Summer Conference

Beloved Archangel Chamuel

Shamballa: Long Island, NY, USA

July 11, 1967

Good Morning, Friends of the Light, I, Chamuel, enfold you in the Flame of Pure Divine Love and Adoration to God that glorious Essence from the Heart of the Supreme Source of All Life, so greatly required on this Planet at this hour, and at all times! 

Most individuals hold a concept of what they think is Divine Love, but few have stepped over the boundary of human consciousness into the Divine. Divine Love, as expressed by the Cosmic and Ascended Beings and the Angelic Kingdom has nothing whatsoever to do with the human emotion. It is a glorious feeling which comes from Adoration to God. You have heard of the Pink Flame of Adoration, that is Divine Love. You see, beloved ones, any expression of Divine Love is Adoration… oh, not in any sense adulation but in reverence for life on the level of Divine Consciousness one is sending forth the Flame of Adoration. 

You remember the song attributed to the Angels, which they sang at the time of the birth of Beloved Jesus - "Oh, come let us Adore him," That does not mean they were to fall on bended knee in honor to his personages but to revere the Individualization of the Father-Mother God who had come to Earth to be an Example of the Perfection of the Christ Way of Living, thus setting forth the precepts of the Divine for all men! 

In this new and permanent Golden Age which is being ushered in, you have chosen, as chelas of the Spiritual Hierarchy to express the Will of God, as examples to all men. Yes, beloved ones, you are the wayshowers, and to so express, it is expedient that you learn more fully the meaning of Pure Divine Love. That is my reason, for being in your midst today. 

Few individuals give much thought to Chamuel, and my Beloved Charity. Remember, I do not refer to our personages, but the Virtues of God which we represent. You have been told many, many times about the Power of Pure Divine Love and how it is the cohesive activity of the Universe. One cannot expect to sustain anything without the central core being Divine Love. Yes, there are many lovely manifestations in this world of form which appear on, the screen of life, but they are only temporarily active through a dedication to a purpose not the negative manner born of the frenzied desire for supremacy, born of hidden hatred, which is the inversion of Divine Love. 

One individual's love for another, when it is motivated by selflessness, borders on the Divine; a parent's love for its offspring, a child's love for a companionable little dog or cat, all these come from the well-spring of Divinity, when, of course, they are not tempered by possessiveness. 

Can you grasp the feeling of the privilege which is mine to be one of the Sponsors of this Year, knowing indeed the requirement of Divine Love to be manifest on this Earth! Beloved Charity and all of us, who are privileged at this time to serve on the Third Ray of Perfection, are experiencing a tremendous unfoldment in our own Beings, as we gratefully amplify the Love which is being expressed by those blessed chelas all over the Planet who are energizing the Thought Form of the Year. We are waiting with glorious anticipation the chela or chelas who will enter into and become one with the positive Power of Divine Love as a result of their dedicated service. 

You have heard the reference made to the Divine Attributes of Faith, Hope and Charity, followed by the statement that the greatest of these is Charity. Beloved ones, when one has entered into the Divine Consciousness which we enjoy, he or she soon learns that ALL the Qualities of God are equal. It is just the amplification of a God Gift, or expression of Perfection, which causes the more intense expression. Any individual who has Faith, or Hope, or any, God Gift manifesting through his individual being is expressing the Love of God, it might possibly seem trite when I repeat the time-worn affirmation that "God is Love". However, no truer statement was ever made for "God is Love”. God is the Supreme Source of Life, the Creator of all there is the Omniscient Presence or Principle of Life. 

Children of the Father-Mother God, will you, permit me to assist you to find and know that God - your Creator? "I AM" indeed grateful, for the response welling up in your beings! 

Now, as I stand right here in this room, I wish you to remove your consciousness from me as a distinct or separate Individualization of the Father-Mother God, and as I further enter into the Flaming Presence within your Beings "be still and know that "I AM" God." 

"I AM" the Presence of God, the Real You. "I AM” God in the Heart of everyone in this room; "I AM" God in everyone in this building, no matter in what activity they are presently There are no walls or roof to this building in the budding Divine Consciousness which you are enjoying; the Flaming Presence of God enfolds all of Long Island. There are no borders in God's Kingdom, so now feel the Presence of God enfolding every Individualization of life on this Earth, and in this feeling which has no periphery, enjoy the anointing, the ecstasy of Pure Divine Love which has oft been referred to as the from above. I prefer to Substitute of, instead of from, "From" denotes something apart; ‘Of’ is an existing component, that which is present. Above, in the true and understood sense, dear friends, means that which is of the Higher Consciousness, over the human. 

