The Wesak Festival

The great annual Wesak Festival represents the fullest outpouring of Nature represented by the month of May, and as the Planet Earth must be served through her natural faucets, the time of year when the currents of Earth are turned outward toward manifestation, and every leaf, tree, bud and blossom are unfolding the beauty of their own heart center, the Hierarchy utilizes this natural force for Their greatest outpouring of nourishment to the soul and spirit of man. 

It was the Beloved Lord Gautama Buddha (who is now Lord of the World) who first joined the mighty course of the River of his Life to the natural currents of Earth in his visitation that first Full Moon in May, and year after year since then, every member of the Brotherhood has voluntarily joined the substance and energy of his or her own lifestream to increase the crescendo of spiritual blessings that flow forth at this mighty Festival. 

In describing to you some of the festivities of the Wesak Valley Festival which takes place each year at the time of the full moon in the month of May, we would like to draw your minds toward that Valley and allow you to contact in a moment of silence the great outpouring of the Lord of the World and the Beloved Lord Divino as the moon reaches its fullest radiation. Why do we choose the time of the full moon? Because, beloved ones, every emotional body is at its greatest tide and there is more opportunity to pour the radiation from above. (This pilgrimage is not chartered or coursed by any Master where the Great Brotherhood do honor to Lord Gautama, and where he, in turn, creates a visible luminous Form in the atmosphere with his glorious Causal Body, pouring through the Brotherhood and those fortunate enough to be there in their physical forms, as well as the chelas who are able to attend in their inner bodies, the benediction of his Presence). 

Before his elevation to the Office as Lord of the World, Beloved Gautama made an annual Visitation to the Wesak Valley to give a special Benediction to all his followers who had accepted the Tenets embodied in his Teachings of the Middle Way, and in 1966 Beloved Gautama transferred the Power of this Blessing to Beloved Lord Divino, now the Buddha, who has continued to dispense the Love of the Lord of the World to all the pilgrims who assemble at the Valley of the Wesak, either in their physical or etheric bodies. 

Again this year as the Moon rises in full glory over the Wesak Valley in the month of May, a very significant activity will take place, the Beloved Buddha will appear in his Ascended Master Body for the Service of Love and Light, AND from the Heart of our Beloved Lord of the World at Shamballa, there will flow a Ray of Light into the Heart of the Buddha, carrying the necessary impulse for Spiritual Unity between the East and the West. 

From this time forward, there will be a much closer understanding of the Religious Truths embraced by both the East and West, and the consciousness of all peoples will begin the blending into the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS which will accelerate Tolerance and Understanding among all peoples.






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