Easter Class

Beloved Kamakura

Shamballa, Long Island, NY

April 5, 1969

Beloved Children of the Supreme Source of all Life, "I AM" honored to be in your presence, as we all prepare for the expanded outpouring of the Resurrection Flame which shall take place on Easter Morn! While "I AM" here in your physical presence, permit me to blend your consciousness with the All-Pervading Cosmic Consciousness which we of the Spiritual hierarchy enjoy at all times. Kindly allow me to have your undivided attention during the time "I AM" talking with you. 

On this specific day dedicated to the Activity of the Violet Fire, the Earth is being completely saturated with the Holy Essence of that Violet Fire, in a concentrated effort to purify the chelas and all mankind. This is being done to prepare your vehicles for the full acceptance of the Christ Self which is blazing its mighty Light within your beings. Beloved Holy Ĉolus, Mother Mary and Beloved Jesus have filled your consciousness with the Immaculate Concept and it is their heartfelt prayer that you will be able to let go of everything of the outer consciousness and accept this Divine Principle in its fullness when the Beloved Jesus comes into your midst on Resurrection Day. 

Those of you, who have felt that The Bulletin Weekly Releases could assist you in your evolution and have asked for the privilege of and are now receiving it, have the added Grace which it brings. You were apprised by the Cosmic Holy Spirit, Beloved Ĉolus, and Beloved Maha Chohan that there was to be added assistance given to the chelas to prepare them to become the Immaculate Concept and to continue in that Consciousness as the intensified activity of the Resurrection Flame takes place on Easter Morn. 

Naturally the Cosmic Holy Spirit and Beloved Maha Chohan, like all the Sons and Daughters of Heaven, do not pass any lifestream by or deny them any blessing. However, the chelas who have had the advance notice of the special service which Beloved Ĉolus is to give to the chelas in conjunction with Beloved Mother Mary and Jesus, have prepared their vehicles and should be more receptive to this outpouring. Let not the feeling of spiritual pride enter your beings, for none can say whether some lowly one upon this Earth may have so prepared their feelings in contemplation of the celebration of the Resurrection of the Master Jesus that the true Spirit of the Christ may enter in and become the Magic, Mystic Power which shall guide that one through the remainder of his or her sojourn on Earth, while the chela may not have grasped the importance of this resuscitation. I am merely indicating that the chelas who have had this information in advance of the activity which has been taking place since the fifteenth of March should, through preparation of their consciousness, be ready for the Descent of the Holy Spirit into their beings, there to be accepted for all eternity. As the Fire of the Holy Spirit which Beloved Ĉolus embodies sends forth its tongues of intensified Flame into the beings of mankind tomorrow, truly should you become the Christ forevermore! O, dear God, help them to realize what is about to take place! 

Please believe me, dear children, I have not come to entertain your consciousness but to bring the conviction that the Fire of the Holy Spirit which is within you should be permitted to send forth its Tongues of Flame into your consciousness, and through you to all mankind. You have been prepared for this service through the years and your consciousness should be attuned to God's Perfection through the Gift of Listening Grace which is always available through the power of your attention. You are aware of the elementary principle that where your attention is, there you are, for the consciousness ties in to whatever the attention draws to itself! 

On many occasions through the years you have been advised of the accelerated activities in which the Spiritual Hierarchy have engaged in order to assist you and the planet in its evolution. However, there has never been a time in the history of the evolution of this Planet when there was the possibility that chelas in multiple numbers could enter into and become the Christ while walking the Earth and who were advised of the singular blessing being bestowed upon them... through their acceptance. 

O mighty Supreme Source of All Life, thou great Spirit which is Holy, blaze thou thy Fire-breath through these earnest chelas so that they will fully comprehend the meaning of the glorious Blessing and Opportunity which is being presented to them! O Infinite One, I invoke thee to help me convey through my feelings that this day they stand upon the threshold of their Freedom in the Light! O Father of Light, thou Infinite One, help them, I entreat thee! 

Beloved children, you have affirmed over and over that you love the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Verily I say unto you prove, oh prove that love by determining this instant that you will be ready for the Cosmic Blessing on Easter Morn! Holy Ĉolus believes this is possible and came from great Celestial Heights to engage his energies in the preparation of your consciousness for the acceptance of the Immaculate Concept. He did this, not only for the children of Earth, but to render added service to our so loved Lord and King Saint Germain. He knows full well the tremendous responsibility which Saint Germain holds within his Heart and what dedication this entails, and he further knows that chelas embodying the Christ Consciousness are a necessity at this crucial time! 

Children of the Father-Mother God, you have just touched the fringe of Pure Divine Love, and as you enter more deeply into its Flaming Presence, you will know and experience the feeling that we all have for Saint Germain and the Sweet Earth which he so lovingly cradles to his bosom, always with the hope and trust that his chelas will stand the test of further service and bring the Earth home to the God Perfection which she once enjoyed! 

