Spirit of Christmas 

Spirit of Christmas, Magnificent One!

Born with the coming of Heaven's dear son;

Named for our Mary, God-Mother of men,

Welcome! O Welcome to Earth once again! 

Spirit of Christmas, from Raphael's heart,

By consecration, make all a part

Of your great service, melting away

Shadows of discord by Love's Pink Ray. 

Spirit of Christmas, charge through the throngs

Of men at Christmas, Charity's songs

Songs of forgiveness, thanksgiving and cheer;

For our dear Earth hold your Peace all the year. 

Spirit of Christmas, upon you we call

Gratitude's blessing from the God-self in all;

Make Earth the fullness of all that you are

Hasten the Victory of dear Freedom's Star. 

Spirit of Christmas, with love aglow

Spirit of Christmas, we love you so!

Seal now our Planet in your Christ-Flame,

Stay with us always, in Jesus' dear name.




The Spirit of Christmas - what is it? The spirit of a person, place, condition or thing, is the Reality of it - the activating principle. Since we hear so much about the Spirit of Christmas, let us find out what, who and where it is! What is a Spirit? Since nothing can exist without Light (and Light is life), then a spirit is Light - a ray of Light from the Sun and the Spirit of Christmas is the Light of Christmas. 

The Spirit of Christmas is one of those transcendent Beings of whom we have often spoken, a great Angel of beautiful form, substance and God Consciousness. She is named for Beloved Mary, the Mother of Jesus. 

This great Being is the living embodiment of all those Christ Qualities which Beloved Jesus brought to mankind through his daily living; those qualities which should bring Peace on Earth and the feeling of Universal Brotherhood, Good Will among men. The Spirit of Christmas is a Being of Eternal Youth, although she has been in existence since the birth of our Beloved Jesus, some 2000 years ago, the very first Christmas on this planet Earth. She grows more and more beautiful and powerful each year as she absorbs into herself and radiates out again to bless the race, all the loving, selfless consciousness of Christmas giving. However, she has but one opportunity a year so to bless mankind for only at this Season is she openly acknowledged by the people. 

She stands in the actual atmosphere of Earth during the Christmas Season, but being all Light, her consciousness is embodied in every cell and atom of the bodies of the people of this planet and of Infinite Space…       All life is Light!