Thanksgiving Class

Beloved Mother Mary

Shamballa - Long Island, NY, USA

November 29, 1970

My dear blessed friends, beautiful shining cells in the Diamond Heart of God, how I love you, each dear one. Will you kindly be seated and relax and just feel a Heart Friend speak to you. 

Oh Shamballa, Holy Shamballa, is ablaze with glorious Light today, for we have envoys from many Stars, some who would not ordinarily be present until the Teton Meetings, have come this year at the invitation of the Beloved Lord of the World, Beloved Gautama, for in an informal manner we can discuss Petitions and Plans for the coming year to benefit this blessed Earth and all her evolutions! 

This room is filled with the Angelic Host and upon this platform are the Sponsors of the year and Beloved Hope. Please feel their Love and mine. We are so grateful, grateful for the cooperation of the chelas this year, your Love and Service has been magnificent... I thank you in the name of us all for what you have done and for the expansion of your own heart's Light. 

Will you bear with me for a moment as I reminisce I remember each blessed Heart in this room when it was fashioned into a tiny Heart to come again into embodiment. I remember when the bands of forgetfulness were placed about your consciousness and with an intense prayer I said "Oh God, help them, each one, help them to perform the Service which seems so simple in the Inner Realms". I have never, never let you go from my loving embrace, and I shall not let you go until you are Free in the Light. I have followed you very closely - I saw the tiny Spark within you expand into a Flame, and I remember the exact moment when that Spark became a gigantic Flame within your beings. I use that word advisedly, for you are now Flaming Presences of the Almighty and the lower self is receding, receding until it will soon be no more. 

How I love you, each dear one, and all the blessed chelas all over the Planet, but I speak specifically today to those dedicated chelas in The Bridge to Freedom, the intensity of their Love and Service has been one which is unparalleled. 

Now that I have poured out my Love to you and that of all the Spiritual Hierarchy, I would like to talk with you a little about the various religious denominations, in particular that of the Catholic Religion. Many changes are taking place within it, as have through the ages, some good, some otherwise, according to the consciousness of the ruling Pontiff. 

Send your blessings to the Beloved Paul, the Pope, who is traveling to the people, where once it was thought that the people should come to him. He fully realizes that the power of the Papacy is receding and that that power will be vested in a Council of Churchmen. He knows very well while one is unascended there are many frailties in their lifestreams, so he chose to go to the people under very difficult circumstances - he is not long to remain upon this Earth; he knows his work is about completed; he is receiving tremendous assistance from the beloved former Pope John. 

One subject I wish to bring specifically to your attention is that of THOU SHALT NOT KILL! This blessed man, the present Pope, will receive his Freedom in the Light for holding firm to that Commandment. Of course you realize what I refer to and the laxity of the laws which are coming forth. "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the Truths which Jesus brought, which all the preceding Avatars brought! Think of all the preparation that goes into the preparing of the Sacred Heart - how the lifestreams have to go before the Karmic Board and all the preparation in the Sacred Heart Temple, and then for man to have the audacity to say - I usurp the Power of God, and the Life is snuffed out! 

Now in a lighter vein, I would like to tell you that a tremendous service is being rendered by our Beloved Micah in other Religions, notably those of the Jewish Faith. While they still cling to the idea that the Messiah is yet to come - that is all right - the Messiah is coming again, and as I tell you this it reminds me of a very simple story which you have heard many times of how the Christ came and knocked at the door of mankind, and at yours too, each and every one of you, and you knew him not. But now through the Power of the Christ within each of you expressing in greater capacity each day, you know that the Christ is here, that he will come again - visible to the physical sight of mankind in the not too distant future, dear ones. 

Oh that Blessed Micah, how he is doing everything permitted by Cosmic Law to awaken the consciousness of all mankind of the Earth. See how the feeling of Brotherly Love is being expressed in Nations and to Nations and their peoples in so-called 'disaster' areas - the giving of food and medication and all kinds of help. Mourn not for those who have gone, this is all in accord with the Divine Plan, and those who yet remain have a part to play in the Great Cosmic Scheme. Rest in the Wisdom of the Father! 

Beloved ones, you have no concept of the Light of the Beings who are now assembled at Shamballa - their Light is so tremendous as we blend one with the other in One Breath and send our Blessings to all mankind! We love you so much, it is impossible to tell you in words. 

Now please listen very carefully, for a great privilege is being presented to you and you, dear ones, in this very Sanctuary are the first to have this privilege, and of course others as they hear about it or read the words which will appear on the printed page will have the same privilege. 

Beloved Serapis, Beloved Holy Amethyst, the Blessed Hope and my humble self desire to do something for each of you for your cooperation this year. Standing in this room, behind each of you, there is an Angel from Lord Zadkiel's Legions and an Angel from Lord Gabriel's Legions, the Angels of Transmutation and Purity, and as of this very instant, we are establishing the LEGIONS OF PURITY for this Earth! Do you, each blessed heart, desire to become a Member? This is free will choice, you know! (Please be seated beloved ones). If you do, these Angels who are now here - they are volunteers -will remain in your auras, One of the Fourth Ray and One of the Seventh Ray; They will remain in your auras until you are Ascended and Free! Now you know of course, there will be certain responsibilities upon each of you. You will be required to hold the Immaculate Concept for yourself, for your fellowman, and for all life! It is time that you learned to do as we do in the Inner Realms. We are cognizant of imperfection, how else could we help, but we do not tie into it; we go into action to change the condition. These blessed Angels, the minute anything discordant comes to your attention, from within or without, if you will call to them for help, they will immediately flash the Purifying and Transmuting Flames through your consciousness and the imperfection cannot register nor tie into your worlds. 

Now, blessed ones, this is a tremendous order and we would not ask you to become Members did we not know that it was possible for each of you to do this! 

With grateful Hearts the Ascended Legions of our Beloved Micah are going to traverse the Planet to unify all life at the close of this Meeting. 

This has been a glorious Four-day Class, so much has been revealed, and so much has been accomplished, and before I close - if I started to enumerate all of Heaven's Sons and Daughters who send their Love to you -why it would take me the rest of the day, but I would not, and I dare not, step from this platform before I tell you that you are enfolded particularly in the Love of the Sponsors and the Spirit of this year, of our Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved El Morya and our beautiful Lady Miriam. 

God bless you, each one,

Feel my Love, always.

Mother Mary






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