Summer Conference Address

Beloved Holy Amethyst

Shamballa : Long Island, NY

July 4, 1970

Beloved chelas serving on the Planet Earth to bring the Perfection of God's Kingdom into manifestation hereon, I greet you in the Love and Power of my Being. Because of the urgency of the hour in this Planet's evolution, "I AM" here to make the positive statement that I need you in my Service, and you need me, so please listen attentively to what I have to say to you! (Kindly be seated). 

Please immediately withdraw your attention from any outer appearance and as you enter the Sacred Chamber of your Christ Self, I shall take you into the Heart of the Violet Transmuting Flame - there to be the beneficiaries of its glorious Activity of Divine Alchemy! "I AM" the Spirit of the Violet Fire and in that activity you can gain your Freedom from all that is not of the Light. 

Understand, blessed ones, "I AM" not here to make statements which will be a comfort to your outer consciousness. "I AM" in your presence this morning because I have come at the behest of the Father-Mother God who, in Mercy, has requested that I dynamically bring your attention forcibly to the requirement of the hour. 

We have repeated and repeated, over and over again, that we have trained you to be our Representatives on this Earth! What exactly does that mean? Simply that through your conscious effort at Purification of your lower vehicles through the years, you have raised the vibratory action of these garments that your Holy Christ Self may function through them, when given the opportunity! As a matter of fact, you SHOULD be the Christ in action at all times. Do you sincerely wish to be that Christ or do you still desire to dally along the Path, giving the human the upper hand whenever the mood suits you? I feel sure this retrogression into the lower self will be less frequent from this day forward! 

Today is celebrated as INDEPENDENCE DAY in United States, the Heart of the Planet! I implore you to let it be your FREEDOM DAY from all that is not of the Light! 

You have stated that you love Saint Germain and you do prove this spasmodically, but every time you lower your consciousness into the human, you are not fulfilling your vow which you made before taking embodiment. You pledged that you would dedicate your energies to bringing in the NEW AGE upon this Earth! You know how you individually feel when someone for whom you have great affection showers you with their love and how its soothing quality flows through your vehicle. 

Let us think of our great Lord and King Saint Germain - please keep your attention upon him as I tell you that you do not give allegiance to God as you should when your consciousness thinks - "oh, whenever I think of Beloved Saint Germain, he gives me such a wonderful blessing, and I shall tell him how great is my love and how I wish to serve with him to bring Perfection to this Earth" and then in a flash your consciousness lowers itself and you think, "I wish so and so would do things in a different manner, that is not the way I would do it!" At that very instant you tie your energies into the condemnation and away you go from the Heart of God. 

How do you think Saint Germain feels when this is the sort of fluctuation of consciousness he sees daily in the chelas who have VOWED they love him and the activity of serving God and God alone? Blessed ones, he never for one instant ceases to love you, and no matter what you have done in the past, this glorious Being still has Faith in you and continually enfolds you in his gracious Pure Divine Love!

Always remember that it was through Saint Germain's intercession that the activity of the Violet Fire of Transmutation was brought to the attention of the peoples outside of the Retreats, and you were among those so privileged as to learn of this glorious Divine Alchemy! USE IT, USE IT, in God's Most Holy Name "I AM" - never relax in your service of Transmutation! 

Blessed, dear chelas please do not take affront at what I have to say - if you do, then you have descended into the human consciousness. If one has an impairment of some kind for which there is a known cure and yet continues to let this imperfection manifest for the reason that he does not care to apply the intermediary for its removal, then that one does not have Faith in its efficacy! The Violet Fire is a Spiritual Unction which can, according to your Faith, perform the Divine Alchemy of Transmutation - and you do not have to go anywhere to get its assistance! Your attention can take you into the Flaming Presence of God "I AM" within your own heart where the Sacred Activity of the Violet Fire waits to render its magnificent service of Transmutation! Remember we have oft told you that the first activity of the Violet Fire when called into action is gratitude - gratitude to the Supreme Source, to your Christ Self that it may give Service! 

