Easter Class Address

Beloved Amaryllis

Shamballa: Long Island, NY

April 4, 1969

Greetings, flowers in God's Glorious Kingdom' "I AM" truly grateful to have the opportunity of coming into your midst today as the Glorious Flame of Resurrection is being accelerated in the Northern Hemisphere with the coming of the Springtime, and throughout the Planet in celebration and re-activation of the Triumphant Victory of the Master Jesus on Easter Morn.' 

The Flame of Resurrection is pulsating during all Seasons, for it is required that every Kingdom upon the Planet shall be resuscitated and permanently restored to the Perfection that all life once knew upon this Earth. 

As you know, "I AM" the daughter of Beloved Holy Ĉolus who has been succeeded in the Service of the Maha Chohan to the Earth by my beloved brother Paul. Holy Ĉolus loves this Planet very dearly and has expended, and is expending, tons of energy on behalf of her sustenance and restoration, although he now has the greater Service of being the Cosmic Holy Spirit which includes the direction of the Holy Breath to the Representatives of the Holy Spirit on all the Planets who came forth from the Hearts of Helios and Vesta. 

As the pulsation of spring has been set into motion by the Beloved Maha Chohan in this and various localities, one can see the manifold expressions of the use of the Resurrection Flame - in budding leaf and tiny shoots of green emerging from the Bosom of Virgo. Can you envision for a moment the various activities which had to take place in order to perform this service. The prime factor was obedience of the elementals to the Will of God held within the pulsating Heart of Harmony embodied by their Directors. You have witnessed what appeared to be lifeless trees and shrubs and barren ground shows signs of life as the glorious Flame of Resurrection and Hope coursed through their beings. Do you not realize that this same Flame is blazing through you now and that your Director or Holy Christ Self awaits your acceptance and constructive release thereof! Within each minute particle of the earth substance is a Center of Light. When we in the Higher Realms turn our attention to the tiny elementals, we see pulsations of Light, presenting a sparkling activity of grace and beauty; and as all these obedient electrons merge, Nature's Garment is one of glorious Light, giving forth the various hues in the rainbow spectrum emanating from the pure White Light which is the prism! 

You have a tremendous opportunity to bless and free the elements which comprise your own vehicles from the imposed dull cloak which you have placed upon them through your misuse of God's Energy through the centuries. At this juncture, "I Am" most grateful to be able to tell you that your vehicles are giving forth much greater Light this year than they did twelve months ago. I came into your auras at that time and within a period of one year I see a great transformation. "I AM" always present where the Resurrection Flame is active, and it requires but your heart call to me to receive a greater release of the Essence of Spring for your rejuvenation, through your acceptance of these subtle, yet powerful, currents. 

If you would visualize your garments as crystal robes with the Green Ray of Spring flowing through them, I assure you that you could restore them to the youthful appearance of your Holy Christ Self, at the same time calling the Resurrection Flame into action to restore or resuscitate the Perfection of your Christ Self through your lower garments. Then you would feel the buoyant, yet gentle, release of the Cosmic Currents through you to bless all life. 

Another point I would like to mention is that the monetary substance used for exchange in the physical appearance world that you sometimes refer to as 'greenbacks' would flow more readily into your use. Smile, dear chelas, a happy radiation is good for you! You should have an opulent supply of the commodity which is still necessary for your bartering in this appearance world. Think green insofar as money is concerned and see your financial supply expand, but I admonish you that it should be a green which does not contain within itself greed or envy! God, the mighty "I AM' Presence, has sufficient and ever expanding supply for all; the Reservoir of God's Heart is the abundant radiating Center of All Good, for all life, and sooner or later, all life must come to the realization that it is from God that all Good does flow! 

Beloved ones, when the Resurrection Flame is brought to your attention, what do you think of? Does it mean the Activity by which Jesus proved to mankind that he could transcend the human; the pulsating activity of Nature which causes the flowers to bloom; something which resuscitates the Good in you and in all mankind? These and many more are the services of the Resurrection Flame, but do you go further than that and think "what is the Resurrection Flame?" 

For instance, let us turn our attention to scientific manifestation. It has always been the searching souls of the great men and women of science who desired to know the activity behind or within some apparent phenomenon which caused them to study the principle which brought forth the manifestation, and in so doing, through consecrating their energies to that study, it has resulted in greater accomplishment along a specific line and the multiple uses of energy! 

Proceeding a little further, you will realize that the basic elements had to be employed - the components of earth, water, air or fire! When one thinks of these elements, does he think of something that just exists and is taken for granted; something that is always at hand? In the case of the chela, it is the wise and more illumined one who considers the functioning of these elements and how they are employed to perform a service! Ah, this could be a very involved dissertation! However, I wish to have you come to a clearer understanding of the activity of the Resurrection Flame and to bring to your attention the fact that all four Elements are always present on this Earth and in her atmosphere, waiting for your constructive use thereof. 

