is a great asset, requisite, for every lifestream and you do not know those among you, those in the student body, who will have a tremendous position to fulfill in the Spiritual Hierarchy of the future. But let me impress upon your consciousness the importance of fulfilling the service in which each of you is presently engaged. Be content with your Service to Life, it matters not what you think is great or small. Each blessed heart has a blueprint held in the Heart of their own Christ Selves - the Silent Watcher of each lifestream, and the more harmonious radiation which you can release, the quicker will that Divine Plan express.

We are counting upon you, beloved ones of Light, and particularly those here on Shamballa's property on Long Island, the Sacred Focus of Light, New York City and our Nation's Capital at Washington, D.C. You are all closely aligned and shall serve as one to bring forth the Utopia about which so many have scoffed. Utopia shall manifest, and this Sacred Island shall be the first place it shall express.

Are you not privileged, lovely ones? May you ever become more humble in Service.

Now I ask you to turn your attention to the Etheric Shamballa. The Cosmic Highways are open and glorious Beings from many Stars have come to convene with our Beloved Lord of the World Gautama.

I ask you now to please visualize the Beloved Lord of the World standing within a tremendous Lotus of Light, and see his glorious Aura expand until it covers the entire Planet. See him thus during these four days of Classes, and mighty will be your Blessings, for Gautama will send forth every effort to bring a balance of Love, Wisdom and Power within your beings.

I most humbly bow to his Light, and to the Light of each of you and to all life upon this Planet, and I shall ask you to stand as Beloved Gautama gives you his Blessing...

"Children of Light, Children of the Universe, glorious is this day in Cosmic Annals... it is a day of True Thanksgiving, and I send you, each and everyone, the Holy Blessings of every Being who is convening at Shamballa, particularly the mighty Alpha and Omega... who love you well, and who are grateful for your service.

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER-MOTHER GOD: the Cosmic Creator of this Universe, - I enfold you in the Divine Love which is the Cohesive Power of the Universe.

Thank you, dear ones...

Sanat Kumara






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