Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Goddess of Liberty

Beloved, Blessed Children of God, thinking of you this evening, and then watching you at this glorious Service, you will excuse me if I feel the personal pride of a mother in children who have gone far, far, far into the world of form, and yet consciously of their own free will return now home, in Mastery, in Dignity, in Honor, and in Purity.

Magnificent is your accomplishment individually, when from our Octave, we look through the billowing clouds of maya and the human creation of century after century of humankind's misuse of the God Energy of Life. Magnificent, indeed, is the Power of Light within the hearts of those who have enabled them to stand individually and collectively, living according to a code of honor and purity worthy of the Ascended Masters' Octave.

Little do you know the strength of your own Light! Little do you realize the power of the Sacred Fire within your heartbeat, and I am come to liberate again within you those Powers of the Sacred Fire which you knew with me in the Great Central Sun before this world and all manifest form came into being.

I was thinking of you the first time you did stand before me, before humanity began the long evolution upon the sweet Earth. Do you remember in your hearts that day? Some of you sweet and wholly innocent, belonging to the evolution of Earth, choosing to go forth into incarnation upon the Planet to achieve Mastery of energy and vibration - some of you strong, valiant spirits responding to the magnetic pull of Love, choosing to leave the glory of Free Stars to be the Guardian Powers of the innocent whose evolution is upon the Earth.

All of you stood within the Temple Flame of the Heart of Libra, that you might be blessed with Liberty to use your Life as you chose, and, incarnate, become part of the great evolution of this Earth. Every being who has incarnated, every being who has proffered assistance to the evolution of the Earth has had to accept the Flame of Liberty which I am endowed to pass into and through the lifestream before such opportunity is given.

So I know you well, Children of my Heart, and my Flame is woven into the essence of your own heartbeat, and it is my endeavor now to LIBERATE within your outer consciousness the memory of those powers of Instantaneous Healing, of Precipitation, of Levitation, of Divine Illumination, which you once knew, and which are lying dormant within the electronic flow of your life essence as it passes from your body.

Beloved Children of God, Liberty and Opportunity are very similar in meaning. Those beloved people from foreign lands, who come into your beautiful harbor, come with the hope of Opportunity to use their life essence as they choose, to weave out of that essence success, to invest the talents of their individual beings as their own free will might prompt them, and it is so that my symbol, which stands in your harbor, and which stands for Liberty to pursue that course which is dearest to your hearts, is a symbol of Opportunity as well.

You, too, stand at the threshold of great opportunity - opportunity to grasp the friendship and association of every Ascended and Cosmic Being who stands in our Octave. Opportunity to draw forth from the Glory of your own Causal Body that tremendous momentum and power of good which is your own individual heritage, opportunity to serve your fellowman through the Perfection of the vehicles of your own individualization!

Every man makes of his opportunity that which he, through his own free will, chooses. So when you are given Liberty, remember that through that Liberty you may develop God Freedom and God Mastery, or you may choose not to draw those Powers within the Heart of the Presence, and although you are at full liberty to have all that Heaven holds, you may remain still in bondage.

I ask with all the power and intensity of my Being that you may feel within yourself a desire to LIBERATE the God Power within your heartbeat. As I am speaking with you, I ask that you liberate within your flesh body the whole Power within your heartbeat and allow it, in freedom, to fill your form.

I ask you to liberate from your mental body those concepts that have bound you and limited you, and from the full power of your Christhood to reveal to you the Perfection of your Presence.

The Flame of my Liberty is yours to use, dear hearts, and I am hoping that you will choose to use it to liberate those God Powers that I see active within that Flaming Substance which is your Individual God Flame.

In the early ages, before the human creation was woven out of the mind and feelings of humanity, we did not have, what is called today, a Board of Karma. There were but three of us who functioned as Liberating Council, before whom came every lifestream incarnating, and at the end of the Earth life again came that same lifestream to us, bringing in the sheaves and a harvest of a life well lived, but there being no discord manifest through any consciousness, there was no need for Judgment - no need for Balance, - no need for Karmic Retribution.

