This ancient Retreat, where man first set foot upon the planet Earth, is located in the Wyoming Rocky Mountains and represents the centrifugal or outgoing force upon the planet. The Brotherhood of this Retreat endeavor to find ways and means to help mankind express greater perfection of every kind and from this Retreat go forth those dedicated lifestreams who take on physical embodiment for the purpose of carrying out the plans and designs of the Brotherhood. 

A Cosmic Council is held here twice each year, where the Great Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, Angels, Devas, and the Host of Light and the dedicated unascended lifestreams gather, where plans are discussed and petitions prepared to be presented to the Karmic Board, who is always present at these meetings. 

The Karmic Board gives every opportunity to the Spiritual Hierarchy and those students who represent them, to quickly put into action the plans and designs formulated, but these Grants and Dispensations are dependent upon how many of mankind who are to be the beneficiaries will cooperate, and use their life energy to bring them into manifestation. 

Many who are "called" to render a great service are those who have attended these Council Meetings in their finer bodies while asleep, and bring back the inspiration or an idea that has been presented there and, then, endeavor to have the courage, faith, love and endurance necessary to bring this "seed" idea through as a blessing for the Earth and her people. 

For many centuries, only the Ascended Beings and very advanced lifestreams participated in these Councils until the Beloved El Morya secured a dispensation to bring this knowledge to mankind through the pages of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM. You, as conscious students, are greatly privileged to be able to work hand in hand with these Great Beings at the very time they are making these decisions. Therefore, do not forget to sincerely ask your own "I AM" Presence for IT'S IDEAS which would hasten mankind's Freedom and write your petition to the Karmic Board, and thus allow your ideas to be incorporated with those of the Ascended Host of Light. 

During the time when this Council again meets from June 15th through July 14th, be sure to direct your attention to it many times each day and before entering sleep at night, and offer your energies to the furthering of the plans presented there to expand Perfection and Freedom on the Earth.




THE MAHA CHOHAN SAYS: "Tell no man of your plans and desires but let them SEE the fulfillment while you abide in Peace. Do not stir the outer mind filled with discord, but let your beauty and inner experience be unassuming."







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