The Divine Plan

 by Beloved Vista

Much has been said about the Divine Plan, and yet a clear and definite picture of It is wanting in the consciousness and minds of the chelas. When the Seven Elohim began the process of evolving a Spiritual Hierarchy on the Planet Earth, They received from the Sun God a plan or architectural drawing which They were to follow. They, in turn, made an etheric replica of this Divine Plan and placed It in the Atmosphere above the physical substance which They were drawing into manifestation.

This completed Universe - accurate to the smallest detail, - became a pulsating, shining reality in the inner world. The Devas of Form and the Sprites of Nature were instructed as to their part in the evolutionary scheme, and the Divine Plan for each lifestream remains a pulsating, breathing Flame in the World of the Real.

When the individual was in constant communication with his own God Self, it was an easy matter for the physical personality to fulfill the Plan in accordance with Divine Will, and the Builders of Form and the Nature Devas cooperated with humanity in creating the physical manifestation of the Inner Etheric Pattern.

When man ceased to communicate with the God Self, the Divine Plan was impeded, and that is why the cosmic evolution of the Earth is so far behind cosmic schedule.

Great men and women, from time to time, have had the privilege of raising their consciousness to a point where they might glimpse a part of this shining etheric vision and then, through tenacity of purpose, they have been able to inspire many lesser men to the task of making the physical appearance world yield to the Will of God.

Great statesmen, poets and writers, artists and musicians have thus presented the slower and heavier minds of the masses with the inspiration which was to be an outer expression of the inner Truth. Where such a receptive vessel was found, the Divine Plan was literally pushed forward by the Invisible Host Who have waited for such channels through the centuries.

The Call for the Divine Plan to be fulfilled makes each person an open door through which the Builders of Form and the Cosmic Hierarchy may surge the Flame which will make the unresponsive consciousness of humankind aware of the true destiny of the individualizations of God and the Planet as well.

To go a step further, and rising in consciousness to view the glory of the Divine Plan for individuals and for a locality or a nation is still a greater service, for such an one may, through inspirational means, convey to the minds of the willing but unresponsive the ways and means by which this Divine Plan can be interpreted.

There are few who can rise above the Earth pull to a point where the inner Sight may view the surrounding Glory, and among these few there are less still who have the ability of interpreting their inner vision in a manner to inspire confidence and inspiration in others.

These individuals are rare, and yet most are needed for the instruction of the Gods, and the Will of the Father must, by Cosmic Law, reach humanity through natural rather than supernatural means, except on rare occasions when the Cosmic Law permits an Avatar to come forth.

Beloved Saint Germain has said that it is as easy to be aware of things years ahead as it is to secure a book from the library. He means by this that the only pre-destination there is for humanity and for beast and the Earth must, by the magnetic pull of the Cosmic Cause, sooner or later express perfection through cooperation with the Cosmic Law until every atom and every cell of the Earth plane and the life upon it has become an outpicturing of the Divine Blue Print.

This is a Cosmic Fiat to which there is no exception.




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