It was only after the laggards from the other Planets were admitted into the Earth chain, and they, through the power of thought and feeling, contaminated the consciousness of the natural evolution upon the Planet Earth, that the need and requirement for a Board of Karma drew forth from the Heart of the Silence those other Beloved Sisters and Brothers who make up the Seven Beings of whom you are so cognizant at this time.

Because my Lifestream and my Flame were given the responsibility of LIBERATING the life essence of all incarnate spirits on the Earth, I have been, from the very beginning, the Spokesman of the Karmic Board, but now because of the tremendous assistance that has been given to humankind by you who are conscious of the work of the Brotherhood - you who are conscious of the great Violet Consuming Flame, and you who are conscious of our Endeavors to awaken the lifestreams of those chosen to be the forerunners of the Cosmic Christ Age, the Sun itself chose to give to our Beloved Sister, Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, the place of honor at the head of the Karmic Council.

I was among the first to congratulate her in this great honor, and I can tell you with great personal happiness, that as the two hundred thousand were examined before us - all were passed with merit, it was the lifestream and the momentum of the Beloved Kwan Yin and Saint Germain, who, through the use of that Violet Fire of Love Divine, made it possible for the Grant to be extended to include one million lifestreams.

This is a tremendous opportunity for the peoples of Earth and you, my lovely Friends of God, who have woven your life energies day after day into those calls and decrees with deep and sincere interest in the awakening of the two hundred thousand, are blessed without limit, for without your calls this accomplishment could not have manifested. It is one thing for a wholly Free Being to ask for dispensations from the Heart of the Eternal, and it is quite another for human beings bound round by their own personal karma, and by all the accumulation of their individual effluvia, to choose to step aside from thought of personal gain, and in the dignity and mastery of impersonal service, call for the victory of life through lifestreams with whom they are not even acquainted in this outer world.

I congratulate you individually and collectively for your love of the Light, and I thank you on behalf of the great Karmic Board, on behalf of all the Brotherhood, for your lovely service, and as you ponder on the consciousness of Liberty, will you be willing to give it freely to all the life that you contact? It is a most magnificent activity in freeing yourself from tension, from opinions, and from unhappiness.

You know yourself how happy you are when someone says with feeling... "You are at complete liberty to do as you please." If you will, dear hearts, in working and serving one with another, trust in the Wisdom of the Presence of God, and in those of us who are privileged to see through the veil of your human creations into the Glory of your own Causal Body - trust us to know that, if we choose through any one of you to render a service, within the life and momentum of that lifestream is a Power of Accomplishment, and in your feelings give that one Liberty to unfold and develop and mature that God Nature which we see clearly and which can be manifest, if some among you have confidence in the God Life that beats the heart.

Have you thought of the great Liberty which your own Divinity has given you in the use of Life, and the Liberty which all the Masters of Wisdom give graciously one to the other? If you will, my beloved children, set your own mental and feeling worlds in order, and just give LIBERTY to Life to expand, you will have the Eternal Gratitude of the Christ selves of those other lifestreams who are drawn around you for a specific purpose, and who are endeavoring ofttimes at great odds to manifest some measure of God's Divine Plan.

No unascended being can know what is within the pulsating ethers of the Causal Body, or what is within the power of the lifestream which may yet be dormant, and which at the psychological moment can be released to bring great assistance to great numbers.

There is no such thing as happenstance, the workings of this Law is inexorable, as well as impersonal, and as steel filings are drawn to the magnet, so are the souls of Light drawn around those Focuses at one with them, and whom we see can render a specific service in a certain locality, for the good of all.

You who are sons and daughters of Liberty are friends of my Heart, and the children of my bosom, and as I look into that glorious Flame of your Heart, and as the Light unfolds those petals and expands through your form, and the life liberated within, I know that you are Master through the Liberating Life, which is your true Being.

I thank you for giving me the Liberty of entering your world, and I open my World and my Consciousness to you, and we shall, I am sure, in the future move forward in a much closer association, rendering greater service to God and our fellow man, in liberating life wherever we see it bound - oh, not only in the distortion of the physical form, but right within our midst where tension arises.

If you will make that call in the Power of the God Life within, and have faith and confidence in that God Life, you can render a service for an entire spiritual community, and I will stand by such a one, if he or she is found among you. I am sure, through the response of your hearts, that there are not one, but many.