by the Ascended Master El Morya

Beloved ones, it is my pleasure as always, to greet you, and for one purpose only - to free this planet Earth from discord, distress, limitation, and inharmony of every kind; and to replace it by the full expression of the Perfection which this Earth knew when first she came forth from the Heart of God. To this end I have devoted some time and a great deal of my energy in the activity of persuading reluctant individuals unascended, who desire within their hearts to serve the Light and walk upon the pathway of Light, into greater Freedom. These blessed ones vehicles for one reason or another have become bedded down with the human creation and accepted as part of their own personal karma. 

For this reason, these blessed souls, although they are so willing, sometimes their physical bodies, as well as inner ones, become a little weary of well doing and these bodies are cast off, the etheric garment bathed in the magnificent Violet Fire. Then we have received these individuals again, again, and again in the Halls of Karma where they were re-assigned to a new opportunity to serve and at the proper moment pass again through the gates of birth. However, that cycle has closed! 

We enter a Cycle now wherein the Seventh Root Race, and all of the magnificent Spirits belonging to its mighty Manu (known to you as SAITHRHU) shall quickly have expression upon this planet Earth, wherein every laggard that is yet embodied on this Earth, shall at the close of this embodiment never take embodiment  here again; wherein every individual lifestream, particularly those who are dedicated by mouth but not by heart, to the Cause of Light who cannot accelerate the vibratory action of their inner and physical vehicles - at the close of this embodiment, shall not again enter upon this Earth star! To this end we have arranged a separate little Star, shall we call it, where they can accelerate themselves and take as long as they desire. 

I believe in the acceleration of those willing to move FORWARD into great Light, to be prepared to be the Open Door for the Ascended Master Saint Germain's Golden Age on this Earth. For this reason have I stayed with a recalcitrant humanity, and for this reason do I come again, again, and again when opportunity affords itself to FIRE YOU with the enthusiasm in walking the Pathway of Light into your Spiritual and Eternal Freedom. As a true pilgrim on that Pathway, even as the Alpine climber has a group roped to him, so each one of you have roped to you by invisible ties and bonds of karma, those blessed ones who cannot of themselves respond to the Light, but shall through your strength and that rope of life, thank God for a like Victory. 

When you walk upward toward the pinnacle which is your own Ascension in the Light, if you could see the number of lifestreams, elementals, imprisoned Angels and mankind that were rising with your Light, sometimes you would sit down on a pathway or a crevasse to rest, slacken your rope and let them all fall back into the lowlands! 

I say to you that your opportunity is so tremendous because you do not carry just yourself into the Heart of God, but you carry with you myriads of other less illumined, less tenacious, less constant, spiritually evolved lifestreams into their Freedom. Sometimes I know the harness seems heavy and you wonder why!

Beloved ones, it is because you have lived so many, many ages and time after time you have met and loved; ah, yes, and hated too in lives before! You have had associations where you have had great opportunities to express yourself on every one of the Seven Rays in a constructive manner; sometimes you did and sometimes you did not! You wove those invisible links between yourself and other individuals and the very elementals that made up the substance of the place where you lived, loved and hated: Where you breathed Life: You have the karmic links between your wives, your children, your sweethearts and your associates in that Era. All that together becomes part of your OPPORTUNITY! 

Oh, it is a joyous thing although most people say, "Oh, Lord, to get there alone would be enough. Just cut the rope:" I have heard that more than once: But in that assistance is your Cosmic Victory and your Cosmic Strength which will build that will truly be a part of the Earth as she becomes Freedom's Star and enters into the orbit of Venus, and then as Helios and Vesta proceed upward too, Alpha and Omega finally absorbing all! 

Think on it we are not engaged in a personal activity of self discipline alone. We are engaged in a planetary change, a change that will affect every atom of all so-called matter, even that which seems to be a solid object. That quickening rate of vibratory action in those electrons is constantly going on through and around every individual on the Earth. 

That acceleration of the vibratory action of the entire Earth - the Elemental Kingdom, the imprisoned Angels, and the human kind - does two things: it throws off the effluvia of human creation as the electrons move rapidly around their central core which forms the atom, and that effluvia is what mankind see and read about in the outside world through the various media of your newspapers and telecasts. It is also a residue which is absorbed by individuals who are negative, who know nothing of this Light and are always looking for something terrible to happen; who have opened their sense consciousness to the entrance of anything that can make them feel worse! 

That effluvia is substance; it is thrown off consciously by intelligent life in a spiral motion moving upward. Unless it is transmuted by the students of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, it anchors itself into other human beings, into your elemental substance, particularly your water element, your air and your earth element. You have the opportunity of calling that this effluvia be removed and transmuted by the Violet Transmuting Flame quickly so that no human being or any part of imprisoned life may be touched by it. 

What are the heat waves that you have had? They are great vortices of effluvia that have been emitted by the electrons that are in compliance with God's Law, throwing off the accumulation of the ages and there are not enough conscious students to act as a living scepter in the various parts of the country to blaze that Violet Fire through them. 

AWAKE! Today is the day of opportunity: Not when one gets ready: Beloved ones, persuasion comes easily to Saint Germain; persuasion comes easily from the heart of Kuthumi; but to me, persuasion is the power of enthusiasm that charges into the feelings and gives the lifestream new interest SUSTAINED to continue on until all extremities, heat and cold, storm and strife, are removed; until this planet is a fit habitation for the Root Race to be. THAT is my type of persuasion!





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