Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Archangel Michael

HAIL! Beloved children of the One God! To you who are temporarily walking the ways of the Earth, I come! I come to bring to you my conviction of the power of positively-qualified energy which is within true Divine Love. 

The expansion of this particular aspect of the Nature of God has been my service in the Angelic Kingdom for many, many ages. With the help of the One Supreme Source of all Life, I have developed the quality and feeling of God-confidence in positively-qualified energy. This I have developed within myself, in the Angelic Kingdom and in some few among mankind who have chosen, from time to time, to give their attention to me and have chosen to invoke my Presence and protective power in, through and around themselves, and their loved ones here embodied; as well as around their loved ones who have passed through so-called death. 

Think you not that it takes a tremendous capacity of Divine Love for an entire evolution, for me to be willing to stay here for service in the Astral Realm twenty-hours out of every twenty-four by earthly count, which I have been doing for quite some time? 

Think you not that it must take a tremendous amount of Divine Love for imprisoned Angels, mankind and Elemental Life for the Legions of Lord Michael to come and remain with me in such service? 

Think you not that there has to be a very great power of positively-qualified energy within that Love, for us to be able to focus it in, through and around a soul whose human creation (of course of its own making) is so heavy that the soul itself is practically inert and cannot even arise by itself to enter the Halls of Karma; there to receive its assignment from the Karmic Board to go to some specific schoolroom of instruction between embodiments? Sometimes too, a soul is so rebellious against God that it is absolutely determined not to comply with the Divine Edict and Law of the Universal which governs those who have 'passed on'. 

Think you not that it must take a tremendous 'drive' of energy, qualified with the full power of Divine Love, and directed one-pointedly to set that soul free from as much as is possible of that discordant accumulation? 

Think you not that it must take a great deal of positive energy qualified with the power of Divine Love, for us to be able to assist those lifestreams for whom some of you have chosen to pray in specific 'Liberation' services, after they have passed through the veil called death? Many, many times at Inner Levels, with my own hands of pure light, have I stripped from the inner bodies of your relatives and friends for whom you have called (those for whom I pledged to you my assistance because of your faithful service to our cause for so long) stripping them emotionally, mentally and etherically of as much destructively qualified energy as the mercy of the Great Law would allow, so that they could make the best possible showing before the Karmic Board. Do you know that some of them I actually had to push into that River of Violet Fire (commonly known as the River Styx), persuading them to remain within it until that substance of humanly qualified energy around them was transmuted. 

Many such an one have I helped in this manner, radiating the faith, confidence and power of my conviction in the goodness of God, which later enabled that soul to walk down the long corridor in the Royal Teton, finding the Council Chamber which had been allotted to the country of their birth, and where they waited in turn for invitation to appear before the Karmic Board. (I tell you; those Halls of Karma are a rather forbidding-looking place to those who are aware of wrongs done by them on Earth). Having given them the strength of my own Faith in the merciful forgiveness of Almighty God, I accompanied them to the Halls of Karma and stood by their side as they appeared before that august body. There I continued the positive radiation of my Love and my conviction of self-confidence, that feeling of 'You CAN do it - for God is with you'! That is the vibratory action of Faith which is representative of our Kingdom, particularly of those who serve with us on the First Ray. That is the vibratory action which is directed by my Legions into the feeling worlds of unascended beings who seem to be in great distress and, at least temporarily, have lost hope. Some of them seem to have lost all faith in God himself, and to these I send my Legions, telling them to give such souls through the radiation of Divine Love, confidence in the power of God within them to do that which they know must be done. Then the Angelic Protectors, standing in the auras of such souls needing assistance, radiate the feeling of 'YOU CAN DO IT - BY THE POWER OF GOD THAT IS WITHIN YOU': Can you think of a greater aspect of Divine Love in service? I think not! 

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Standing in the full freedom of that Realm where the eyes can see, and the ears can hear, as God intends, I look at the beautiful, constantly flowing stream of electrons that flows from the Source of Life, and which are molded by the White Fire Spirit from whence all have proceeded into the electronic pattern of each lifestream. To stop one of these beautiful spiritual atoms in its rapid descent, in order to study its beauty of detail, its delicacy of outline, its shining essence, would be impossible. Literally catapulting themselves into the Grail of the Heart of the Presence, they flow outward through every sphere, qualified by the particular vehicle of the individual functioning in that sphere. 

For instance, from your Presence flow these lovely beings in every word that Presence speaks, in every wave of its hand, in every motion of the Electronic Body, and they form the substance, essence and glory of the Causal Body. 

Then, through the Holy Christ Self, they flow into the Fourth Sphere, molded into the thought patterns and forms of that Spiritual Guardian of your life expression. Each tiny little electron becomes a molded prayer - the very Presence of the Violet Fire in action. 

As the Life Essence flows onward through the lower bodies, the mental vehicle commands it into every thought form, good or evil, the emotional body commands it into every feeling harmonious or otherwise, the etheric body commands it into every memory, and the flesh body into every action. Here, the lovely little beings become imprisoned in the forms created by the outer self. 

Even the tiny little electrons that swing around the polarized center of each atom in your physical body are infinitesimal figures, and it is but the accretion around them that shuts in their beauty and their natural light. When you become accustomed to visualizing your body as such a countless number of these intelligent selves, it becomes easy to speak to them in love and ask them to fulfill themselves in BLAZING LIGHT - IN HARMONY AND BEAUTY OF EXPRESSION - IN HEALING AND PURIFICATION OF THE ENVELOPE WHICH THEY MAKE UP. 

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I now raise my Sword of Blue Flame and DRIVE, DRIVE AND DRIVE IT with a cyclonic action through your lower vehicles, into every cell and atom of your beings. FEEL IT with all the intensity you can accept - for your FREEDOM from all that is not of the Light is NOW offered you - and your FAITH in that which we are endeavoring to do determines the result. 

Accept this my Blessing and BE FREE! 
