Rays of Spiritual Illumination



One of the main spiritual feelings which must be developed in the chela who is aspiring to his own Ascension is JOY IN SERVICE - individually as well as on a more general scale, to the evolutions which he or she has voluntarily offered to assist. As it is my responsibility to help any and all such chelas to achieve their own highest potential in expanding their own Holy Christ Light, as well as the Light of the World, I cannot over-emphasize the Truth that the desire to serve must be 'born' into the hearts of these chelas and EXTERNALIZED in joyous expression but not, however, in unbalanced fanatical zeal. 

Spiritual Service is so often performed through a sense of fear, superstition and duty upon the part of the unascended lifestream, but such endeavor has neither the merit nor the efficacy of joyous, happy serving - doing God's Will. Destructive karma (as yet untransmuted) must return for redemption to the one who originally sent that energy forth discordantly qualified - even though that chela is now serving upon the Spiritual Path! Blessed indeed is the chela who can and does continue his JOYOUS SERVICE while still redeeming his own personal karma!


I shall affirm and re-affirm, so long as I am the Representative of God's Holy Will for this sweet Earth and her attendant evolutions, that GOD'S WILL IS GOOD! I cannot over-emphasize the fact that, through erroneous teachings and accepted doctrines, every vicissitude which befalls the human race is always placed unjustly as God's Will for peoples, nations, and even for the planet itself. I shall continue to affirm and re-affirm that the limitations manifesting in, through and around all the evolutions presently using this sweet Earth as a schoolroom are the result of conscious misuse of free will as endowed by the Father of All Life, and which manifests in the respective worlds of their human creators. 

My affirmations carrying the full pressure of the Truth proven in my own experiences are a powerful radiation which flows constantly into the mental, emotional and physical strata wherein most unascended beings presently abide - whether embodied or disembodied. The acceptance of this Truth by the chelas, and the practical use of this knowledge, will enable them to experience personally the JOY of giving OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WILL! 


Obedience to God's Will requires discrimination upon the part of the chela. This quality is often lacking in the student and we, the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe are so willing to help anyone develop this God Quality of Spiritual Discrimination and Discernment within each such earnest chela. Discrimination is not to be confused with 'logic' which is purely an activity of the lower mind. True Discrimination is a God Gift which enables the chela to recognize Truth and ACT UPON IT! Often well-meaning teachers upon the earth impose foolish disciplines upon their earnest followers, and the hope in the hearts of such chelas, coupled with innumerable fears and doubts, causes them to follow such disciplines in an endeavor to find Godliness. Think for a moment of the exquisite FREEDOM that your own "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Self have given to you to use Life - throughout the ages. Measure your present condition of mind, body and affairs against your use of free will in the past and present, and then honestly accept the Truth that any distress or discord results only from your own personal abuse of such Freedom and your own free will choice to disobey the Law of Love! 

Any disciplines that RAISE your consciousness and the energies of your four lower bodies into a vibratory action of Harmony, Peace and Love, ARE OF GOD. Any disciplines that merely repress untransmuted feelings and cause frustrations of mind, body, soul and feelings, have little efficacy in your spiritual advancement. The chela must WANT TO DO GOD'S WILL and be discerning enough to know what the disciplines offered are now doing and will do in the future to so raise his personal energies BEFORE he really begins the upward climb out of inharmony into Peace; out of limitation into Opulent Supply; out of disease into Health; and finally out of Earth's evolutions into his Ascension in the Light. Thus did we, each Member of the Great White Brotherhood, attain our Freedom - and thus will you! 


For many centuries, I have devoted myself to the development of a natural Reverence for Life - knowing that Life, in itself, is a primal and priceless Gift from the Heavenly Father. The misuse of that Life which has created all the distresses and limitations apparent on the screen of life is due to lack of understanding of how to use the creative principles of thought, feeling, spoken word and action to design and precipitate Beauty into any sphere in which a self-conscious being dwells. As Beauty is synonymous with Godliness, it is our endeavor, through the beloved chelas who are willing to learn how to control their creative faculties, to assist them in re-creating Beauty and Godliness in their own emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles and thus be conductors of that true Spiritual Beauty and Godliness through their spheres of influence into the world about them. 


Practicing Obedience to the WILL OF GOD through the outer consciousness is a SCIENCE which requires the loving, willing, joyous co-operation of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousnesses until that Will is manifested in, through and around the chela. The vibratory action of each of the four lower bodies of any chela is quite different in each of those bodies. The quickening of the vibrations of each of these bodies so that they act in accord, balance and harmonious expression, humbly and reverently externalizing the Perfection of the "I AM" Presence through the outer self, is the SPIRITUAL SCIENCE of which many people have spoken and written but all too few have actually manifested! 

Fear and superstition are two of the mass entities which have impeded the efficacious use and expansion of this Spiritual Science. Man's reluctance to think for himself and, instead, accept the doctrines of others who are in like limitation, has been a cause of great distress to earnest seekers after Truth. These humanly conceived doctrines, bearing only the fruits of disappointment and disillusionment, have caused many earnest seekers after Truth to become temporary skeptics and agnostics. As you know, our Service on the Fifth Ray is to present and expand Truth to all, especially to these confused and unhappy individuals. One of the facets of our Service is to restore their faith in God's Goodness and his desire to have ALL his children happy, harmonious and free of limitations of every kind. This is not always so easy of accomplishment for the scars of past disappointments are deeply embedded in the etheric bodies of the disillusioned and such individuals do not quickly accept the true doctrines of Divine Love. 

Note: In tribute to the appointment of our Beloved El Morya as one of the Sponsors for the Year 1969, we shall continue this series of instruction concerning Obedience to the Will of God periodically.