Dear Blessed Students and Group Leaders: 

The preceding Outline is given to you to be used in a group at a Special Service once a week, to draw the Light, Love, and Silence into your own dear selves and then EXPAND that harmonious radiation to your locality and the whole planet. This is your opportunity to work as the Masters work, acknowledging and seeing only PERFECTION for every part of Life, truly the Immaculate Concept: 

For those of you who serve alone, you can DAILY expand your own Light and render a tremendous service by giving this in your own home as part of your daily application. Thus, you become part of The Whole, weaving your life energy right where you are into the Love, Beauty, Peace, and Freedom which our dear Earth shall express. Each individual is an integral part of the Planet, and as each individual desires Freedom enough, IT WILL COME: 

Relax dear ones, and serve your God, the Ascended Host of Light and all Life on the Earth through the Flame of Love, Harmony, and Perfection within your own Heart: Joy, Happiness, and the Power of the Silence are the KEYNOTES of the New Vibration: Come, enter in, and be at Peace: 


Zora Fellows





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