Easter Class Address

The Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection

April 17, 1965

Greetings, Children of the Light, oh how the mighty Resurrection Flame is blazing in, through and around the Earth this day as the peoples of this Planet prepare to celebrate and honor the Victorious Accomplishment of the so beloved Son of Heaven, the Ascended Master Jesus, the Christ. 

Yesterday, as the intensified Radiation of Beloved Gabriel, Archangel of Resurrection, and his beautiful Lady, the Cosmic Being Hope, directed that mighty Ray specifically into the Earth plane, and through the cooperation of the chelas who are aware of what is taking place at this time, "I AM" most grateful to tell you that the reception and acceptance of that glorious Power has been tremendous. 

As you know, we have been stressing the importance of the Victorious Accomplishment of the Master Jesus, not the preceding events in his sojourn on this Earth, in order that the chelas would impregnate their consciousness with the VICTORY OF THE CHRIST; that all who have hearts and ears to hear would realize what that blessed being meant, when he said that all men had the same Power within. He wished to convey to all that each man is a potential Christ and this fact has been constantly brought to your individual attention. "I AM" thankful that looking upon your auras as I did before sending forth this Release of Energy for your benefaction and for all the peoples of this Earth, that truly the Christ is becoming more and more active in your beings and worlds, and the outer self is receding in favor of the God-Self. 

At this time of Cosmic and Earthly Celebration, we will not elaborate on the chaotic conditions on this Plane today, for we are endeavoring through the cooperation of the mighty Lord Zadkiel, Holy Amethyst, Beloved Saint Germain, Lord Michael and all who are engaged this year in the concentrated activity of Purification, to pierce the wall of ignorance in the consciousness of the masses so that the light of the Christ within each one will be permitted to illumine the darkened consciousness of the peoples who are caught in the web of destructive activities. 

On the constructive side of the ledger for this Planet, we are grateful in the extreme to witness the fact that more and more people in the orthodox churches are actually feeling the freeing activity which is taking place as the winding cloths are being loosened from the Christ which is entombed in their hearts. Think a moment what this will do for the raising of this Planet. There are countless lifestreams inhabiting this Earth today who are greatly illumined souls. It was felt when they appeared before the Karmic Council for the privilege of embodiment, that should they fulfill their vow to the Spiritual Law to bring Light to a heavily burdened Planet, that there would be a mighty bursting forth of Illumination for all who abide thereon. 

You, my dear friends, are among that group who made that vow to the Karmic Board, and blessed are you for your constancy on the Pathway, emitting more and more Light for the Redemption of this Planet. 

With the Activity of Purification and Transmutation which is intensively taking place at the present time, we are encouraged that the inner bodies of thousands of life-streams, who have previously held a 'closed' consciousness, are now permitting the Flame of Illumination to filter in. 

The Cosmic Law spends extensive time in the selection of the Activity for a twelvemonth period, carefully examining and balancing the facts which would be of the greatest assistance, to the greatest number. It was not without consultation, that it was decided that the Retreat at Yucatan should we open for the entire Period, so the Light could more intensively flow into the consciousness of the chelas, and others, whose desire was and is, to serve the Cause of Good. 

As more and more purification is taking place, the mighty Power of the Brotherhood at Yucatan, under the direction of Beloved Kenich Ahan, has proven to be a tremendous magnet which is drawing the chelas and other illumined members of the race to its glorious portals, there, to be received by the Brothers and Sisters, who are in attendance, to give you further instruction on becoming individual Radiating Centers of great Light for this Earth. This Retreat is strategically and geographically located, and many of you, after visiting the Retreat of the month, proceed to Lord Zadkiel's Retreat over the Island of Cuba, and thence to Yucatan. 

As the activity of Transmutation is taking place, you become imbued with an intense desire to bathe the Planet and her evolutions in the Light of Illumination. This tremendous service is transpiring all during the twenty-four hour period at the Yucatan Retreat. Through this process, many of you have advanced to the Point where you are being permitted to teach groups of lifestreams at inner levels. It is the hope of the Spiritual Hierarchy that you will soon bring this remembrance into your waking consciousness and be able to stir the desire for Illumination in the hearts of others. Regardless of outer appearances to the contrary, an intense desire is burning within the beings of thousands, to complete their sojourn on this Plane in the Victory of the Light. They feel a restlessness for Truth within and need Teachers who can guide them along the Pathway of Light. 

We are dealing with the inner vehicles of the masses where the transmutation of eons of willful disobedience to the Spiritual Law is imbedded, in this process of Purification, and when we can have chelas who have become the Transfigured Christ walking this Earth, mass awakenings can take place. Search your souls and feel what this can mean to the evolution of this Planets will you be among the "Illumined Ones"? 

"I AM" giving you facts, not just sending forth encouraging statement. The Earth IS emerging from darkness into greater and greater Light.  

A certain amount of Purification of the vehicles of the chelas had to take place before they could actually be in a position to successfully use the Flame of Resurrection. Why do I say this? If the weeds are not removed from a garden they will crop up as the energizing Power of Resurrection Flows through the Earth in the spring. The wise gardener does not permit the weeds to remain in the ground, but plucks them out; else they choke and retard the growth of the seed which is planted, said seed or bulb containing within it the life-pattern which it is to express. 

In like manner, the Father-Mother God has planted within you the Picture which you are required to manifest, and the weeds, or karma, of your past imperfect sowing are being removed through the activity of Purification, and now the Resurrection Flame is being received into more fertile ground. You can be the beneficiaries of an increased release of the Resurrection Activity if you will invite the assistance of the beloved Maha Chohan, the Goddess of Spring, Amaryllis, Beloved Gabriel and Lady Hope who are energizing this Activity in the Nature Kingdom, and eagerly anticipate your calls to render this Service. 

You are already feeling the Power which is within the Flame of Resurrection and are employing It for the resuscitation of your beings and worlds, and for the Planet as well. Hold firm to this glimpse of the activity of resuscitation, and feel an expanded Blessing from the God-Parents of us all... compassionate, loving, all-wise. 

Although you do not yet see the Inner Activity of the Law in its transcendent display at this glorious time dedicated to the celebration of the Victorious Accomplishment of the Master Jesus, permit me to tell you that no display of Light, that is visible to the sight of man, has touched the fringe of the Beauty and Magnitude of this Release. The Flame of Resurrection IS blazing within the hearts of all life upon this Planet, from the least evolved to the greatest, and all will be the recipients of the Blessings of Easter. 

The Directors of all the Rays are joining in the Festivities, along with their Angelic Legions, and the kaleidoscope of Light is resplendent. Through the Release of the Radiation of each of the Rays on Sunday, everyone will feel a compatible tie through the specific Radiation which is predominant in their lifestream. We are preparing all mankind for the Release of the Victorious Feeling which will be sent forth by the Beloved Master Jesus tomorrow, Easter Day. 

The glorious Activity which will take place tomorrow will be given to you in detail by our Beloved Jesus when he addresses you, bringing his full gathered momentum of VICTORY IN THE LIGHT! 

It has been my great honor and pleasure to serve in the Release of the Flame of Resurrection at this time, and I shall continue so to do, until you are Ascended and Free!