Thanksgiving Class

Beloved Surya

Shamballa, Long Island, USA

November 28, 1968

Dear Children of the Omnipotent First Cause, how grateful "I AM" to be here this morning as we celebrate the Spiritual Feast of Thanksgiving. 

Think you what is embodied in the vibratory action of the Flame of Thanksgiving in its true sense - Gratitude to God from whom all Blessings do flow! 

"I AM" particularly happy to have the privilege of coming to you on the opening day of this Class, for I have been endowed by the Father-Mother God with the Virtue of Cosmic Peace, a momentum of which I have built through the centuries. 

"I AM" also privileged to tell you that the Thought Form for this Class is a glorious Cornucopia made up of tiny Living Doves of Peace. They will remain under the Protection of the Cosmic Dove of Peace over Long Island until the conclusion of this Class on Sunday. 

Oh, beloved ones, how beautiful is the Radiation of Peace, and when man shall learn that through Peace in his feelings, he can draw forth any and all blessings required for his sustenance or happiness, and when he can generate that feeling toward his fellow traveler on the Path, the Essence of Peace will penetrate and become part of, not only his world, but that of others who are walking the ways of Earth. 

Peace is a balm to the soul, a soothing Quality such as that with which a mother caresses a child who has come to her for comfort, and Peace is a mighty Power which can repel all discordance from entering the being of the one sending that Virtue forth for the enrichment of life. 

Peace can be such a tangible Radiation that it will release its Quality and sustain it for the individual dispensing it until he becomes a Holy Temple through which that Sacred Essence flows to all Life. 

Let us take an example of a great cathedral where for years the faithful have come to give Gratitude to God and to receive of the enfolding Presence of the Almighty whose Benediction drawn forth has created an aura of Sanctity and Peace. Is it not why individuals, when they are in distress or trouble, often go to the meeting place of their religious persuasion and seek surcease from a certain discordant circumstance which is causing them unrest or unhappiness? The Angels of Peace are always in attendance at such Foci and desirous of releasing God's Anointing Qualities to the supplicant or supplicants! 

In a similar manner, through the building of a momentum of Cosmic Peace can every individual on the Earth, the chelas especially, make of themselves a Temple of the Most High Living God and whoever shall pass their way shall be blessed by the Radiation emanating there from. In the case of the chela, in return for the privileged instruction received, he is required to consciously be a Radiating Center of the Gifts of the Father-Mother God, sending them forth in specific service, to bless the just and unjust alike! Would that you could realize the Gratitude engendered within my Being for the Gift of Cosmic Peace and the paean of Divine Love which flows from my Being to all life everywhere for that privilege! 

On this Thanksgiving Day, I would like to turn your attention to the Beings of the Elements and to the gratitude which mankind owes them for their selfless service to the evolutions upon this Earth. No man can exist without the Fire, Air, Water or Earth Element! You know that these elements comprise your garments and you also know that the element of water makes up the greater part of your lower vehicles, in that it is the emotional world of man. Do you not think it is expedient that you make your peace with that element? You have been told, and it shall come to pass, that the submerged continents of Lemuria and Atlantis shall again rise and much of the water element will have its course changed! Well then, do you not think it expedient that you build great protection for yourselves and the peoples of this Planet by making peace with that element, upon which you have imposed much discord? This is true of every one of the elements! 

When you have called upon the Law of Forgiveness for your own impositions upon the gnomes, the undines, the sylphs and the salamanders, you will find that the Fiery Element of Creation which is beating your heart will literally burst forth and your garment of flesh will radiate with the blazing Presence of God - "I AM"! 

With the coming changes and as I, have said, come they will, it is the chela's responsibility, whether he lives in a coastal or inland section of his country, to make his peace with the Forces of the Elements. 

I now humbly allude to our Focus of Light at Suva, from which I trust you will take a lesson. Throughout all the turbulence resulting from the submergence of Lemuria, the Fiji Islands were protected and have continued to be protected from the wrath of the water element because there was a magnificent Temple of Peace at Suva which remains active unto this day. You are familiar with our Retreat and know of its gloriously cascading waters. All this has been sustained through the momentum of Peace which was drawn forth by the Brotherhood at Suva! 

The Water Element respects this Radiation and bows to its benediction. This is true of all great Foci of Light. The elements respect God’s Virtues flowing there from. When the evolutions of this Earth, through negative free will use of God's Holy Energy, did not make Peace with the Elements and hold that Peace in a specific location, in many instances the Focus of Light at that point was taken into the Etheric Realm. You are aware of the many Retreats which are presently functioning from that Realm, awaiting the hour when some dedicated chelas will harmoniously join their energies in dedicated service to the re-establishment on Earth of the Etheric Temples of Light, at a location designated by the Spiritual Hierarchy! 

There are many national shrines all over the Planet where the radiation is a pulsation of Peace and the pilgrims who travel to such shrines energize that Quality through the acceptance of the God-Gift and the glorious radiation is thus expanded for the benefaction of others! When man desecrates such Foci by inharmonious energy, the elements coming into contact with discord have no respect for the Foci and according to the intensity of the negation do they respond in kind. 

Take a lesson from the beautiful birds that fly so gracefully through the air, conscious always of the currents therein to facilitate their flight in safety. I counsel you to travel the Earth along, the currents of the Virtues of God and buoyantly and joyously dispense these Gifts which you receive on this sojourn of grace to widen the borders of God's Kingdom on Earth. 

Through eons of time man has violated the substance of the elements and now the time has arrived when a balance must be made for this transgression of the Law of Life. Everything in, through and around the Earth and throughout the Universe is living substance and that Truth remaining within the scope of your consciousness, will assist you in continuing your service of calling for the purification of the elements from the discord which has been imposed upon them. They have been battered and buffeted through the ages - all the while receiving little respect!

Again I say, if you wish to continue your journey on this Planet in true happiness, then I suggest that you call upon the Law of Forgiveness for the negative activities which have been imposed upon the elements! Having some knowledge of the Spiritual Law, you are required to assist in the purification of these elements who have taken such abuse from mankind. For knowledge received, it is your bounden duty to put that training into practice! 

Become so conscious of the Gifts which the Father-Mother God has bestowed upon you and all life that your gratitude and reverence for life will be a natural radiation from your being. The earth upon which you have a platform to walk; the water which assuages your thirst and provides multitudinous services to and for you; the benediction of the sylphs of the air, and the fire element, without which there could be no life... are ready and willing to render constructive service to you and all mankind... but the balance of gratitude and respect must come from you! Begin now become a radiating center of Peace so that the co-operation of the Elements will ensue and you will truly experience the Beauty of serving the Eternal Light of the Cosmos while you yet travel upon the Earth plane! 

On this Thanksgiving Day, I humbly bow to the Father-Mother God for Individualization and to the Light within your hearts and in all life everywhere. Accept the Flame of Cosmic Peace as a Protecting Mantle about you as I draw forth an expanded Radiation of that Blessing from the Supreme Source of Life to enfold you and this beloved Planet and all her evolutions. 

Drink deeply of the Sacred Elixir of Peace and know that "I AM" blazing as much of the substance of Peace through you as your acceptance will permit. Good Morning!







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