The individual who is aware of the Violet Fire and who continues to let any condition of an inharmonious nature manifest and does not use the Sacred Fire is defying the God Power!!!  How in the Name of Heaven can anyone we have trained through the years persist in taking moderate 'doses' of the Violet Fire, or any of the other activities of the Sacred Fire which we have presented to you for your own benefaction and that of all life upon this Planet! 

All over the world corruption and vice are manifesting to such a degree that Sodom and Gomorrah pales by comparison and - please pay strict attention - the Cosmic Hour of Change is upon us and still some chelas wonder if they will be protected at the time of upheaval! Dear God, that concern is for the human self and bodily protection! We have repeated until it is like a worn record that he or she who is in a State of Grace or Harmony need have no fear! Put your Faith in God, in what we say, for we are the Body of God, the Mind of God, the Heart of God, endeavoring always to awaken the peoples of this Earth to the fact that disobedience to the Cosmic Law results in chaos of all manner! All the imperfection which is expressing on the Earth is disobedience to the Law of God, the true Law of Pure Divine Love! 

You see, dear friends, “I AM" the Heart, the Spirit of the Violet Fire and I wish to impress upon your consciousness that there is no limitation upon its release. The more it is called into action, the more IT expands and the Cosmic Reservoir is full to over-flowing waiting for those who know of its Divine Alchemy to USE IT! 

The Violet Fire can clarify the mind, make the lame to walk, the blind to see, and enables all the countless miscreations expressing in the peoples upon this Planet to be changed into Perfection, IF someone will call it into action. Blessed ones, if you will call to me to release and release the Violet Fire of Transmutation into any and all imperfect manifestations about which you know, I shall replace those miscreations with the God Quality which you call forth to take their place. Life abhors a vacuum and when you remove some distress through the Sacred Fire, some God Virtue must take its place or the human qualities which are spewing themselves forth all over the Earth will rush in when given the opportunity! 

I plead with you, in the Name of Beloved Saint Germain to accept his Gift of the Violet Fire! One must use a commodity to have an effect - just as the electricity is available to bring light or power into a room, unless you turn on the switch, one does not get the benefit thereof. The Violet Fire is ever-present! I can see into your dedicated hearts, and I know that you desire to amplify your service of Transmutation, or Purification, and to bring the God Plan for this Earth into manifestation! 

I have come to you in Love and when I repeat that every time you turn your attention to discord, instead of mulling it over in your consciousness, use, please USE the 'switch' of your attention and call the Violet Fire to come into action! 

There are only two states of consciousness, the Cosmic or Divine and the human! Examine your consciousness daily, it will only take a moment, and see whether you are in tune with the Infinite or whether you are still playing around in the human! It is imperative that the chelas disassociate themselves from discord - those who do not will find themselves among the rank and file of the human, that majority who, instead of seeking Truth are having a final fling, in the dens of iniquity which are spawned in the human consciousness! 

Now, I have not come to alarm you... I have come in great Love to impress upon you that you can have your freedom from the human consciousness at the moment you will bend the knee to the Christ and will be done, forever, with the lower consciousness. All of Heaven's Sons and Daughters are standing at attention, waiting to answer your calls for assistance for yourselves or for any part of life! 

I say to you with all the conviction of my Being, we need you, and you need us, to bring about the Planetary Change with the least amount of upheaval! I feel sure that all of you who have served so faithfully through the years will be willing to expend more effort to bring about the externalization of God's Plan for this Earth and all her evolutions! 

Now I wish to show you my Love - I have requested the Karmic Board to give special assistance to the chelas and my Petition has now been granted and it is this: 


I, Holy Amethyst, Spirit of the Violet Fire have agreed to make up the deficit which would be required to give this balance. In my Love for the Supreme Source, I consider it a privilege to give this service. Will you accept this boom now presented to you? 

Let your consciousness be part of mine. "I AM" at ONE with the Supreme Source, and so each of you shall be IF you will accept the benefaction of this Petition! 

Heaven's Light enfolds you as the Portals of Heaven open to you - the decision to enter is yours! 

Good Morning,

Holy Amethyst







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