I trust I do not seem complex, but "I AM" endeavoring to convey to your feeling world the existence of God right here and now, not a state of consciousness which can be enjoyed in some far off tomorrow when you shall come face to face with your Creator. That Creative Principle, the Father-Mother Activity of Life is present now, alive within you. Oh, beloved ones, enter often into the Heart of God and decide right here and now that you will more fully delve into the Heart of Creation, and as you daily employ this amplitude of the Consciousness of God alive within you, you will soon find the meaning of Life, of God, the Father-Mother Principle, and in this knowing and more illumined understanding, you will be reverent in your feeling for all life and will more fully enjoy the Beauty and Power of Pure Divine Love, and you will be using the Adoration Flame in expanded activity. 

And now my beloved Charity would like to say a few words to you and bless you with her, Anointing of Above: 

Beloved Charity speaks: 

Hail, Oh Friends of Light, as your blessed hearts are signifying the desire to become one with the glorious activity of Divine Love, I wish to assist you, and in so doing, must bring to your attention the misuse or misunderstanding of the Virtue of Charity! 

Except in those instances where acts of assistance, be they material or Spiritual, when an individual is serving through the motivating Power of Pure Divine Love, Charity so often takes on the degrading radiation of superiority when rendering assistance to a less fortunate individual, through the dispenser of the largesse. 

Charity in its true sense has nothing whatsoever to do with pity, with sympathy - they are the negative aspects and should have no place in the consciousness of the chelas serving, under the Banner of our Lord and King, the gracious Ascended Master. Saint Germain. Charity never smacks of condolence. Charity IS Pure Divine Love which assists another part of life who has yet to bring forth more of the God Power than is presently manifesting. Never degrade any part of life! One never knows when they have stood in the same room of their consciousness which caused a similar condition of poverty and when I say “poverty" I do not refer to lack of wealth of anything in the outer, but to an impoverished consciousness, since man's state of being IS an expression of his consciousness. "Thoughts are things" and nothing exists except thinking makes it so! 

It would be impossible for any of us in the Realm of Divine Consciousness to degrade the God-Power by looking down upon any part of life in a sympathetic manner. We have compassion for all life, and it is this Compassion which brings us into your presence, for you have signified by, your thoughts, words and actions that you have, indeed set foot firmly upon the True Pathway, of Life, and are, ascending the ladder of Evolution in a most commendable manner. 

There is one point I would like to clarify. Some chelas entertain feelings about the Feminine Aspects of Divinity, those of us you would deem in the world of form as "battle axes". Let me assure you, dear ones, yet carrying the burdens of free will explorations on this Earth-plane, the so-called treasures which you have gathered through using the God power in a negative manner, it is the very positive, compassionate Love which flows through the Ladies of the Kingdom which motivates us to prod you on in a dynamic manner. 

Know you; this is the time in the Earth’s evolution when the Feminine Ray is flowing, forth in accelerated activity. It is the feeling nature of man which must be improved and improved, until all do express the loving capacity which is within the Heart of the Creator. So be assured, beloved of the Light that I, Charity, the Feminine Counterpart of the glorious Chamuel, abide within you, and I sincerely anticipate your feeling of acceptance. And as a guest within your 'home' shall, in honor of the Presence of Life, the "I AM", expect you to hold converse with me, and that we shall become true Heart Friends ere the Earth has made many revolutions around the Sun, and in true Love, I shall never let you go while you yet abide upon this Sphere. I implore you, never let go of the God-Principles which have found acceptance in your beings. Many are the subtle and sinister influences which flow through the atmosphere waiting for an unguarded moment when a chela might open the door of his or her consciousness, and once the disintegrating force sets its influence churning in your being, you have to expend tremendous amounts of God energy to free yourself from its tentacles, when, in dignity, the glorious energy of God, given so freely to you, could have been used for the expansion of Perfection of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. 

Be ever on your guard, by abiding in a state of Listening Grace, and obeying the Directing Intelligence of the Christ Presence within your hearts. 

With the Blessing of my Beloved Chamuel and myself, we decree that your consciousness shall ever be enriched as you further explore the Field of God Consciousness which we of the Higher Realms are privileged to enjoy! Good Morning!