by Serapis Bey

The Luxor Retreat is known as the Temple of Golden Light - "Lux" meaning Light; and "or" for gold. The service which the Luxor Brotherhood renders is to draw the Golden Light through the lifestream of the advancing initiate, until the Light expansion from within overbalances the magnetic pull of Earth, and draws the remaining substance of the Earth into the Ascended Presence. 

As the Retreat at Luxor begins its service, we shall establish a direct tunnel of Living Flame into your world over which will flow our Consciousness, Radiation and Understanding of Light, its Presence within you, and its expanding Radiation which lifts all into the fullness of itself. 

We shall endeavor for the next several weeks to disassociate you from the personal self and reconnect your consciousness with the Divinity from which you have severed yourself. The discipline of the initiates will now be to identify themselves with the GOD LIFE in all that lives and to remove themselves from a separate, independent existence as being apart from the whole! 

The burial of the initiate in a stone sarcophagus was for this purpose; that the Spirit of the initiate might be freed into the world of the Real. When the form is acknowledged as but a cloak for Divinity, it assumes its Light and becomes important as a channel for Divinity.







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