Beloved Micah

December 31, 1974

"I AM" Micah, and it has been my great privilege to have been enfolding the peoples of Earth in the Feeling of Unity all through this outgoing year, preparing me for the activities as One of the Sponsors for Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-five.

We have witnessed much progress in the consciousness of the chelas this year, and for this cooperation with the Spiritual Hierarchy we are all extremely grateful. Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-five will be a year of tremendous God Illumination as the Truths held in the Consciousness of the glorious Pallas Athena are released to the chelas and other dedicated lifestreams upon this Earth. You can anticipate a very active year, not in the sense of rushing about, but of learning the art of the Silence.

Oh, the busy, busy mental body which does not become still enough to get the full import of the Truths which are released. It is not sufficient to listen to or read the God Illumination which comes forth, but it is essential that one go into the Heart of his being, and in that Spiritual Throne Room to feel the love of Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, a Co-Sponsor for the year. In the Radiation of Beloved Paul, you can become better acquainted with all the Kingdoms, especially the Nature and Elemental Kingdoms, for a kindred spirit MUST BE FELT WITH ALL LIFE.

Realize, my lovely ones, the animating principle of the Holy Breath, without whose Elixir one would cease to be. Send your love always to the Beloved Maha Chohan for his encompassing service to all life... truly the Holy Comforter to all who seek his Radiation. While the Maha Chohan's Radiation and love is ever-present, the power of your attention provides a current upon which his greater blessings may flow to you, and through you to all life.

Dear ones, we are lending every assistance permitted by Cosmic Law to bring about the Christ Consciousness for all humanity, especially the chelas who, having knowledge of the Spiritual Law can assist their fellow travelers. I humbly counsel you to really learn what the Great Silence is, not only will you be benefitted, but you will be in readiness to accept the Cosmic Truths which are about to be released.

Many years ago we stated that if one wishes to reach a certain destination, the quickest way to get there would be to take a direct route, and not a longer course of many by-roads. In so doing one uses much fuel, similar to traveling by automobile, and in like manner the fuel or God Energy used in going hither and yon could have been used for his own spiritual progress.

The enlightened chela will bend the knee of the human, and permit the Holy Christ Self to steer his spiritual craft safely through the turbulent waters of human effluvia to the Other Shore, where the Crown of Victorious Accomplishment awaits him.

When one is firmly anchored within the Heart of his being, his energy is released from the Spiritual Source and his service is more effective because it is not qualified by the human and goes forth on the beam of the Light of the Christ. As it travels to its destination it becomes amplified by the Christ Consciousness which flows throughout the Universe... having been generated by the Cosmic and Ascended Beings and those other dedicated individuals who have found their way into the Heart of the Silence. Then a true chela can greatly assist the Spiritual Hierarchy in the restoration of the Planet. In that Silence, or listening grace, he provides a cable over which the Blessings of Heaven may ride to purify the Earth and add to its Light, even though he utter not a word, as the Oneness with his Christ Self joins with the Christ Consciousness of all.

I am repeating statements which have been given many times, but which have not yet been truly accepted by most chelas. Mind you, my beloved ones, when we speak we do so with a purpose, and at this crucial hour in the Earth's evolution, it is imperative that we receive even greater cooperation from the chelas in whom we have invested . . . God's Holy Energy . . . through the years.

I wonder just how many can set aside their human so that when called upon, we will have chelas equipped with the Armor of God's Holy Light in order to face the days ahead.

I most emphatically state... that Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-five will be a year of action. One in which the Spiritual Hierarchy will present instruction which will prove to us, without a question of a doubt, those individuals who are really worthy of being called 'chelas'.

Raise your consciousness out of the mire of the human, dear ones, and don the Mantle of Truth. Dedicate your energies unreservedly to the Purpose for which you came to Earth at this time... TO ASSIST IN KEEPING THE PLANET IN HER ORBIT so that the Cosmic Inbreaths necessary to move the Earth closer to the Orbit of Uranus will be taken without too many chaotic conditions becoming manifest all over the Planet.

NOW... listen very carefully. Since December 24th, the mighty Helios and Vesta have been drawing the Planets closer to their Hearts, and it has taken until today to accomplish this, because of conditions unseen which have been endeavoring to interfere with this Inbreath.

Praise the Powers that Be that the Light of God and the perseverance of the Spiritual Hierarchy has enabled that Inbreath to be successfully accomplished at the time of the rising of the Sun this day, December 31st.








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