June 6, 1962

Saint Germain's Freedom is here now and forever sustained! 

Beloved ones, I accept that and I want you to do the same. Ninety per cent of my service in bringing complete Freedom to the planet is VISUALIZATION that is visualizing every part of Life Holy and Free. If you will join me in this same activity of visualizing every part of Life ablaze with the Violet Fire, then my service will be easier - it could not be more joyous! 

Knowing that there is an ANCHOR for our Beloved Saint Germain, and then this alone makes me constantly joyous and happy and allows me to visualize the entire planet free. 

I feel very honored to be the One chosen to open your classes! It is with such joy that I do this that my heart pours out to each of you in deepest love and gratitude for the service you are giving to Life each moment. The greatest service anyone may give to Life is ACCEPTANCE of the fact that it is Pure, Holy, and Free: Constant expectation of that Holiness, Purity, and Freedom will expand, expand, and expand with each pulsation. 

My love enfolds you and my heart expands to join yours as one heartbeat.






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