Our Cosmic Library

Lady Donna Grace

When Beloved Holy Ĉolus was the Maha Chohan for this Earth, he released weekly Instruction for the enrichment of the consciousness of the chelas who were to form the nucleus of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM.

Recently Holy Ĉolus conferred with the Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, and requested that he again release a portion of this Instruction, to be a Feature of THE BRIDGE magazine, in this and succeeding issues.

Your study and application of the Truth contained therein will greatly assist you in your forward progress on the Path of Spiritual Attainment.

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Why are you on the Planet Earth today? Because you chose to re-enter the schoolroom of experience on the physical plane to model your nature, according to the Divine Plan set for your lifestream.

In the Inner Realms, without the fetters of your physical vehicle, this expansion of your God Nature seemed easy of accomplishment, but when the outer consciousness became aware of its mission when functioning in the lower sphere of expression, the task seemed almost beyond your ability to attain.

Well, that consciousness is of the human and seeks to intrude when you are progressing on the Spiritual Path, but when you surrender the lower concepts at the feet of the Divine Presence within your heart, the chela moves forward with the acknowledgeable ways of the Christ within.

Dear and sincere chelas, the surrender of the human is like unto the climbing of a heretofore unscaled mountain, the peak of which is reached only through continued effort when the way appears insurmountable.

You are all-endeavoring to overcome the road blocks which are in your path, but you must remember that these temporary setbacks are of your own creation, through your free will misuse of God's Energy during your countless sojourns upon this Earth.

I wish to encourage you in saying what appears to your outer consciousness to be solid masses of misqualified energy, are of less density than they were a short time ago. Your endeavors to become the Christ in action through the setting aside of the human consciousness and by the use of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, are bearing good fruit on your tree of life. Continue in your efforts, with your attention on the God Mission, which you are accomplishing with more rapidity than you realize, and Victorious Accomplishment in the Light will result.


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Each individual coming into embodiment upon the Earth holds a needle, and through the eye of that needle the thread of Life flows. Each one must sew his pattern, and none may take the needle from the hand of the sewer or execute even one stitch in the pattern of his life. As the eye is the efficacy of the needle through which the life thread flows, so is the great Cosmic 'I' the life-giving principle of humanity. The human personality, or outer self, is synonymous with the needle that is used to sew the pattern to be expressed in the individual experience of each man.

Through Mercy, the Cosmic Law allows intervention to the point where the wrong stitches may be cut out, and wrongly applied thread removed from the pattern, through the use of the Violet Flame of Mercy... Life also allows, by Cosmic Law, through the contemplation, meditation and aspirations of the wayfarer, the Perfected Beings to offer their assistance in showing the manner in which the stitches should be sewn.

Also the pattern may be held before the sewer as a guide to his fingers, but from the lowest to the highest, the actual sewing must take place through the individual's own personal endeavors. This is a homely simile, yet these homely phrases often carry a mental picture which enables the chela to understand that self-conscious endeavor precedes Mastery.

Wrong patterns have been removed by the Ascended Ones time and again, and new thread has been placed in the needle. Time and time again has the completed pattern been placed before the chela's eyes, and seeing, he makes a renewed endeavor to bring forth Life's Plan of beauty, patience, peace and richness of all good for him.

When humanity learns that self-control is essential to Mastery, he will begin to know that Mastery transmutes all errors, and that the application of one's own life-thread expands the God-Flame towards Mastery of all energy and vibration in his own world, and then in a wider capacity to assist others.

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God, through Life, is the Silent, Motivating Power of the Universe. The natural emanation of Life is Light. As you become conscious pilgrims on the Spiritual Pathway of the Silence you will learn from Life itself the exquisite beauty of being one facet of its quenchless Flame. All the Ascended Masters, Devas, men, birds, animals and growing things are expressions of the ONE LIFE which encompasses all. Throughout infinity and the galaxies of Suns, there - is no tiny space where Life is not. This Life is God - a Universal Substance, whether expressed as a Solar Logi or a blade of grass.

For the man of wisdom Life is a gentle teacher, sharing its great gifts from the Heart of the Silence. For men of less understanding, Life is a more severe instructor, but always with only one purpose, to teach its every expression of the manifold glories contained within its silent, throbbing Being.

Remembering to speak only when his words are more golden than his silence, the chela's mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies become still enough to hear the Song of the Silence, to understand the language of the birds and the animals, and the gentle voice of the growing grass, and finally, he becomes so attuned to Life expressed in Nature, that he is able to plunge into the Sacred Secret of his own throbbing heart, wherein lives the Holy Christ Self of each one.

The chela must learn that neither books nor words, nor any outer crutch can unlock the secret forces that lie dormant within him. When his bodies, through long stillness, become quiet enough and assume their proper stations as servants, not masters, of form, then he becomes the Voice of the Silence, and his Presence can and does unlock the hidden healing in another one's breast, ease away the shadow of another's pain, and gently guide another part of himself to the same still road that leads to Self Mastery.

I give you, each one, my greetings and my love, and as you co-operate with the Silent Power of God, you, too, shall tread joyously the Way of Peace.

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Upon the physical plane, or upon any other plane for that matter, every manifestation that exists must have a Primal Light Wave or a pulsation, and the first pulsation takes place at the command of a Self-Conscious Flame of Life Projected from the Universal First Cause "I AM".

The fullest possible understanding must be attained by the chela that HE IS a pulsating Flame from God's Heart NOW that gives him all the Power of Creation. When through meditation, he realizes this, there is no such thing as an idle word, thought, feeling or action, for being at conscious oneness with the Holy Christ Flame, when he even raises a finger, God the "I AM" Presence acts and creation takes place. Therefore the God Flame-conscious chela does not speak idly or think unhappily, because he knows he would flood tons of energy into his individual world, which would take form, shape and color according to his most ephemeral gesture.

If humankind could, for a moment, understand the POWER of the Creative Force that is wielded by even the most ignorant and ungoverned outer man, he would be more careful of his expressed breath, words and actions than of royal jewels.

When individual becomes a conscious conductor of the Ascended Masters, his own Energy is amplified a thousand fold - in his words, thoughts, feelings and actions because they almost immediately manifest as conditions and things.

I say to my chelas... accept no compromise from the appearance world. The unwavering stand held by each one for peace, health, opulence or any other good thing will draw these to you.

You are sons and daughters of the Giver of ALL GOOD to this Earth, and you are one with the HEART that created every gold and jewel deposit on the Planet. If you will affirm, insist and demand the release of that particular good required in your world, you will find it flowing quickly into your experience.

Blessings and Love







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