When the Seven Mighty Elohim answered the Call of Beloved Helios and Vesta to create the Planets in their System, the Elohim employed the various elements to bring them forth into manifestation. Now, the thought might occur to you "I did not know that the other Planets had the same components as the Planet Earth. Is there not a difference?" Yes, just as there are many gradations in the cellular composition, density, color, and so on. In using the word "density" I do not imply something that is not clear, but to depth. In a simple illustration, what you call the earth substance has a brown tone or color on this Planet, but the same substance has a different density on other Planets and the platform, which in the case of the Earth is the Body of Virgo, does not necessarily have to be brown in color! In other words, there are four elements and according to the Blueprint given to the Elohimic Builders were the components employed! 

Now, when the Planet called Earth first came forth, all was in the beautiful Perfection which had been ordained for it, but when retrogression took place through mankind's disobedience to the Will of God, the original Beauty was covered over by the spewing forth of misqualified energy. It was at that time that the Resurrection Flame was called forth into accelerated activity, to resuscitate the Good of the original Plan! Previously, the Resurrection Flame was a natural activity of life which acted as the change of seasons, and the change of man's abode into the Higher Realms for further Spiritual Instruction, to return when their previous service could be accelerated. At the time of final Transition from the Earth plane, the Resurrection Flame blends with the Ascension Flame until the Triumphant Victory in the Light is attained! 

Please remember that until the time of your complete Victory in the Light, it is imperative that the chela use the Flame of Transmutation and Purification, for when the Resurrection Flame goes into action, the imperfection is stirred into action also, for we know that there is life in all manifestation and when the covering of the effluvia is removed to bring forth the beauty within there must be action within the negative manifestation. Surely you realize now that this is the reason why we have counseled you again and again to use the Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire, so that when you call forth the Resurrection Flame, there should be little or no obstruction to the amplification of the Perfection. Then all will proceed as was originally intended, bringing forth the greater manifestation of Good within you and all life. In the instances where there is some remaining effluvia, the resuscitating activity can be accomplished in a shorter period of time when the Sacred Fire is employed preceding or during the calling forth of the Resurrection Flame. 

When a chela is using the Resurrection Flame and the Perfection does not immediately manifest, it is because the Flame of Purification or Transmutation has not been used in sufficient intensity to remove all the 'covering' which has been placed around the pulsating centers of Light which form the nucleus of the element! God is within every manifestation, but it is man's concepts which form the covering which prevents the Perfection from being visible! 

We come again to the fact that one should have reverence for all life, through respect for the pulsating Light of the Eternal! The chela should also understand the reason why we have counseled him to make peace with the four elements, for your very bodies have 'brothers' and 'sisters' in the elements expressing in other manifestations. It is especially important that the elements to which one might refer as being associated with the weather conditions be respected, and your co-operation in asking for forgiveness for what you and others have imposed upon these elements would do much to bring the structures of your own garments into greater rapport with the elements in all life. When you have learned to love all of the elements, and co-operate with them, you will have gone far toward the harmonization or serving inconsonance of your own vehicles! 

Our Beloved Kuthumi was truly a Master while he walked the Earth as Saint Francis, in loving all life - in the flowers, the birds, the animal kingdom and the life in them responded to his love, for he knew that the same life that made up his garments was also in them. 

Please be cognizant that all the Directors of the Forces of the Elements are extremely active in their Service to life - Beloved Neptune and his family, the Undines; Beloved Virgo and the Gnomes, Beloved Aries and the Sylphs of the Air, and Beloved Helios and his Salamanders. It is so very important at this hour in the Earth's evolution that the chelas give recognition to and co-operation with the blessed elementals! 

In the event that you may not have been aware of their presence with me today, I would like to tell you that I have brought a group of Elementals with me today, representing all the four Elements and I have assured them that if you were cognizant of their presence that you would pour forth your love to them and to all their brothers and sisters, and pledge within your beings to give daily recognition to their service, in that you would harmoniously serve with them. You are cognizant of the Presence of the Angels with you and it is equally important that you serve with the Elementals through the loving release of God's Energy, weaving a suitable Garment for the Beloved Virgo to wear. Oh, how gracefully she has accepted the imposed cloak of effluvia which she has been forced to wear through the centuries and it is your responsibility as conscious chelas to prepare a purified garment for her! 

Blessed ones, you should see the anticipation in the hearts of these Elementals and I know you will not disappoint them, for there were not too many who felt that they could trust the human of anyone. However, I told them that I was bringing them into the presence of chelas of the Spiritual Hierarchy and that they could stand within my Mantle of Pure Divine Love. 

Enter into the Flame of Gratitude and Adoration to God's Life within all energy and be convinced that through Pure Divine Love does one bring into manifestation any or all of the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven, for truly is it the cohesive Power of Life. 

Love God, the Divinity within your being and unto you shall be released the Perfection which it is your destiny to express! 

Anticipating your further co-operation with the Elemental Kingdom and your deeper gratitude to them, I bathe your vehicles in the Essence of Springtime, which is within the Glorious and mighty Resurrection Flame. 

Your Sister in the Light

Amaryllis, Goddess of Springtime






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