Easter Class Address

John the Beloved

April 8, 1966

Greetings, lovely Expressions of the Father upon this Planet Earth, whose dedicated purpose is to serve the Cause of World Good and usher in and see manifest the New Age of Freedom in all its Perfection. 

Ah, how well I remember the joy which comes from dedication and consecration to a Spiritual Cause, and I can tell you through Personal experience what it means to walk by the side of a Being whose Purity of Purpose was the setting of the example which all men should emulate in their daily lives. You may say, 'well, you had the physical contact with the Beloved Jesus and his Holy Mother, and we, too, could have greatly benefitted there from.' 

Now just pause a moment - many of you were privileged to walk with the Master Jesus and receive the Radiation of his Presence. Here I wish to say most emphatically, far greater is the privilege which is yours, now, as you are the recipients of the Radiation, Love and Blessings of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, as you have chosen, through submission to the Holy Christ Self, to be Radiating Centers upon the Earth plane of the Virtues and Gifts of the Godhead. 

We who were with Blessed Jesus, and understood to a degree his Mission, did not look or depend upon the physical vehicle of the Master for assistance. It was the Light within, the Christ Presence, which was our Guiding Star, and through that assistance was called upon in all our efforts not to look to Jesus or his Holy Mother for assistance in our Service, but to the Christ within each of us. 

The Application of the Law of Life 

The application of the Law of Life is no different today, except that through the evolving consciousness you are receiving expanded teaching which has developed as we have advanced from the Sixth Ray Dispensation, to the Seventh Ray under the direction of our King, the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, whose Cycle in this specific Ray, extends for a the thousand year period! 

When the Master Jesus spoke the Truth that others, too, were to do that which he did, he did not imply that the physical body was to be taken up in public demonstration, but that when one learns to look to the Christ within as the Doer, and permits that Presence to act in his world, he is paving the way for the ultimate accomplishment of his physical experience, having purified his lower vehicles and setting them aside for the last time, he will enter into and blend with his own God Presence and be FREE from the shackles of physical embodiment, which are, let me remind you, subject to and target for the nefarious forces which are yet rampant on the Earth. 

Oh, how many, many times you have been told to 'Let go, and let God.' You know, it is within your present capacity to do that in all your affairs this instant! Oh dear ones, how we anticipate and pray for the time when you will be God in action at all times. During the time when you are honored with the privilege of visitation to the Temple of the Resurrection, you can make tremendous forward strides in your Spiritual Development by employing the Affirmation which Jesus used: "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life' and follow it with a statement of that which you desire to be as you walk upon the surface of this Earth. You will remember that "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life" was the single statement which Jesus was called upon to put into practice and which enabled him to understand, put into practice, and finally achieve his Victory in the Light! 

The Etheric City of Saint John 

Now I should like to discourse a little on another Spiritual avenue, in this instance, the Etheric City of Saint John. This Realm is not an ephemeral Focus of Light, but a strong, powerful Battery of the Radiation of God-Good. Some of you have chosen to think of my humble self as a 'meek and mild' Individual who was always 'under the Wing' of Beloved Jesus or Mary. True, I was indeed greatly honored to have the tangible comfort and guidance of their Presence, but in the building of a momentum of Pure Divine Love, I had to become as strong as steel inwardly, although my then physical actions may have at times belied that fact. You have learned each one that the development of the Quality of Pure Divine Love is no small accomplishment for the majority, and I was no exception. 

Well, I have digressed a bit from the Etheric City, but I wish to impress upon you that while on the Earth I may have appeared docile, the Christ within was none the less powerful. It is that very Christ which "I AM" which has placed me in charge of the Etheric City over the Arizona Desert. 

Oh, Children of Light, the beauty in the Heavenly Realms is so magnificent that your senses would reel if it were possible for you to consciously bring back to your outer consciousness the grandeur which expresses therein. Let me assure you, however, that the Golden Man, the Christ, is growing, growing within you, because you are permitting that God Self to more and more take control, and one day you shall experience in its fullness the ecstasy of visitation to the Higher Realms. 

