by the Ascended Master Hilarion 

The science of mastering the rebellious and uncontrolled energies of the soul through transmutation of such energies (by the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame) is practical indeed! To this end we serve, and to this end to we invite each and every sincere chela to serve until the Will of God is known to the outer consciousness of every lifestream embodied upon the Earth as a joyous and beautiful expression of Perfection! Help us to this end, beloved ones, and we shall be so appreciative - proving our appreciation to you in ways of which your outer mind knows nothing! 

Doing God's Will is an exact science which is manifested beautifully through the Nature Kingdom. Each flower, shrub, tree and plant is a manifest expression, in each yearly cycle, of obedience to the externalization of the Divine Image or Archetype for that particular species, with the exception of that portion of the Nature Kingdom which has been temporarily polluted by the pressure and effluvia of the mankind of Earth who have used the Earth so long as a playground rather than a schoolroom. 

It is time that the mankind of Earth applied to the Heavenly Father and their own Divine Archetype (their individualized "I AM" Presence) for knowledge as to what their particular part is in manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth as well as in any sphere in which they may dwell between embodiments. The same science is applicable to mankind, and the Cosmic Moment is upon us when every one of the ten billion souls presently belonging to the Earth's evolution must contribute a constructive benefaction to the Earth and its attendant evolutions. We are willing to teach this science to any and all who care to visit us at the Temple of Truth over the Island of Crete. I shall expect those of you who are sincerely interested in being a part of this glorious redemptive process to so visit us there. I shall further expect that the Truth so invested in you will be manifested as practical works in the world of form.