Glorious Shamballa

As once again this glorious and ancient Focus of Love to the Earth becomes active and you went your way there in consciousness, you will experience an even greater expansion of Light and Love in your own world, for even this mighty Focus has expanded its Light since last you visited there. 

Under this glorious NEW VIBRATION which is taking dominion on the Earth, and which after all is not NEW, but is the oldest Vibration in existence since it was the Original Vibration, tremendous changes are taking place in every department of Life and even Glorious Shamballa's Light and Love have increased beyond any way of explaining. 

All the old methods and instruction must go to make way for the New Life, the New Method, and the New Tool that is to be used to set this blessed planet free and that is DIVINE LOVE! Therefore, dear students, let your consciousness be saturated with that great selfless LOVE that has poured from Shamballa for so many countless years. This year, BECOME that Lord of Love that you have thought about and talked about for so long. 

Every call that you make for yourself, EXPAND IT through the Power of Divine Love to go to every part of Life on this dear planet. 

Forget your mistakes, and forget the mistakes of mankind and see each part of Life Holy, Perfect and FREE and pour the conscious Flame of Love from your heart to whatever your attention is upon to assist in dissolving and transmuting everything less than God's Perfection, back into its pure and perfect form and activity - FREE - forever through God's Divine Love. 

As you send your Love and Gratitude to Shamballa and to Beloved Sanat Kumara, without whose Love the Earth would not be, and to the Beloved Lord Gautama, Lord Divino, the Maha Chohan and all who have assisted you over the past year, let your heart earnestly ask that YOU may make the balance in your world, by pouring out such Divine Love, Blessings and Illumination that every part of Life you contact is made aware instantly of their own Great "I AM" PRESENCE - their Source - and joins in helping this planet into Its Ascension as quickly as possible.