Summer Conference Address

Beloved Serapis Bey

July 10, 1965

Greetings, my friends, I bring you the Love of the Brotherhood at Luxor and my humble self, and I most sincerely trust that in this Blessing you will feel the buoyancy of our joy in Service, as well as that determination to get things done, that prodding which you so often feel when in the Radiation of my Presence! 

Indeed, "I AM" come particularly this day to tell you that we of the Spiritual Hierarchy expect you to comply with the Instructions which we have released during this Conference. Some of you have wondered why we call these Meetings a 'Conference'. Well, in my humble opinion that is what they are - an exchange of Radiation which is made possible by your Love of the Law and your desire to participate in further bringing in the Permanent Golden Age under the direction of that oh so loving and patient Saint Germain! 

To confer, there must be more than one party participating, and that is exactly what is taking place - you sending your energy heavenward in your Decrees and Songs and through your attention, and on the return current comes the Blessings of the Spiritual Hierarchy in worded Release as well as Radiation. Clarified? Good! 

As you are well aware, "I AM" a most direct individual and to some I seem like the most severe Disciplinarian. What is the motivating power behind that discipline? Ah, Pure Love of the Divine Principle of Life, and for you, components in the over-all pattern of Perfection which shall manifest for this Planet, and which is ordained to do so without much further delay. 

As Business Manager of THE BRIDGE on this side of the veil, the subject of finances comes under my supervision. Let me say, beloved of the Light, we are most grateful for your magnificent cooperation rendered thus far in the establishment of the Permanent Focus on Long Island. You are to be commended for your wonderful assistance and you can be assured that the generosity of your lifestreams has proven to the Spiritual Hierarchy that you are chelas upon whom we can depend. God bless you, each dear one. 

You are all overcoming, with great rapidity, certain obstacles in your Path, which have heretofore hindered your progress and are moving forward with tremendous strides. 

How well I understand what 'overcoming' means. In my own personal experience that over coming was a much more difficult matter than it is now for any of you. The Spiritual Law has since permitted many Dispensations which did not exist in my time on Earth. I perhaps merited the Role of Disciplinarian by reason of the fact that I had to constantly, and determinedly, keep my outer self under restraint until I knew within the recesses of my Being that obedience to the Cosmic Law, through following the Directives of the Christ Within, was the only way home. 

At such times as the 'going may be rough’ to use your parlance, if you care to call to me, you can be sure you have an understanding friend who will give you all the assistance permitted to help you over a persistent obstacle. 

Oh, please understand that while the majority of you are volunteers from other Planets, so are we 'exiles' to loosely use the term, who have volunteered to assist this recalcitrant Earth and her evolutions regain her pristine Beauty and Perfection, as ordained by Cosmic Law. The longer we stay with this Planet, the longer we, in a sense, delay another being from advancing to greater heights, by reason that the position which we should not be filling has to be held by the being presently in that office, or in extreme cases, by a volunteer. Even as we are aligned to this Star by a voluntary vow which we made to remain with the Earth until Perfection shall again manifest. 

You cannot cognize how many times we appear before the Karmic Council on your behalf, and when I say 'your' I include all the peoples of this Planet as well. We see your great potential. We know that expression of Perfection of which you are capable, and we just have to wait, and occasionally have the opportunity to bring these matters to your attention, always through the motivating Power of Pure Divine Love. I would love to stand here and bring to your attention a glorious worded picture of the mighty Activities of the Ascension Flame, of the Beloved Brothers and Sisters who so faithfully and tirelessly devote their energies to the restoration of Beauty and Perfection on this Planet and of keeping the Door Open for all the peoples to return HOME in dignity, as ordained by Cosmic Law. I assure you there is little of the activity of playing on the harp which one might expect from my glorious Seraphic Host. And the magnificent part of it all is every Service we render is through the motivating power of Pure Divine Love, of the Cosmic "I AM" Presence, of which we are all a part! 

At this point, I would like to tell you that one of the matters which received much commendation by the Beings assembled at the Rocky Mountain Retreat is the pulse-beat of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, which is now truly that of Pure Divine Love and to which the chelas who have wholeheartedly accepted the Truths which we present to them add their own personal blessing of Pure Love. In Pure Love exists the Radiation of the Cosmic Source of all Life, and as that Radiation intensifies through your constancy truly shall this Earth and her evolutions be enfolded in the ever-present embrace of that Virtue which shall be her redemption! Blessings upon you, each dedicated chela! 

