Pure Divine Love

Beloved Mother Mary

Beloved Children of Light, as we are all engaged in the Holy Activity of expanding the Flame of Pure Divine Love to all the evolutions of this Earth, in compliance with the Thought Form for this year, my thoughts turn to that glorious Virtue which has guided me through the Centuries. 

An awareness of the feeling that the Father and Mother of this System have for each life-stream they created, designed and sent forth from their Cosmic Hearts has grown within me for many centuries of time. It has become my Quality of Life to give to any and all who choose, as blessed Jesus did, to serve the Supreme Source through loving the other sons and daughters who also are expressions of their Love. 

Countless men and women have preached of the Love of God, but it takes much contemplation to even touch the periphery of that feeling which the God Parents have for the evolving spiritual pilgrims on the Path. Those dwelling upon the Earth today have come forth from the Hearts of the various Sun Gods and Goddesses of this System, those glorious Beings serving under the direction of the mighty Alpha and Omega. 

As a child serving in the Temple preparing for the tremendous privilege of being the Guardian, with the Beloved Joseph, of the Holy Jesus, I used to ponder for hours the beautiful God Mother Vesta, for I was even then aware of her enfolding Presence. I felt her Love for the children walking the Earth, and as this Love grew within me, I seemed to merge with her Consciousness and literally hold the entire body of the peoples of the Earth in my arms. 

I know now that I was never out of the Ray of the Beloved Vesta, and that the overpowering Love I felt was not my own so much as it was her Love merged with and intensifying my natural developed feelings. How can I explain that while we were two Individual Lifestreams, yet we seemed to be one. I relate this experience to you so that you will understand that the merging of the outer self of each of the chelas with their own Christ Self is the purpose of the training which you are all now receiving.

The Spiritual Hierarchy have repeatedly counseled the chelas to purify their lower vehicles until they merge with and become One with the Christ Self, and when this is accomplished they are within the Cosmic Consciousness of the Almighty, where they have access, without the interference of the lower self, to the glorious Virtues pulsating in that mighty Reservoir of God's Love. 

I pray that each of you will become so imbued with the necessity of using and becoming one with the Flame of Pure Divine Love, that your purpose of being in embodiment at this crucial time in the Earth's evolution will become manifest through you, and you will experience the ecstasy of dwelling in the Kingdom of Heaven while yet wearing garments of flesh. 

It must be realized how important it is to hold the Vision of the "I AM" Presence against the riptides of the qualified thought and feeling forms that continually play through the unguarded thought and feeling bodies of the race. 

I most gratefully and humbly accepted the assistance of the glorious Vesta in holding the Immaculate Concept for Beloved Jesus, and that Divine Design for all Life ever pulsating in greater intensity from my Being. Today, I again offer each of you the opportunity to tune into my Momentum of the Flame of Pure Divine Love which embraces the Immaculate Concept. Come you, Children of God, into my outstretched arms and let me help you in unfolding the Love which is within you, that Love that is awaiting the removing of the chains of the lower consciousness which imprisons It. 

I shall be awaiting your call to me to take you into my Heart - and there I will lovingly assist you to be the outpicturing of your Divine Design, and holding the Immaculate Concept for yourself and all Life - you then will truly expand the borders of the Father's Kingdom upon Earth. 


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The Immaculate Concept 

There is a Cosmic Concept

E'er held within God's Heart,

Of each one's great Perfection;

Of us it is a part.

Immaculate in essence;

Pure in its God Design;

Outpictured in the Presence -

It is our Plan Divine,

Beloved Mother Mary,

E'er poised in list'ning Grace,

In Holy adoration,

We see thy shining face

Raised ever to the Concept

Of Christ in all mankind;

Help us attain Perfection

In body, soul, and mind.





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