Summer Conference

Beloved Goddess of Purity

July 7, 1965

Hail, thou children of the Omnipotent First Cause, abiding upon this Planet with the definite purpose of assisting the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain bring in the Permanent Golden Age in all its exquisite Beauty and Perfection. 

As I looked upon that glorious Pattern held in the Heart of the mighty Immaculata, Silent Watcher for this Earth, my attention was drawn to the magnificent Focus of Shamballa, blazing in all its Glory in the Etheric Realms, which shall, according to Divine Edict, be lowered into the physical plane on this Sacred Isle. 

Ah yes, much is to be desired in the outpicturing of that Pattern, but so it has been, and still is, in the case of the lifestreams who are privileged to abide on this Island. Many years ago the Beloved Ĉolus, then the Maha Chohan, told you that in early ages the currents were so powerful on this Isle that only those who had reached a high state of Purity could set foot on its Holy Ground. That time shall come again, notwithstanding the outer manifestations which may be expressing at this hour! 

That Purity is my reason for coming into your midst today. Oh there were many, many Beings who applied to Beloved Gautama for the privilege of addressing the chelas at this Class. My application was immediately accented for indeed the Flame of Purity must precede many other God Gifts, before they can find fertile ground for their flowering. 

Every electron of my Being is pulsating with all the momentum of Purity which it has been my privilege to accumulate through the ages, and "I AM" accompanied in this outpouring of the Cosmic Flame of Purity by all the beings who are presently serving on the Fourth Ray, including the Archangelic, Seraphic, Cherubic and Angelic Host. 

Now we all know that Purity has been shied away from by the masses through the centuries, you at one time or another having belonged to that group, and the reason for this reluctance of acceptance of that Virtue is obvious. But you, blessed chelas, thanks be to the Almighty, through your vow at Inner Levels and your conscious desire to serve with us in the manifestation of the Golden Age on this Sweet Planet, are daily becoming purer channels for the inflow of the currents and the Flames which are requisite for this outpicturing. 

You know, usually those of us who serve on the Fourth Ray are considered severe in our feelings and instructions. Actually the opposite is true, for we are Beings of Pure Divine Love, and it is that Love of the Cosmic "I AM" Presence and all life - all the cells which comprise the composite whole which makes us Disciplinarians. You are presently disciplining your lower vehicles to bring them to their greater potential of Light, and we, through Love, come to give you all the assistance which you will accept. 

All through today and the balance of this Conference, the Beings of the Fourth Ray will be in attendance to blaze and blaze the Cosmic Flame of Purity through your beings. We anticipate by the time our Beloved Serapis Bey sneaks to you on Saturday that you will feel an even greater buoyancy of Spirit coursing through your vehicles. Should you experience any subtle tests at this time, know they are for the definite purpose of removing some obstacle from your path, which you previously placed there, so the acceleration of the vibratory action of your vehicles will result in greater purification and buoyancy of feeling. We are going to release as much of the Cosmic Flame of Purity in, through and around your vehicles as you make possible through your own acceptance. We are Beings of Mercy, and do not according to Divine Law, entrust this Sacred Flame into the custody of those who cannot safely handle its dispensation, for we are accountable and must give a balance to the Cosmic Law for our use of this Virtue. 

I would like now to direct your attention to the Rocky Mountain Retreat where the Karmic Board is in half-yearly Council with the Spiritual Hierarchy. During this Conference on Long Island, great Pathways of Light have been created from that Retreat to the Etheric Shamballa, where Lord Gautama and Holy Ĉolus are the Cosmic Hosts at this time. I assure you that while there is much counsel held for the activities of the remainder of Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five, there also is great happiness and celebration in the Hearts of us all, occasioned by the fact that Shamballa has proven such a magnet as to draw to this Conference those chelas who can and will prove to be Pillars of Shamballa, carrying the Radiation of its Sacred Essence in their vehicles wherever they go, their Love of the Light being so intense they have overcome all obstacles to set foot on this Sacred Isle at this Cosmic Hour! 

Oh children of the Father-Mother God enter deep, deep, deep within the Flame of your Hearts and contemplate the sacred privilege which is yours, knowing that you have surrendered the personal to the will of the Almighty. Protect them oh Cosmic Source of All Light so they will remain constant in their dedicated purpose. It is upon them we depend to carry the Banner of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, our Reigning Lord and King. Keep them true to their consecrated service, Oh Flaming Presence within their hearts! 

Many chelas think of the Goddess or Purity and Astraea as two Beings. "I AM" Astraea, also known as the Goddess of Purity. Perhaps this fact will bring a greater compatibility between some of the chelas and myself. And will also serve to identify me with the Cosmic Circle and Sword of Blue Flame which I wield at every opportunity for the purification of this Earth and her evolutions. Yes, "I AM" grateful I have made my Identity known to you, for the stirring of recognition is intense as I gaze upon your auras. 