The Beloved Micah in his Service and Radiation of Unity is sending forth a tremendous force of blending all the chelas into one great Pulsation of Pure Divine Love. May he be loved and blessed in return for this Voluntary Service. 

As some of the people of Earth are beginning to realize, this globe is just a flickering Light when taken into consideration in relation to the multitudinous stars which are in so-called space, peopled by individualizations of such magnificence of structure and consciousness that at the present I could not describe even those whom it has been my humble privilege to contact thus far. My Consciousness is evolving just as is yours, but to the Spheres I have thus far been privileged to ascend, Gratitude and Love of the highest order I can feel flows forth constantly, in appreciation for my own Individualization. So you realize, not only you, but we of the Spiritual Hierarchy assigned to this Earth are under the discipline of the Beings who are our Superiors. We have commitments to fulfill, as do you. 

Now, I have digressed from the subject of finances - oh, no I did not forget, but was perhaps carried away by the thought I should remind you that we are 'all in the same boat' as terminology goes, in that we are avowed to serve the Cosmic Law, and by my Heart Desire to commend you for the Service rendered thus far. 

As you more and more engage in the purification of your lower vehicles, the Activity of Precipitation will become a natural release of the Good of your Causal Body. Remember, too, that if you keep money in a tin box, or in a cookie jar, hidden someplace where you feel it will be safe from taxes and the like, you are not earning 'interest' on that commodity. It is just the same with the personal angle of holding so tightly to the half-truths of the ages and not using the Divine Alchemy of Transmutation in the purification of your lower self. As you use the Activity of Purification, you become more harmonious and precipitation of good becomes natural for you, as it was in the Early Ages before the enmeshment in the discord of this Planet. The more you use this Activity, the more Perfection flows into your world, and it is the same with money. If you hold it tightly to your bosom through fear or reluctance to part with it, the longer you hold up the activity of precipitation individually. 

Be sensible always in this matter and do not wildly spend the money which it is now your privilege to have, but remember the admonition of the Great Gautama when he set forth the Tenets of the Middle Way… balance, balance, balance in all things. We have said before and I shall again repeat the fact that you are most intent on having the proper abode in which to live. You should be even more solicitous when it comes to preparing the way for the Spiritual Hierarchy to have a small tract of land without the encumbrances of the outer world through the weight of a mortgage. 

Ah, blessed and beloved ones here present, you are aware of this fact and give so generously of your worldly goods, but there are those who will read my words who still have not allowed their feelings to completely understand what a great honor it is 'to prepare for the coming of the Lord. Great Blessings be upon all who have responded, and emblazoned on the Cosmic Records are the names of those who are making possible the Permanent Focus of the Spiritual Hierarchy for this Earth. Not until Ascended will you know the blessing and privilege which is yours. 

For your further encouragement, let me say that this Conference is holding the attention of Cosmic Beings assembled at the Rocky Mountain Retreat. When you were guests at the physical board of Beloved Gautama, a glorious repast of precipitated food was served in the Etheric Shamballa, and the substance of Illumination and Perfection of all Good flowed to and through you, for your benefaction. We closely watched you as you went about in your various diversions during the days following the time you accepted the privilege of setting foot upon the holy ground of Shamballa and carried in the Chalice of your Beings the Gifts of the Hierarchy. "I AM" grateful to be able to tell you that the release of your energy all through this week has been most commendable and worthy of those who carry the Banner of our Reigning King, Beloved Saint Germain and his gracious Lady, Portia. Forget not that Beloved Portia, is the Goddess of Opportunity, as well as Spokesman for the Karmic Board and at every opportunity she gives her sanction to every Dispensation to the children abiding on Earth that she in her Wisdom feels can bear fruit, through the cooperation of the chelas with the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

I wish to let you in (on a little advance information - seldom have we seen our glorious Saint Germain beaming, so to speak, in his Love and Gratitude to the chelas who have felt it worthwhile to walk the Path with him. Before retiring this evening, please be sure to prepare yourselves well for the release of his great Love at the closing class of this God-Victorious Conference tomorrow, Sunday. 

"I AM" a Master of Love, even though considered a strict one, and my feeling for you is amplified daily, as I guide you from this side of the veil. 

Remember my counsel to TRY, and 'keep on, keeping on' until the Father says 'COME HOME, well done thou good and faithful servant' and the Ascension Flame expands its Light through the Radiation of another Prodigal who has freed himself of the shackles of human bondage, and in so doing has earned his Freedom in the Light. 

I now anoint your vehicles with the Holy Light of Luxor, and enfold you in my deep and abiding Love. 

Your Friend and Co-server in the Light,

Serapis Bey






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