Ascended Master Saint Germain

June 14, 1962

Your call is quite far-reaching, and I am very happy to respond! May I begin by thanking those of you who immediately turned your attention to your own "I AM" PRESENCE, and for those who did not, will you please do so at this time. Thank you! 

I am very happy to say that beginning with this month and the six months to follow, the Chohan of each of the Seven Rays will speak and give you specific instruction as to the use of each Ray under this New Vibration. It will not be surprising for you to know that the Violet Flame is invoked more than any of the others; so naturally I am the One chosen to begin the instruction. 

I want to caution each student concerning the use of the Violet Flame. If it is not used properly, especially when you are attempting to transmute something, it will often times cause it to expand. I want you to remember that before invoking any of the Seven Rays that your undivided attention must be upon what you are doing. If your attention wanders the slightest bit, then you have taken whatever your attention is upon into your own world and exposed it to whatever Ray or Quality you are attempting to invoke. 

I want you to first begin by centering ALL ATTENTION on your own "I AM" PRESENCE and then the Flame within your heart; visualize it expanding and encompassing your entire being. Hold it in your thoughts and visualize, visualize the brilliant white Light. Then from your heart begin filling this White Light with the Violet Flame. You must use your own discriminating intelligence as to when to stop invoking it.

Always begin from your heart and then expand it out. This is only for your own use and transmuting energy within your own aura. If you wish to transmute certain conditions which face the entire world, look to your own "I AM" PRESENCE and go through the same process as before described. Then call to the "I AM" Presence and Holy Christ Self of every individual concerned that this same activity occur within their being. Beloved ones, in this case it is imperative that you call to the Holy Christ of each individual for the discriminating intelligence to see that only the balancing activity occurs within each individual. Each time you do this, I want you also to call to the Presence that everyone be illumined with the Love, Wisdom, and Power within their own beings as the SOURCE of this assistance - their own God Presence within! 

Dear ones, there is nothing impossible! Remember this! If you want to accomplish something that will appear on the outer and you want it to be accomplished on a world wide scale, go directly to your own "I AM" Presence and ask that everyone be privileged to experience this same wonderful activity which you are experiencing. You are ONE with the Presence, and the Presence is ONE with everything: So anything you do in your own world is as easily done in the world and aura of all mankind! 

One more important thing: Always feel the Violet Flame as it pours through you, revivifying and energizing every cell, atom and particle of your being. In the near future you will be given specific conditions to handle with the Violet Flame. Therefore, please do not hesitate to practice the energy required to produce the results with the activity of the Violet Flame right within your own being and world. 

Remember dear ones, when you are in the knowledge of the Light under this New Vibration and activity, it is not necessary to come to me to BORROW energy for use for the purpose of freeing humanity - you will have to do it yourself! You see this is your training, to become completely reliant on your own life energy and be able to handle any condition under any circumstances. 

You have already experienced various things along these lines and I want you to know that if there are any shortcomings felt in your own world, it is your own fault for allowing your outer to shorten your application: Do not let the outer mislead you, for no matter what activity you are engaged in, it is a very simple task to turn your attention to your Presence and allow its love to pour through you! 

From this time forward, do not accept any shortcomings in your own world or that of another individual. Dear ones, you are INDEPENDENT! Move forward in that knowledge and keep your own vibratory action at a high rate. If you will confine every opinion and imperfect thought within your own aura, and when you see that imperfect thought or feeling coming forth, TRANSMUTE IT, there is absolutely no reason why there cannot be complete harmony within your own world, in your group, and within the student body. Anything other than this is a sinister activity and if you do not keep it under control, then you will have to suffer the consequences because you have the knowledge to literally do anything: 

So my beloved ones take advantage of the Violet Flame and most of all of your own life energy. This is Mastery, complete Self-Mastery, to be self sustained, supplying your every need directly from your own life energy. If it seems difficult now, how do you think it must have been even four or five centuries ago, because every Ascended Master has had to go through this same training at one time, to be completely self-sufficient and reliant upon their own God Presence to supply them with everything! 

Beloved ones, all you must expect from your own "I AM" PRESENCE is LOVE: This is the only activity required in the world today - DIVINE AND PURE LOVE! This is all which you may accept if you wish your Ascension! 

I am charging these words with love and understanding but at no time will I, or do I, expect you to sympathize with the human. I am speaking quite frankly so I might anchor that vibration within each of you, so that you will be frank with your own outer self. 

I love you beyond expression that is beyond expression under the present conditions. Each time you turn your attention to your Presence or to me; I take that energy, amplify it and return it to the Earth. Therefore, do not hesitate at any time to send your love to the Ascended Master's Octave. It is always received with deep gratitude and returned to bless humanity. 

My love ever enfolds you, and my Aura at this time, expands to also enfold you: God bless you forever!






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