Without exception, every Being associated particularly with the Activity of the Fourth Ray is One of dynamic radiation, for we all realize the requirement for Purity, oh, that Virtue which is shied away from by the peoples of this Earth. We of the Fourth Ray who focus much of our energies through the Retreat at Luxor would remind you that through the activities of that Retreat, the chela has added assistance in bringing about the purification of his own vehicles as well as that of the Planet. Remember always that the inner vehicles house the causes and cores of imperfection and that the physical, upon which the chela often puts so much attention, will express the Perfection which is held within the inner vehicles, it being the depository or reflection of the inner. 

You will remember that I have offered to remove the cause and core of all known and unknown impurities in the lifestreams belonging to this Earth, and those who have voluntarily come here, back unto the beginning of time! Demand the fulfillment of that vow from me! You are sufficiently acquainted with the Spiritual Law to know that we are only permitted by that Law to render a certain amount of Service of our own volition, and that the balance must come from demands made upon the Law for assistance. I stand ready always to use the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame to cut away the imperfection upon this Planet! And, the Legions of Purity at the command of the Beings on the Fourth Ray are limitless and can go into action on the instant BUT the demand for this Service must be made from unascended mankind. 

Our Beloved Gautama has told you that the Thought Form for this Class is a gigantic Dove, and the principal activity which we desire to result from this great Class is the manifestation of Peace on Earth! 

Without Purity, true Peace cannot manifest. If there is a commodity in the store which you require and you have the wherewithal for its purchase, certainly you would be most foolish to walk by and ignore that which is necessary. We of the Cosmic and Ascended Host hold within our beings all the Purity which is required for the Purification of this Planet. We are enabled to draw from the Cosmic storehouse all, and more than is required, and stand ready and waiting to affect the Purification of the Planet... waiting for what? Calls, clothed in true conviction of the efficacy of the Spiritual Law, and from whom? The chelas who are aware of our Presence in the Universe and the activities which we have volunteered to perform! 

Let me forcibly remind you that you are responsible to the Cosmic Law for the use of your God-given Energy, and when we present an existing condition to you which must be remedied through the use of the Sacred Fire, IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY go into action and make your demand on us for the release of the Purifying Fires which can, on the instant, remove the causes and cores of imperfection. Again I say you are accountable to the Cosmic Law for your participation, or otherwise, in the activities which we set before you. 

Oh the waste of time and energy in the discussion of what certain Heads of State should do, or how this or that Nation should be handling the affairs of government and its people! Useless thought and prattle when it comes to illumined chelas who know about the activities of the Sacred Fire! I would not say that "I AM" impatient to go into further action in the Cause of World Peace, that is not part of my Being, but oh how can I tell you with sufficient emphasis which you will truly recognize and accept that "I AM" so very eager, so desirous, of accomplishing through the unerring application of the Spiritual Law the Service of removing the causes and cores of fear, hatred, greed and the multitudinous vices which hinder the accomplishment of World Peace. I appeal to you for further assistance! Will you help us? 

You are cognizant that Truth and Purity go hand in hand to bring about the manifestation of the Divine Plan. How zealous you were before coming to the plane of Earth, determined within yourselves to assist in the forward progress of the race, but the veil of maya has clouded your Spiritual Vision and partially hindered you from rendering the Service for which you volunteered at Inner Levels. We are at the point in the evolution of this Sphere when it is absolutely necessary that the causes and cores of imperfection must be removed in order that Peace shall reign once more on this Earth. Oh dear and Almighty Father-Mother God, I pray that these chelas will remain in a State of Listening Grace to further assist in the Cause of World Peace, the accomplishment of which is of prime importance at this hour! 

Blessed of our Hearts, please understand that I in no way discount the tremendous activities in which you have engaged to hold the balance for this Earth and we of the Fourth Ray do not let any such service go unnoticed! So, if you will remain as humbly centered in the Immortal Flame within your Hearts, we shall now go into action, through permission of the Cosmic Law for service already rendered by you dear ones. Please let go of any remaining imperfection which is yet untransmuted, and the complete Purification of your lifestreams can result, so that you will be expressions always of Truth in action! 

I now, in company with All the Beings of the Fourth Ray who are in attendance this day, raise my Cosmic Sword of Blue and circle it in, through and around your beings, and YOU ARE PURIFIED AND FREE; YOU ARE PURIFIED AND FREE; YOU ARE PURIFIED AND FREE! According to your acceptance. So be it - Great Cosmic "I AM" Presence. 

The mighty Hercules and Lord Michael and their Legions of Protection have graciously offered to intensify your Protective Mantles of Light, to further insulate you against the buffetings of the outer world and that of the unseen. 

In all the happiness and buoyancy which is an activity of the Fourth Ray, I enfold each of you and thank you most profoundly for your kind attention and your acceptance of the Service which the Spiritual Hierarchy desire to render through your precious lifestreams, "I AM" 

Astraea, Goddess of Purity