Location of Etheric Cities 

Have you ever wondered why there is an Etheric City over a certain locality? In that Realm is the Perfection for that portion of the Earth which will again manifest, on the Earth-plane, when the New Age in all its Perfection, shall manifest. These Etheric Foci are animated and kept active by some Being, or Beings, who have developed a momentum along the line of Perfection which each Focus represents. The Brotherhood who serve in a specific location are assisted by the Silent Watcher of that portion of the Planet, who, in turn, is 'fed' with the Divine Concept held in the Heart of the Planetary Silent Watcher, Immaculata. You will observe that even in the Higher Realms, there is always a 'Step-down Transformer' for the Light and Power of the One Supreme Source of all. There is no separation in existence, above or below. We are allied to the radiation or vibration of our momentum of compatibility. 'Herein lies a Lesson, for those who wish to follow it. 

The Arizona Desert 

Before the contamination of the place now known as the Arizona Desert, great Perfection was manifest, and that Perfection was drawn up into the Etheric Realm in that location, where it is my glorious privilege to abide. This actually is not my home Realm, but like the other volunteers in the Hierarchy, I have chosen through permission granted by my superiors, to remain until this Perfection can be lowered into and on the physical plane. 

The Misnomer of 'Savage'  

The Early American Indians were a very developed Spiritual Group of Lifestreams and many who lived in this locality was privileged to contact the Realm in which I presently abide. Many came again and again to this spot and tuned into the records of imperfection which caused the land to be laid waste through cataclysmic action. Still later they embodied with a record of revenge and instead of bringing back the memory of the former Perfection, they developed an attitude which has been termed 'savage' but within that fierceness was an inner desire to protect the land from outer intrusion. To call them savages is far from the truth. The so-called 'savage' which expressed through them is the same savage or beast of the human, which must and shall be overcome in all men. In some it has been permitted to take more control than others, all the result of centuries of living on the Earth, where each has come to develop and expand his Spiritual Self, in the schoolroom, or locale, best suited for his experiments. Yes, the Spiritual Self is developed in each man's heart, but that has been bound round in the consciousness of human thinking and has not heretofore, in the majority of cases, been permitted to express. 

The Victory in the Light of Beloved Jesus 

We know the Master Jesus as the Exemplar of the Christ, his mission on Earth having resulted in Victory, and it is that accomplishment which has qualified him to become World Teacher. Because of the closing of the cycle of imperfection, Beloved Kuthumi, who also was a mighty Exemplar, is Co-world Teacher with him. The Cosmic Law cannot, and will not, wait indefinitely for the recalcitrants of this Earth to come into line and fulfill the purpose for which they were permitted embodiment through the great Wisdom of the Karmic Council. 

Can you imagine the happiness which wells up in the Heart of the mighty Jesus as he witnesses more and more chelas accepting the fact that the Christ Presence is their only true Guide. You will hear that Presence referred to more and more as the God Presence, the "I AM" Presence, for the Christ designation came into acknowledgment during the Mission of Jesus as the Christian Dispensation. Another reason for this, as man proceeds along the Spiritual Path he will know there is no separation, the Christ and the "I AM" Presence are ONE, but the Dweller within, whether called the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus, the Christ, or any designation of Perfection, is God the "I AM". The "I AM" Presence is anchored in the heart of each individual, just as electric wires, or conductors, bring you currents from a central location. Thus can Service be rendered at Cosmic Levels, for the Presence could not, and cannot, be limited by the meanderings of the human. Along the Silver Cord, into your very heart flows the Essence of Divinity to sustain and keep the lower vehicles 'alive'.

True Holy Communion 

Close your eyes, those who have them open, and enter deep within the Christ. That should be easy, for "I AM" grateful to say the attunement of the chelas at this moment is magnificent to behold.     Now see that blazing Light as you completely remove yourself from any human thinking… (Pause)… Good! Now rise on the beam of that Light into the Heart of the Presence, and feel its glorious embrace as you have 'let go, and let God'.... (Pause) 

Blessed children, this is the true Holy Communion. 

Drink deeply, oh beloved ones. That Cup will be ever full to the brim, as you choose it so, and go among men bringing them the substance which their blessed hearts and souls crave! This can be done, you know, through the radiation of your being. 

In loving gratitude for your heartfelt attention, I pour the Essence of Love Divine into the Chalice of your hearts, and pray that henceforth we will serve as one, for the redemption of this Planet. 

A Holy, Happy, Peaceful and Ecstatic Easter be yours! 

Lovingly, "I AM" John





Immaculate Conception

prevailing over all;

There's only God in action –

His Image within all. 

Immaculate Conception!

God Wills it thus be done;

In every situation,

"I AM" Supreme - the ONE!  

Melody: The Church's one Foundation





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