A Message of a Brother at Uxmal

With arms upraised in salutation to the Sun Gods of this System, mighty Helios and Vesta, I bow in adoration to Life and Light Eternal! 

I AM Lazar, come from the Heart of the Mountains, near Merida in Yucatan, the Temple at Uxmal, wherein is focused the most intense radiation of God Helios and His Lady, Vesta on this Earth Planet! 

I AM one of the Guardians of the Flame under the direction of our Hierarch, revered be his name, Kenich Ahan! He, the mighty one, has bid me come and welcome you to our Retreat at your Christmas Class Beloved Helios had a Message of great import for you, Children of the Sun, privileged to be in embodiment at this time. Study it well! 

It is you, conscious anchorages of the Light on this Plane with whom we wish, and must become in rapport quickly. You, of course, are Children of Light, and do have an affinity with the Brotherhood at Uxmal, for are you not Light Bearers from the Heart of Light Eternal, come to this Earth to expand that Light, and in doing so - raise the vibratory action of this Orb! To have a part in consciously forwarding the evolution of a Planet and its people is a tremendous privilege, few yet realize how great. 

It is our desire that through your conscious cooperation with the directives and radiation which will flow forth to you from our Focus, you will without further delay, become cognizant of what serving the Light really means! Affirm over and over until you experience the FEELING of the statement "I AM LIGHT, I AM LIGHT, I AM LIGHT - ALL LIGHT I AM". 

Although conditions at times outwardly cloud the radiance of the Sun, behind that creation is BLAZING LIGHT. This simile is given you regarding your own personal lifestreams. Think it through. 

All instruction from the Spiritual Hierarchy has a definite purpose, and we respectfully call your attention to Lesson Three of the Art of Rhythmic Breathing, in the October 1963 BRIDGE JOURNAL. This exercise will do much to draw the Light through your vehicles and, I assure you, an accelerated buoyancy of feeling will ensue. 

When you come to us at the Temple of the Sun, your Sponsor will escort you to the entrance of the Inner Chambers of the Temple, and according to the Light which you are able to expand in the outer corridor will you be assigned to specific locations in the Inner Chambers. Those of you whose Light meets the requirement for 'safe' convoy into the Greater Light, will be presented with a Cape of Golden Light Substance, which will protect and assist you to expand that which you have consciously drawn forth in Service to the Supreme Source of us all, the MIGHTY 'I AM'. 

It is up to you, each one who passes this test to decide from the directives of your own God Self why we shall give this Mantle to you. You have all reached the point in your evolution where you should be able to discern the reason for certain action of the Spiritual Brotherhood. Ponder this in meditation and act accordingly. We shall be watching, and waiting - ready and willing - and required by Cosmic Law to assist you. 

As I have been speaking to you, your Sponsors from Our Retreat have been consciously connecting your lifestreams to the radiation of the Sun, in preparation for your visits with us! 

Beloved and puissant Kenich Ahan has prepared a blessing for you, which is beyond the present comprehension of your consciousness. May that consciousness be so expanded by that Blessing that you will never again, at any time, sidestep the Pathway of Light. 

Enfolding you in Light and Life Eternal, I AM a Messenger from the Retreat at Uxmal. 


(*Beloved Helios' Address will appear in the February 1964 BRIDGE)







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