As I am engaging your attention, there is an accelerated outpouring of the Violet Flame which shall continue until Beloved Jesus addresses you tomorrow. Beloved Saint Germain is now at our Focus at Fujiyama and he has alerted all those specific Foci of the Violet Fire dedicated to the dispensing of that Sacred Essence' throughout the Planet, and the enfolding Presence, or Sponsor, of every Sanctuary and group, and the Spirit of every home where the Violet Fire has been acknowledged to be in readiness to energize the Violet Fire as it blazes throughout the Planet this Holy Saturday to clear away as much effluvia as the individuals connected therewith will permit! As this Violet Fire blazes forth in added intensity, I beseech you, I implore you to accept this purification; to love the Violet Fire, and to prove to Saint Germain that you carry the Banner of Freedom and will keep that Emblem aloft as you continue your journey on this Earth. 

All of the Members of our Retreat at Fujiyama have volunteered for added Service today, and one of the brothers or sisters has been assigned to each of the chelas for this special activity. They have come with me and are even now intensifying the Violet Fire within your beings and worlds. They are joining their release of the Violet Fire with the Angels of Transmutation who have been engaged in intensified dispensation of the Violet Fire since the beginning of this Easter Class. 

When we speak to you about the Angels of Transmutation, or other Angelic Beings who live but to serve the Supreme Source, we do not mean delicate, fluttery, exquisite Beings of Light 'floating' through the atmosphere dispensing their God Gifts from little vials which contain Light. Most certainly not! Yes, on occasion, we have mentioned that they carry Vials of Light but this has been given to show your consciousness that they carry something which is real; not abstract. At the same time, these Beings of Light are batteries of tremendous Power and when they go into action to accomplish a specific requirement, their Hearts are blazing Centers of Light and they send forth great Rays of Light from their entire Beings. In many instances, they are barely visible, as to form, for the Power which they release is of such intensity. Naturally, their Service depends upon the requirement. 

When the Service is one of Transmutation, they release great billows of the Violet Fire, and in another Service, say that of Pure Divine Love, one can see a soft Pink Essence flowing from their Beings in gradation of color according to the requirement as they envelop the individuals requiring this Service, and the Pink Ray diffuses itself in a soothing balm. Whatever the Service, they have been trained and have gained a momentum along that line! 

Oh yes, when any Expression comes forth from the Heart of the Father-Mother God, all the Powers of the Supreme Source are within the Center which is referred to as the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame, but that Power must be developed within that Child of God and he must learn how to nurture and evolve the potential of the God-Gift for its dispensation unto the Glory of the Father-Mother God! 

When a child comes into embodiment upon the Earth, the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of God within has all the attributes of the Godhead, but the consciousness must develop or draw forth the Gifts and Powers which it embodies. This is in parallel with the Angelic Kingdom with the very important difference that in the case of the Heavenly Messengers, there is no veil separating them from the Divine, for that is the Consciousness which they embody and use at all times. As they travel through the various Spheres of Perfection, they develop a momentum along the line to which they have a compatibility, for you know as a gardener plants a rose in his garden and also plants a lily, he does so in order that there will be a diversification of Beauty in that Garden. And so it is in God's Garden; there is an exquisite and diversified 'planting' and these Expressions are given the privilege of gathering a momentum on all the Rays which are pulsating Centers of Love, Beauty, Power and all the Perfection of the God-Parents! As the Supreme Source has ordained, life is an ever-expanding release of the Virtues and Gifts of the Godhead, and it is only when the descent is made into the human kingdom that there is any manifestation which is less than Perfection. In the Heavenly Realms, Life is an ever-expanding release of the developed Power of the Father-Mother God! 

So you see, my beloved chelas, when we make a statement to the effect that Angels of a certain activity of the Godhead are going into action, we mean that they have volunteered to dispense their God Gifts wherever there is a necessity for those Gifts, as every Service is performed in grateful and loving obedience to the Creator of us all. 

Now a most important point, although the Beings of Light and those God Expressions known as the Angelic Kingdom move among you, their Consciousness is insulated in the Perfection which cannot be contaminated by the human, and that is the state of being for which we are training the chelas who are serving in the Third Dimensional World, so that you may move freely through this lower sphere but will not be OF it! 

I know you have great respect for the Angelic Kingdom but there could be developed a greater understanding and compatible Love for them, and I trust that this little explanation will serve this purpose! 

I counsel you to hold your consciousness On High so that you will not dissipate any of the Blessings which are being lavished upon you, in Pure Divine Love, the encompassing Love of the Creator of us all. Through the process of the Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire, I pray that in the polishing of the gems, which your beings represent, they shall shine forth in Pure Light and be receptive to the Elixir of Divinity which shall fill the Chalice of your consciousness on Easter Morn! 

Thank you for your attention and please accept the Love and Service of the Member of our Retreat who will remain in your aura for the next twenty-four hours. I shall now return to our Retreat at Fujiyama with great anticipation in my Being, where it is my honored privilege to stand by the side of our great King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, and to further participate in this magnificent activity of Transmutation and Resurrection of the Christ within you and all the mankind of this Planet! 


"I AM" the Servant of your Light, Kamakura







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